posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 05:32 PM
"Now children, first we will look at the ability to cast. "The cast effect," how is it really performed? It is a unique way of composing both
pictorial messages combined with lettering and symbols. The process requires not one single mind, but many minds to help in bringing out the messages
and placing everything uniformly in a pattern that goes within the 360 circumference. That meaning, no matter how you turn your head to look at a cast
in nature, or you turn a pic, you are going to see uniform casts.
The first thing a group of holy ghosts will do prior to forming the casts, is to observe the area the cast will be formed within. Then they
incorporate all shapes, colors, and anything useful into the cast effect. In some casts there will be literally thousands of spirits involve. The same
is true of the demonic casts. When you think you are seeing a full human-like demon via a shadowy looking energy mass that takes on that form, and
then you see it become more hideous looking, or perhaps change shape to an serpent or possibly a dragon, that is nothing more than hundreds and
possibly thousands of demons forming those types of casts. They simply alter their ganged-energy shape to form the next LOOK they are trying to
achieve. But the reality is they do not look anything like the cast. It is all performed for effect. Like when a human puts on a mask for Halloween.
It's not real. It is a mind game with them to instill fear.
If you were to watch them closely while the cast is taking place, it will begin to fade away. This is because the amount of energy expended is a large
amount to maintain the cast even by thousands of spirits burning off their energy reserves. For this reason, casts are continually fading out as new
ones come into view. The new casts are by other spirits in the cluster that are partially recharged for the next cast effect. Then those that fade
down their energy, they are talking the time to partially recharge for when it comes their turn to again cast another part of what they are conveying.
What happens if you will watch closely, is that that move down towards the floor as if they were dissolving. They break apart and look like tiny
people moving about. Then a closer inspection reveals literally hundred if not thousand of tiny spirits were a part of the vast amount of energy you
were viewing.
And this is why the man that Jesus exorcised demons out of in olden times said that many had entered him: Luke 8:30 "What is your name?" Jesus
asked him. "Legion," he said—because many demons had entered him."
A legion consists of 6,000 and it is an old time known fact that the Roman legions consisted of that amount of soldiers. And that is why Jesus
expressed the known fact when he stated the amount of each legion of holy angels he could call on to deliver him if he had wanted to back out of the
Ransom Sacrifice deal he had made with our Mother: Matthew 26:53 "Or do you think that I cannot call on My Father, and He will provide Me at once
with more than 12 legions of angels?" 12 legions alone would have consisted of 72,000 warriors, and he could have called on Mother for more than
just 12 legions. Although I think 72,000 would have been enough to decimate the Roman army and all others opposed to Jesus
The same holds true for the holy side. Literally a multitude of spirits can be involved in forming casts and usually are. But like in the case of the
holy angel cited at 2 Chronicles 18:20 "Then a spirit came forward, stood before the LORD, and said, 'I will entice him.'" To perform the
trance of deception that was planned, it required only one spirit to conjure those visionary thoughts.
He did so by himself, because he was using "The trance effect." That is the ability to form thoughts and project them in a directed way that is seen
by the receiver or receivers. They get the gist of what is being transmitted unless it is meant to be mysterious and in need of a prophet to give the
answer to the riddle. But that was in olden times, and riddles are rarely used by the holy side in these last days.
So children, hopefully this will give all of you a better understanding of the cast and vision phenomena that is an important tool to the spirit
realm's arsenal on both sides of the spectrum. Space is the reason for spirits being created small.