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Jesus did the same as everyone else on the list I guess.
Then I'm just gonna point-whore and ask you why you point-whored by making a post about point-whoring. ??
Originally posted by 547000
Originally posted by Tykonos
He claimed to have been taken to hell and heard thousands of wailing voices which he described as awful and terrible. A white cloud advanced on him then (Ithink god or his guardian angel) protected him and took him to see heaven where he felt utter bliss.
How can anyone feel utter bliss after seeing and hearing thousands of tormented souls just a few seconds before? I'd be still in trauma and wouldn't be able to find bliss in heaven knowing people are tormented for an eternity in such a horrible place. Do you suddenly forget about hell?
[edit on 27-8-2010 by Tykonos]
The bliss you feel is pure and utter bliss. Just being around the presence of God makes you blissful. It's not like here on earth where bliss is transient. The light of God is absolute bliss. At least that's what I think based on my experiences.
Originally posted by MrXYZ
reply to post by Nephi1337
You do realize that all of them lived during times where we didn't have all the scientific knowledge we have today, right?
Originally posted by Reign02
reply to post by Nephi1337
No this will not be a "heated thread" And by the way you were the one that started the "heated thread" just because I resorted to cursing after you insulted my intelligence. But anyway that is the past and it's whatever.
And I felt the need to comment on this post because that is the obvious answer. If one is a true atheist then he/she has no real beliefs. You go your whole life telling people you believe in nothing basically and then on your deathbed you have a change of heart? Doesn't make any sense, you know?
And my tactics are to tell the truth and not to spread lies, the internet is already pretty good and getting those around.
Originally posted by css1981
This is a verry christian propaganda video I must say.....
So acording to the video every atheist is going to hell. Why ? Hell does not excist, so we can't go there if we die....
It's also meaningles to pray to the good old lord, because just like hell, also heaven does not excist.
Well, atleast from an atheist point of view... Afcourse I have respect for every religion there is, saying that as a atheist, why does a christian have such a hard time to respect a atheist ? Isn't respect and love the neighbours something they alway's learn ?
Originally posted by tallcool1
Originally posted by css1981
This is a verry christian propaganda video I must say.....
So acording to the video every atheist is going to hell. Why ? Hell does not excist, so we can't go there if we die....
It's also meaningles to pray to the good old lord, because just like hell, also heaven does not excist.
Well, atleast from an atheist point of view... Afcourse I have respect for every religion there is, saying that as a atheist, why does a christian have such a hard time to respect a atheist ? Isn't respect and love the neighbours something they alway's learn ?
CSS - I am a Christian and I agree with your post. Well, except for the no God and no heaven thing. To anyone with just a little bit of understanding, there is no eternal flaming hell anywhere in the Bible. The words that have been mistranslated into hell are more accurately translated into "grave". Jesus did not go to hell for 3 days, He went to the grave for 3 days. When you see the word "hell" in the Bible, substitute the word "grave" instead and you will have a far more accurate translation on your hands.
Now, where do athiests end up after death? I am neither God nor Christ, so I can't answer that and if I make any judgement whatsoever, I am guilty of the very thing I judge another to be guilty of. Basic Christian principals and beliefs.
You sir are correct - us Christians are commanded to love and respect you regardless of whether your beliefs agree with ours or not. On behalf of my Christian brothers and sisters who have cast judgement upon you or who have been otherwise "un-Christian" in their dealings with you, I offer my sincere and humble apologies.
Originally posted by randomname
reply to post by Mike_A
because there have been true martyrs who have fearlessly died for God and their Faith. being scared just before dying is one punishment that athiest have to look forward to, where as true believers and people who are in the grace of God feel bliss and tranquility right before they die.
Originally posted by Xcalibur254
reply to post by tallcool1
In fact the belief in a metaphysical soul is a creation of the Middle Ages. The early Christians believed that body and soul are one, which is why so many are buried on the western slopes of Mt. Olive facing the Eastern Gate of the Old City in Jerusalem, as this is where it is believed the Final Judgment will take place. The belief is that when this day comes the dead will literally rise, and by being buried there they will be the first to join the forces of God.
Originally posted by Nephi1337
heh intresting i did not know that ,i notice that other religions the religons focous on the east as well why is this ? muslim ,jewish,mormon (spelling i know )
but why is the east important ?
Originally posted by captainbitter
reply to post by Nephi1337
Matthew 27:46 And about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? that is to say, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?
Jesus did the same as everyone else on the list I guess.
Originally posted by works4dhs
Originally posted by captainbitter
reply to post by Nephi1337
THESE are His actual last words; 'It is finished'. most studies I've seen suggest there was a moment of 'abandonment' (the time when Jesus took o ur sins, and God the Father turned away as He cannot abide sin) which passed.
or there was the elderly Christian brother down in Maryland who said as he passed 'This old time religion was good to live by; it's even better to die by'.
You can say those may have been his last words, but to state they were dictates you know for sure, without a doubt.
We all know how witnesses of the same event will only minutes later recall a different senario, or how things can get misrepresented through translation, or edited to enhance some politial agenda.
My BIG BEEF with al this religious docterine is no-one know wether it's authentic. They can only sway their faith into believing that it is the true word because that is what they have been told.
If there is a god, it isn't stupid and certainly wouldn't accept blind faith as truth. Nor would he/she/it be proud of us for doing the same.