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posted on Aug, 26 2010 @ 07:45 PM


Fluoride poisoning causes brain damage by attacking our pineal glands. Yogis refer to the pineal gland as the third eye, or the link between mind and body. It is said that meditation stems here and it is the key that unlocks our brain’s potential.
(visit the link for the full news article)

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posted on Aug, 26 2010 @ 07:45 PM
A major key in unlocking what yogi call the central system that links mind to body. The symbol of the chakra, the third eye, the Pineal gland is the key to evolution I am sure of it. The government flushes our drinking water with fluoride and kills what just could be the soul. They tell us to brush our teeth and when they rot, they urge us to use fluoride mouthwash to restore teeth. It shenanigans, fluoride actually causes more damage to your teeth. In fact, fluoride is not suitable for human consumption and is considered a toxin. Fluoride is an enzyme inhibitor, thus not one solitary cell in your body can escape its poisonous clutches.

Many believe, just as I once did, that boiling water eliminated the toxicity. Well it doesn’t, it causes the fluoride to be at higher concentrations. Side effects from fluoride include damage to the immune and endocrine systems. It also can be linked to cancer and permanent genetic harm. Use osmosis machines to rid fluoride contaminants found in your water. Fluoridation can also trace back to Alzheimer’s and worst of all fluoride causes brain damage. Yes, I said it, BRAIN DAMAGE. Sodium chloride is used in rat poison and pesticides and we all know the harm these substances cause on the body. Toothpaste alone doesn’t do the trick, so the government flushes it into our water supply. It is raw industrial pollution and we ingest it in large volumes. Think your Evian is safe; think again by attacking the pineal gland, fluoride leads to calcification of the pineal gland.

If you are a parent, as I, you worry constantly if the items your child are ingesting are safe. We have nursery water purposefully contaminated with fluoride. The fluoride actually does the most damage in infants because they are more prone to the effects and their newly formed brains cannot combat the pollutants. In addition, fluoride can be linked to early maturation in female gerbils and hastens the aging process.

So what can you do? First off, throw away your fluoride toothpaste and make your own using baking soda and peroxide. Then if you own a home, you can have an osmosis filtration system placed in your water supply. If you rent, you can go to most health food stores, insert some coins in an osmosis machine. You can also take a vitamin D supplement to combat negative effects that have accumulated.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Aug, 26 2010 @ 09:02 PM
Couldn't agree with you more. Although this topic has been covered before, I feel like its one of the more important conspiracies that's not really a conspiracy and people can actually do something about. I mean how dumb do you have to be to believe that out of all health problems people face, the government is only worried about our teeth? why not our eyes or skin or heart or I can go but you get the point. Maybe they just hate dentists and want to put them out of business.

Anyways, star and flag for you and thanks for bringing some light to this issue.

edit to add; I believe that your pineal gland is the gateway to your soul that guides you to the right direction. Some look at this as a form of intuition. By inhibiting it, people become easier to control and manipulate. If everyone had better mental clarity, then they would focus more on important things and also realize that they are living as modern day slaves.

[edit on 26-8-2010 by endlessknowledge]

posted on Aug, 26 2010 @ 10:34 PM
Thanks this is my first post as I am new to this site. But thought this would be a good place to start. I mean you pick and choose your battles but common sense slaps you in the face. You do not have to be a genius to realize the truth. It saddens me to say, many tell me "what a stupid thing, that couldn't happen." Really cause you can read about it, just look it up, I reply. I couldn't agree with you more, people fund their own bondage, they walk directly in line. Some things are so easily eradicated and could greatly improve you quality and purpose in life.

posted on Aug, 26 2010 @ 10:40 PM
reply to post by Socio

words are encoded.

i think due to neuro-linguist programming we are conditioned like pavlov's dog (with words instead of bells) to subconsciously acknowledge and recognize such encryptions which subversely manipulate our conscious mind and our critical thinking.

maybe it is something in the water which makes our foundation hide from us, so we do not become consciously aware that there are more laws to learn than anyone can live long enough to learn, unless they usurp the neuro linguistic programming.

something in the water that makes the foundation upon which we tread something we ignore?

floor hide.

maybe there is something in that water that effects our "third eye".


posted on Aug, 26 2010 @ 10:49 PM
You think thats bad, there is a great deal that needs to research as far as dental work, or problems of the teeth.

Fluoride is horrible, but there is also something else.

Please watch.
Smoking Teeth = Poison Gas

This seems like a horrible, horrible mix.


posted on Aug, 26 2010 @ 10:55 PM
Normally I would say "heh, new poster old news"
But, I am glad you bring this topic once again to light,
it is good to bring this out again, so many seem to forget things like this.

Part of me wonders if fluoride is in alcohol that most consume on a daily basis
that has been in the back of my mind for some time.

On a similar subtopic,
many antidepressants are also of a fluoride base
Prozac is a good place to start.

You can really tell people apart that drink city water. to those that drink well water. I have done some interesting personal psych evaluations of people just to examine their personal responses to things.
when you have an understanding to how antidepressants affect the mind,
you can appreciate clear thinking..

thanks for bringing this up

posted on Aug, 27 2010 @ 11:34 AM
You bring up many valid points. I work with children who are doped out on antidepressants. I am not yet in an academic position to do anything about it. If I protest, I lose my job. So I watch everyday as kids are pumped full of meds that will retard their minds. Their aggression and depression levels rise and most of them will end up incarcerated or dead. I believe these drugs are attributing to most if not all of these behaviors.

SSRI s and Mao inhibitors are designed to reuptake serotonin levels, yet they cause damage to these areas of the brain and permanently alter it. So younger and younger children are targeted, most of them in poverty status.

posted on Aug, 27 2010 @ 11:44 AM
The entire system is out of control.

This happens when profit and loss dictate decisions made. There is absolutely no concern for the well being of the end users.

Thanks for bringing this up. The problem is that fluoride is in a lot of products.

posted on Aug, 27 2010 @ 06:27 PM
Yes, it is but you can easily purge yourself from some of the overload and harmful effects of fluoride. You cannot combat on all fronts, but you can aid the n the self-detoxification of governmental mind, body, and spirit control.

I went to the dentist today, where a 22-year-old hygienist and I had a conversation. He was a young Latino male, probably fresh out of school. I brought up the effects of fluoride on the pineal gland. Much to my surprise, he said, “No way.” I wasn’t surprised by his words, more of the deer caught in the headlight look on his face. He didn’t have a look of, lady you are crazy, yet a terrified gaze in his eye. I told him to look it up for himself.

More and more people are becoming aware of the travesties that bind them. Conspiracies are becoming public fact, it just depends what you do with that information. People feel helpless because they place themselves in the victim role, another function that has been set up to fail you.

posted on Aug, 27 2010 @ 06:39 PM
Thier was also new news here pat few weeks, apparently, fluoride comes for china : X

posted on Aug, 27 2010 @ 06:45 PM
99.99% of the members here are WAY more intelligent then their doctors and dentists.

The schools which these "professional" obtain their great "education" is a bunch of brainwashing nonsense with SINISTER and GREEDY outside INFLUENCES.

Most doctors think they are completely knowledgeable WITHOUT ERROR in their field, but they honestly DO NOT HAVE A CLUE.

Maybe thats why they are PAID so well. Keeps them occupied with the good life instead of wondering about the real truth to the POISONS they recommend and prescribe to us daily.

Give it a decade or two, and it will be common knowledge that the dentists and doctors of today actually didnt have a CLUE!!!

posted on Aug, 27 2010 @ 07:23 PM

Originally posted by Socio

The government flushes our drinking water with fluoride and kills what just could be the soul.

Many believe, just as I once did, that boiling water eliminated the toxicity. Well it doesn’t, it causes the fluoride to be at higher concentrations.

That is pretty nutty to think that something physical can "kill" a soul. Would a bullet through the pineal gland kill the soul? Not really, just the person.

Boiling water won't help or hurt. Fluoride can't just appear in water if it isn't already there.

But I agree with everything else. Few really know or care about fluoride and it causes a wide number of problems.

posted on Aug, 28 2010 @ 04:57 PM
No, but a bullet through your brain can kill your soul. Fluoride isn't naturally in water but water fluoridation. In the 70’s, analysis Stata Norton was the pioneer of a new field, Behavioral Toxicology. This new field studied how chemicals affected behavior. In 1989, the Mullenix group was getting their first results from the fluoride group and the effects.

They found rats that were drinking tap water started giving birth to hyperactive babies. After birth, when the rats were given fluoride they began exhibiting cognitive deficits and exhibited retarded behavior. We wonder where ADHD and behavioral deficits stem from.

There is no proof Fluoride protects enamel and prevents decay, yet we pump our water supplies full of it. Some scientist state that fluoride actually weakens enamel and causes more cavities. When acids from food mix with fluoride, it causes a chemical reaction. That’s what I want happening in my mouth.

People working in these Fluoridation plants said the chemical smoke that rose from the buildings was thick and black, and had a pungent odor.

Back to the issue of the pineal gland, it controls you melatonin and serotonin levels, which controls you sleep and wake cycles. The pineal gland also communicates to the pituitary gland that secretes hormones and aids in unconscious thought. That is the biological functioning. According to some spiritual thinkers, the pineal gland is the link between mind and body. It is our state before unconsciousness and some believe is our soul.

I personally believe the chemical reactions that take place due to governmental mind control, alter our brains. Whether the pineal gland is the soul or not the masses are not evolving spiritually. In fact, they are depleted spiritually, look around and tell me the level of satisfaction people have in their lives. Most will answer that they are unhappy. Why, because their souls are inhibited. Call me a quack, as I have been called before, but I truly believe the pineal gland is not something to be trifled with. The government is vastly polluting our medicines, drinking water, and more than I can fathom, with fluoride

posted on Aug, 28 2010 @ 05:05 PM
A very important topic indeed, I'm glad it is getting some attention
I recently made a thread on this topic: Our Toxic World, Our Brave New World - What's in Our Water?.

A nice summary of the fluoride situation:

Part 1 of 3

posted on Aug, 28 2010 @ 05:30 PM

Originally posted by Lil Drummerboy
Part of me wonders if fluoride is in alcohol that most consume on a daily basis
that has been in the back of my mind for some time.

Yes it is....

For example the filters at many of the breweries, canned food, food processors, reconstituted juice processing plants, soft drinks etc... do not filter out the fluoride (a special filter required) from the municipal water supplies which they use to make their product. I already checked one brewery in Halifax Nova Scotia of a beer I liked and they said they don't filter out the fluoride. So those who consume food and beverages processed in an area that fluoridates their water are getting extra fluoride. It's amazing what lengths one must go through today to minimize the intake of poisons.

posted on Aug, 28 2010 @ 05:57 PM
reply to post by Baloney

I find it hard to believe all doctors have no clue. Most of them get kick backs from the drug companies. Ever go to a doc for lets say migraines and they try to put you on an antidepressant. Ever go to a specialist for one thing and they tell you to take a med that makes no sense for your symptoms. If you question them, they have no logical explanation.

The reason is pharmaceutical companies are compensating them. It's as if they work on commission as a car dealer of sorts. However, I agree they are paid well enough to not examine the chemicals they are dosing out. I am not sure if they just do not care or they are oblivious.

posted on Aug, 28 2010 @ 06:04 PM
reply to post by LiveForever8

Thank you for your contributory substance. I have such a strong feeling on the importance of this topic. That is why I chose to make it my first thread. People do not even realize the atrocities that conquer them.

posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 01:36 AM
reply to post by Socio

Flouride is the big F

reduces memory...people become forgetful and vague....

I think they call it 'dumbing down'...

posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 01:44 AM

Originally posted by Lil Drummerboy
Part of me wonders if fluoride is in alcohol that most consume on a daily basis
that has been in the back of my mind for some time

Alcohol dehydrates the body... the body craves it, why? because the body tries to expel the fluoride. Coffee and tea all dehydrate the body...then you drink water to rehydrate...and so the cycle continues. Silicofluorides... nasty stuff.

you can appreciate clear thinking..

It impairs judgement and can alter perception.

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