In august of 2006,I was involved in a car accident.
I only sustained a seatbelt burn across my stomach.
The other driver had an head injury and was in the
hospital for a few days.
I was driving a 2003 toyota matrix with only 13,000
miles on it.The other driver was driving a ford explorer.
I was starting to enter an intersection when the teen driver
ran the red light and we collided.
My car was knocked across the intersection and into the
oncoming traffic lane.I was lucky that it was 6:00a.m. on
a sunday morning.The entire front end of my car was almost
sheared off.My car was a total loss.
The teen driver's ford explorer had flipped over and slid
across the street.If I had been driving any faster,I would
probably not be here now.
My reason for posting this is because anything can happen
so fast.Too many people allow themselves to get enraged
while driving,or be in a hurry,or running late,not used to
others being on the road at that time.Then accidents can
This video was brought to my attention this morning and I
thought I would share it with you.I hope someone will learn
something from the video.
WARNING:video does contain some graphic scenes...