posted on Aug, 26 2010 @ 11:05 PM
I encourage you to read this entire statement, It's effectively a post but it demonstrates one thing. Pay attention.
In years past, in my infant days and more so my parents teenage life, police were still brutal and invasive, this is the nature and need of the job.
Those who think cops should be civil and kind are kidding there selves in thinking somebody of that nature would want the job! Of course, there are
exceptions to the rule and i'm sure on the whole there are plenty of exceptions to the rule.
That being said, I don't want to discuss the morality of individual officers in this thread. What i'm going to tell you is that the general mind
set, training, and "attitude grooming" has changed ten fold with our police force in the last 15 years.
You can with absolute certainty guess that you ARE proven guilty before innocent. If you have been arrested for anything and even had the charges
dropped, if you are arrested again, you bond will JUMP! You are judged solely by what you have been arrested for and NOT what you have been convicted
Police now engage high speed pursuits with minor traffic violators even when they know exactly who is driving, where they live, who they work for and
every other detail about there life. Why is it necessary to endanger public safety and life and limb to arrest ANYONE right away because they ran? You
know who and what they are, there will be another time....... Absolute and total control is the only reason any reasonable government would choose
this option, it is barbaric and reckless in most civilized societies.
You are now forced to produce what your told when your told without probable cause. A cop could show up outside your door for a "noise" complaint
and force you to cough up and ID for no reason other than he has come into contact with you. Under the Constitution of the United States of America,
any officer of the law must have just and probable cause to enact a search of your person or personal goods. Any random complaint or impromptu
interaction between a civilian and an officer of the law DOES NOT justify them to demand you produce identification. These are Nazi tactics, and ones
that we have apparently chosen on the whole to ignore.
Excessive force is now the norm. If we don't see a 90 pound women tazed while being surrounded by 5 200 pound men, we wonder...... Why didn't they
taze her?
It's been so subtle and so played down by the MSM that none of us can see that brutality is the rule of the day when it comes to the boot heel of the
government's first line of defense and influence. Remember, this is the one we see and know every day, your used to it I know.
Soon enough, you will be used to everything above it. Buy more Lay's chips and rent another Netflix movie, you'll barely notice.