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Canada's airforce at it's best?

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posted on Jun, 21 2004 @ 02:58 AM
It seems while a Canadian Forces CF-18 jet as it was landing at Yellowknife Airport it accidently dropped a AIM-7 Sparrow missile on the driving range of the Yellowknife golf course. . .Then 2 days later a second CF-18 pilot had to eject from the aircraft during a landing because the CF-18's landing gear collapsed, and the aircraft ran off the runway. . . I'm glad no one really hates Canada. . . and the threat of Russia invaiding is nill, because the first line of defense seems pretty weak.

posted on Jun, 21 2004 @ 03:16 AM
this is the result of noone caring about their military and supporting horrible economic policies for so long, rather unfortunate because canada has so much potential.

[edit on 21-6-2004 by namehere]

posted on Jun, 21 2004 @ 03:32 AM
Canada has no military, and also Canada has no air force. Canada needs no millitary and Canada needs no airforce, especially when the US are fighting all of Canada's battles
I can't believe this is just beginning to get picked up on now by other Ats members. Also the Liberals think of battleships and fighter planes as a waste of Canadian tax dollars. Yes Canadians are cheap, it's good to be Canadian. When people think of Canada's millitary the first thing that comes to mind is Vimmy Ridge. That was the only time that Canada took part in any type of millitary operations.

posted on Jun, 21 2004 @ 11:34 AM

Originally posted by websurfer
I can't believe this is just beginning to get picked up on now by other Ats members.

Hey, I always thought the canadian army was a joke lol... (bear in mind I'm canadian)

No need for an army? I'm not sure about that. We won't always be able to depend on the US for protection. Potential ? We don't have the budget to have a good potential. Not yet at least.

posted on Jun, 21 2004 @ 11:43 AM

Originally posted by websurfer
Canada has no military, and also Canada has no air force. Canada needs no millitary and Canada needs no airforce, especially when the US are fighting all of Canada's battles
I can't believe this is just beginning to get picked up on now by other Ats members. Also the Liberals think of battleships and fighter planes as a waste of Canadian tax dollars. Yes Canadians are cheap, it's good to be Canadian. When people think of Canada's millitary the first thing that comes to mind is Vimmy Ridge. That was the only time that Canada took part in any type of millitary operations.

Canada does have a millitary. Our troops are among the best trained in the world. The fact that they are under-funded is a crime to the people that are enlisted. I think you forgot a little thing called WW2. Canadian presence on battlefields such as Dieppe, Dunkirk, Juno Beach, Arnhiem. And if Canada hasn't done anything since WW1, why do I drive past the exit to the Canadian Korean War Memorial on the way to Toronto?

posted on Jun, 21 2004 @ 12:06 PM
The Canadians even had their own beach to storm on D-Day!

posted on Jun, 21 2004 @ 12:22 PM

Originally posted by Humpy
The Canadians even had their own beach to storm on D-Day!

*nods* Canada also managed to fight their way further inland then anyone else.

posted on Jun, 21 2004 @ 01:34 PM
All above are very good points however may I direct your attention to the centre stage please Sniper.

This is big news if you are into shooting as I am.
Our military strenght is in our history now I'm afraid. In the recent past we made some huge strides, the Avro Arrow for one, which was discontinued for a number of reasons not the least of which was pressure from the US as it would have given us a huge advantage in the long range bomber class.

The saddest part is that the West Edmonton Mall has more submarines than our Navy and we have the longest coastline in the world.

Let's face it without the US we would be FUBAR.

posted on Jun, 21 2004 @ 01:50 PM
I think the Canadian beach was Daytona.

posted on Jun, 21 2004 @ 01:55 PM

Originally posted by crmanager
I think the Canadian beach was Daytona.

Nope, Juno Beach.

posted on Jun, 21 2004 @ 06:43 PM
You do realize a canadian jet was shot down by a .22. An American living near the border complained that the Canadians were flying to low. The US said don't be silly, flying over our soil? Canucks said they weren't. So he waited one morning, .22 rifle in hand, and shot one down. The Canucks wanted him to be extradited to Canada and held on trial for destroying a jet and putting the life of the pilot(who lived) in danger. But the fact he shot it down with a .22, over American soil, proved they were doing what he had said they were. Canada in the 1940's had an army, an imprssive one. Today they have nothing but guys in green camo in the middle of a desert.

posted on Jun, 21 2004 @ 07:26 PM
Hm - do you see a giant war that Canada has to be involved in?

Are the germans attacking again? Is there a major threat that can be fought by the armed forces? Terrorism isn't - just because we're smart enough to see through that and realise that we aren't needed in Iraq.

War of 1812? Oh, we burned down the white house!

Boer War? 600,000 of us went, some 40% of the country - less than 10 died.

WWI? Yeah, the US rocked, I mean, sure, it walked in in the last year and a half when the rest of the world was already bogged down, and it claims it was superior because it waited until the enemy had wasted themselves out! Canadians were the shocktroops, we went where the attacks were focused, we took Vimy Ridge and we're bloody proud of it.

WWII? Same freaking thing - the US sits on its hands until it is in direct jeopardy, we help our friends and end up doing the best on D-Day.

I'm not very knowledgeable about the Canadian involvement in Korea - oh well.

Then, we decided to be the primary peacekeeping force worldwide, and have been doing so since the 1950's.

In between each war where Canada performed phenomenally, we've been a stable and non-warrish voice of reason, economically strong and proud of ourselves. We produce #loads of everything, and when the next major war begins, we'll switch all of our nail factories, car factories, plane factories, ship factories, and scientific facilities to the war effort, and we'll jump up recruitment measures and our men will go off to war. We'll do bloody well again, but until that day, we'll leave our military in small shape.

Don't the rest of you dare underestimate the military power of a country during non-war times. Just because America can't hear properly over the gunshots of their children, I mean, christ, you search around the world for people to hate and make war with, and when you finally couldn't find people to fight anymore, you shouted "# it, two teams!" and fought yourself. Christ's sake people, let's go poke fun at the inability of the countries that don't pick fights with everyone to pick fights with everyone. Good job, you're big.

posted on Jun, 21 2004 @ 08:09 PM
Ouch, I wouldn't have put it as harsh as V, he/she is right. We are a nation of quiet fighters. Able, have to be, only approx. 33 million people in this HUGE country. As stated we've been invaded twice, guess who? The first time we repulsed the States because of the British forces. The 2nd though, War of 1812, that was Canadians, the Brits were busy with Napoleon. We weren't supposed to be able to handle that. We more than held our own. Ie: the White House. That spirit isn't lost on the people today. WW1, we sent 1/3 of our population to Europe. WW2, there again. Korea, there. I know Canadians that fought in Viet Nam, and that wasn't our war. Discount our military because of the lack of funding, don't discount the people, we are fighters, when we need to be.

posted on Jun, 21 2004 @ 08:30 PM
Actually... the White House was burned in 1814 (as retribution for the invasion of Canada in 1812, and although part of the troops who stormed Washington were Canadians, a good part were also British regiments taken from Spain and Portugal where they were no longer needed in the war against Napoleon (who had abdicated and taken the road to Elba in March of that year).

But we Canadians should be damn proud alright. We have a military history with both valor and glory.

[edit on 21-6-2004 by Otts]

posted on Jun, 21 2004 @ 09:29 PM
lol, I've heard that if you give us Canadians a couple of flats worth of 24's we'll be happily on our way - thing about that is, we drink our beer. Not your crappy 'Budweiser', our blessed Blue and Canadian. You give me 'Old Milwaukee', and the last word of that song changes from 'beer' to 'queer'.

Let's hear it for Multiculturalism! For Free Health Care! For Logical Love Of Life! For Canada!

Thank you intrepid:

Yeah, I'll stop my fanboyism now. We've got our downsides, but like any patriotic citizen, I'll do my best to fix those and keep them in the background, while we are falling back on and promoting our strengths.

posted on Jun, 21 2004 @ 09:40 PM
In the past Canada had a ok army. Today, they fight in deserts wearing green camo. In 1812 where the ball and musket where great technological advancements they were able to beat a baby country, USA. Today the baby country has grown into a superpower and Canada is the USA's little brother. Canada in the past may have been able to beat America, but now, Canada would invade Las Vegas wearing green camo while invading Seattle wearing orange hunting vests. Sorry, in the PAST Canada may have been a threat. But any airforce that loses to a redneck guy with a .22 rifle is not something to fear.


posted on Jun, 21 2004 @ 09:55 PM
I dunno guys, I'm Canadian and I would much rather have a nice medical care system then an airforce that we never use. I think what we have now is just fine, so what that you hear of two mistakes. With the size of the the USA's armed forces they probably have many more mistakes like this that just do not get out to the public.

And not to be offensive or anything but i'd rather have a faulty plane then a soldier taping herself having sex with her prisioners. Sorry, low blow, but for real.

posted on Jun, 21 2004 @ 10:20 PM
canadian forces werent involved in the 1814 burning, canada didnt move south, they just repelled our forces and it was a stand still around the great lakes, only the brits were involved.

noone won the war of 1812, it was a stand still, america dominated many of the water battles but noone was superior on land.

ww2 really? hmm 1941 we were there that was way before the serious carnage began, not our fault germany took over all of europe in 2 months, we built the majority of the allies weapons in our own factories and we kept the uk from starving because of nazi u-boats couldnt keep up with the thousands of cargo ships that poured from our factories, we helped more than people want to believe.

ps you call a gdp of 950 billion, unemployment rate of 8%, revenue of 170 billion and a military budget of 9 billion a strong economy?

posted on Jun, 21 2004 @ 10:30 PM

Originally posted by d1k
I dunno guys, I'm Canadian and I would much rather have a nice medical care system then an airforce that we never use.

our health care system isnt the same because its more business oriented and our economy is a "do it yourself" economy, giving it away for free to everyone is not a good idea for our system.

posted on Jun, 21 2004 @ 11:43 PM

Originally posted by namehere
our health care system isnt the same because its more business oriented and our economy is a "do it yourself" economy, giving it away for free to everyone is not a good idea for our system.

It's hardly free, tons of tax dollars go into funding the health system. Even more starting July 1st, as well. They're not just pulling those billions of dollars from their behinds.

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