reply to post by gotrox
Based on the article linked above, I would like to drop my two professional cents into the pot on this one. I’m a Federal Law Enforcement Agent, a
supervisor, actually. Given the relative short list of facts that we know about this incident, I will give my professional speculation.
First, we have verified scenario in which residents in the area have requested increased patrols in response to prowlers in the area. Now, some here
have argued against using unmarked patrol vehicles for this. My response to that is, there is just no pleasing some people that want to see cops
fail. The same people that are upset about this situation and argue against using an unmarked have decried the effectiveness of law enforcement in
other threads stating that they are not proactive and only respond after the crime.
In this situation, would you, as a resident of the area prefer to have a marked patrol come through and hope by sheer luck to spot the crime in
progress or actually see someone take some alternative steps to observe the scene and catch the offender in the act? What do you think has the higher
likelihood of success? These residents should be happy that the local law enforcement is taking the time to invest this manpower and time solely to
this one complaint. And a brief aside to the couple of posters that have claimed this; how is the illegally entrapping the criminal?
Moving along… The Pastor. As stated in the linked article, he has a known history of confronting people at gunpoint. I think most common sense
people would stop right here and realize who ultimately caused this tragic encounter. For those that don’t see it, I’ll explain. As many people
here have chimed in and shared, they think that it is a great idea to go around armed and confronting people with their weapon out and ready to rock.
That is our Constitutionally protected freedom, right? Not so much. While I have absolutely no problem with people being armed and carrying, you
have to realize the responsibility to do it properly. Given this Pastor’s track alleged track record, I can take a pretty well-educated guess as to
how the encounter went down. Armed Pastor approached the unmarked patrol car which was parked in the parking lot of his business, not his residential
driveway, by the way, with gun drawn attempting to hold the perceived criminal at gunpoint. Go back and read the link. He has a history of this.
This is where he failed. He broke the law and failed to be a responsible armed citizen. You want to talk about holding cops to a higher standard?
Apply it to people that want to take the responsibility to arm themselves and then create an armed encounter. I’ll explain.
As a law enforcement agent, I have very strict rules that I have to adhere to when using force. The ultimate level of force that I can partake in is
deadly force. Drawing my weapon in a use of force situation is the last step before pulling the trigger. That is what 99% of people simply fail to
realize; when you draw your weapon, you have just elevated the situation to the ultimate level and seriously limited your options. Most cops realize
this and that is why we don’t just come out with guns drawn; you basically have given yourself no room to move on the use of force continuum. That
is what the Pastor did; he limited his options and the cop’s. As a cop, if you are confronted with an armed subject with a gun drawn on you, you
will shoot. Period. You may or may not give a command to drop the weapon, but I wouldn’t. Statistically speaking, those would probably be the
last words I would ever speak. You simply don’t have the luxury of time in that situation to give more chances to de-escalate. Split second stuff.
Here, the gun is already out and, I’M ASSUMING, pointed in the general direction of the officer.
This is tragic, but, it is the responsibility of the party that raised the stakes to deadly force. Now, is this how it went down that night? I
don’t know; I wasn’t there. I’m simply basing this scenario off of the limited facts that have been presented. If you are a cop sitting in a
car and you are approached by man with a gun drawn on you, you have no choice but to react with deadly force. You may not agree and think there is
more the deputy could have done to de-escalate, but I’m telling you, there is no alternative in that situation. That is the real tragedy of the
story, that people think a drawn gun is something used to intimidate. That is a dangerous misconception. It is a tool that is used for one purpose;
to take a life. In the holster, it can be considered a deterrent, but once it comes out, the game changes. Our firearms instructors drill into our
heads; don't point a gun at something you are not willing to kill. This is how we and every reasonable person should perceive a weapon pointed in
your direction; that the person on the other end is willing to take your life. Gun owners need to realize the potential for violence that is
wordlessly communicated by a gun.
edit on 9/21/2010 by JWH44 because: Needed to improve my closing statement.