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Hitler may Have Been Our Saviour-INFO

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posted on Aug, 27 2010 @ 07:38 AM

Originally posted by catwhoknows
reply to post by True-seer

So, you think the Saviour of the world killed millions of people?

I don't think so.

They hailed Eisenhower as a hero and savior - for nuking Japan - and 'saving lives'. Right.

If you get to write the history books, and teach the children - then your story is the right story. Children simply absorb without criticism, and sometimes if those idea's are never challenged, then they will never change.

posted on Aug, 27 2010 @ 08:32 AM
Too many trolls in this thread.

posted on Aug, 27 2010 @ 08:42 AM
reply to post by True-seer

hitler wanted to take out the jews b/c germany was going through a great depression and the jews were the only ones un affected b/c they owned all the stores and most of the buisinesses the germans were poor and going through the b/s we did in our who was gonna be made the common enemy!

know ur history before u open ur mouth!

[edit on 27-8-2010 by metalholic]

posted on Aug, 27 2010 @ 09:25 AM
reply to post by ManBehindTheMask

You spend so much of your time trying to over complicate things and make them more then what they are.......

Actually I spend most of time trying to simplify things in terms and ways people can better grasp the entire scope of a situation.

Hitler hated the jews.........he sought extermination........

This is not entirely true, he spared some, from select nations like Denmark, he allowed other's to serve in the German Army.

He used them as political whipping posts to unite people under him along a common line, much the same way Muslims are being villified in many parts of the world today.

If you were Jewish, your $5 words, presumptuous logic and laissez-faire attitude, would end in cutting edge "breathing treatments" and Reich style vacation resorts.........

Contrary to popular belief only 10% of the people who died in World War II were Jewish, approaching World War II from that singular Jewish perspective is not only foolish but self defeating as the same things today are happening again this time with the Muslims but since it's not the Jews people don't see it for the Nazi like danger that it is.

60 Million people who died in World War II weren't Jewish and many of them died far more cruel and painful and humiliating deaths.

While the Jews of the world decry some's seeming inability to make World War II all about them as lacking empathy or having some prejudice or malice, it is that singular Jewish perspective so many would foist on the rest of the world that not only lacks wisdom, but empathy too for all the other people who suffered and died as a result of the war.

All this rather selfish and political self serving dogma does is prevent people from learning the most important aspects of World War II to then allow the debate to become held hostage to what in fact are emotional cripples.

Make of the ELITE what you want......this topic isnt about them, and im tired of watching you try to make topics into something they are not.......

Makes you want to send me to a camp huh?

As I have said sadly when you have a limited singular perspective that is entirely self serving, people do tend to not want anyone else to illuminate anything larger or broader, to the point of trying to dominate them, which eventually takes on angry tones, and sometimes violence in that quest.

The Elite run the world, they own the world, they control it's resources and if you want to control people the only way to do that is through controlling their environment.

The great news is that no, you don't control my environment, and while I would fight and die to see you can always speak freely, you might want to ask yourself why you have a problem with other's speaking freely?

This man was EVIL , he killed millions because of want for a perfect race.........

That's nice, World War II and Hitler were about a lot more things than just that. You might want to learn about them before you become a victim of World War III.

You can argue the devils semantics.........but hes still the devil........

Hallelujah praise the lord, and let's bring some superstition into the dogma too!


Youre intelligent my friend....but your problem is , you think everyone is less intelligent then you.....

I think I have an obligation to humanity to share what I know and have observed, why that makes you insecure is something you would need to better consider yourself.

Dont out smart your common sense......

Common sense is about looking for the deeper meanings and hidden wisdoms that come through understanding things on a deeper level.

The truth is that there is a small dedicated group of posters who do absolutely despise me, and are quite united in that. Largely because I make it very hard for them to push their often emotional based and hate filled agendas that promote war, domination at all costs, and people living in fear and paranoia as a means to manipulate them in that direction.

However there is a group hundreds times larger on ATS that positively loves me for my ability to speak to reason and to things on a non-emotional driven level, and a deeper more probing level.

Long and short of it is you can't please all the people all the time because everyone wants something different.

As a result I am not trying to please anyone or gain anyone's approval I am just doing my duty in sharing the things that I know with the rest of the world.

How funny that annoys some people to no end!

posted on Aug, 27 2010 @ 09:39 AM
reply to post by True-seer

Not my savior, he would of killed me. Or arleast tried to. And he may have recieved the message to kill jews from an evil source. Especially since many believe he was in contact with E.T., due to his Olympics being broadcasted first E.T. may very well have given him this insight. To take the conspiracy further Hitler may have been in contact with evil E.T. different then those in contact with Isreal... I just hope and pray Isreal doesnt let me down. If it is shown to be the Reptillian base major.

[edit on 8/27/10 by Ophiuchus 13]

posted on Aug, 27 2010 @ 10:29 AM

Originally posted by Amagnon
They hailed Eisenhower as a hero and savior - for nuking Japan - and 'saving lives'. Right.


Eisenhower had nothing to do with dropping the Bomb on Japan.

In June 1945, top American military commanders advised President Truman not to use the atomic bomb. General Dwight Eisenhower, supreme commander of American forces in Europe, told Secretary of War Stimson "that Japan was already defeated and that dropping the bomb was completely unnecessary." In July 1945 Eisenhower met with Truman and advised him not to use the bomb.
Linky to Source Here.

Research Harry S Truman

If you get to write the history books, and teach the children - then your story is the right story. Children simply absorb without criticism, and sometimes if those idea's are never challenged, then they will never change.

The same can be said about ignorance and POP culture wanna be conspiracists.

posted on Aug, 27 2010 @ 11:00 AM
Hitler is to Saviour as the Mullahs are to Freedom Fighters.

Iran is to Great as Sucide Bombers are to Heros.

Yea Doesnt make any since either, nice try though, Hitler is no Saviour.

And Ike nuking another country? What the hell dont they teach history anymore?

[edit on 27-8-2010 by poedxsoldiervet]

posted on Aug, 27 2010 @ 12:29 PM

Originally posted by one4all

There are wins and losses,the Krauts lost the rest of the world won...

All of what you're saying, is based that, history as is written, is as happened.

That all of the actions, and undertakings of that period in human history was 100% on the 'up and up'. Who funded the Axis movement? Rothschilds, Warburgs, and dare I say it, possibly a beloved KENNEDY?

Hitler was a pawn, led along with breadcrumbs by TBTB, but never really given the whole loaf of bread. These PTB include, but are not limited to Zionist Jews, Corporatists, etc; Lets not forget that many would say that the pledge for the new world order, is being made by people that ascribe to Luciferian codes and religions, under the guise of Christianity, Islam, or WHATEVER.

I don't condone Hitler's actions, he blurred the lines, between power-hungry despots, clankering behind the scense, with the everyday average Jew, etc.
But he didn't even just stick to that, as mentioned above, he slaughtered Roma, the disabled (phys & mental), Communists, and Academics.

He may have had a slim idea of what needed to be done, but as I said, he blurred distinctions, and systematically eliminated millions of people, that were generally innocent.

"Whoops, sorry guys.. I tried to save you all from a Globalist threat, and ended up killing a bunch of you guys. And incidentally played right into their hands." - Hitler, Fuherbunker, April 30 1945, in b4 the end.

posted on Aug, 27 2010 @ 02:10 PM

Originally posted by ManBehindTheMask
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

You spend so much of your time trying to over complicate things and make them more then what they are.......

Hitler hated the jews.........he sought extermination........

If you were Jewish, your $5 words, presumptuous logic and laissez-faire attitude, would end in cutting edge "breathing treatments" and Reich style vacation resorts.........

Make of the ELITE what you want......this topic isnt about them, and im tired of watching you try to make topics into something they are not.......

This man was EVIL , he killed millions because of want for a perfect race.........

You can argue the devils semantics.........but hes still the devil........

Youre intelligent my friend....but your problem is , you think everyone is less intelligent then you.....

Dont out smart your common sense......

[edit on 27-8-2010 by ManBehindTheMask]

PT is more intelligent than most people here in my opinion.

And PT didn't overcomplicate anything... he simply is telling what he understands to be the truth about Hitler's place in the whole mess.

Getting overly emotional about the truth of Hitler is not any way to actually come to a reasonable understanding about the man or his place in history.

And I am the epitome of what Hitler would have liked to remove from this planet and many of my ancestors were removed.

posted on Aug, 27 2010 @ 03:01 PM

Originally posted by airspoon
reply to post by True-seer

If Hitler succeeded, I wouldn't be here, nor my children. The plethora of other Jewish activists that speak out against Israel and her policies wouldn't be here either. I refute the notion that substituting Israel for Nazism would have left this world in a better off place. You are really only trading one extreme for the other.


[edit on 26-8-2010 by airspoon]

Well, it's all funded by the same money, innit? 0_^

posted on Aug, 27 2010 @ 04:09 PM
during the reighn of the nazi"s very much archeologic expeditions were made by them...

my belief is the adolf was on the trail of something from the past..
the jews stood in his way...ore needed to dissapear
wat did they found...........?????

never forgett that germany in that time was THE technologic centre of the world...its a schrill contrast for a country that was suffering under the sanctions after WW1..
so were did they get the technic's from...wich is now in hands of the modern world powers...

[edit on 27-8-2010 by ressiv]

[edit on 27-8-2010 by ressiv]

posted on Aug, 27 2010 @ 06:08 PM
calling Hitler our savior is offensive to all the people that died of his evil hand

posted on Aug, 27 2010 @ 07:08 PM
Religion has caused all these people to turn on eachother. God deserted us a long time ago and I have no problem telling him that what goes on in this world is unacceptable and is completely his fault.

posted on Aug, 28 2010 @ 02:18 PM
reply to post by True-seer

Hitler also killed black, gay, mentaly ill/chalenged (ironic isnt it), and crippled people.

I am a jew and i am greatly offended by this theory not just for my faith but also because my grandparents fought in the war and people died to stop hitler and the evil he was spreading and to say that he was good means your saying those men were bad and that is an outrage.

then again this is just a theory of yours and you may or may not believe in it yourself so nothing personal

posted on Aug, 28 2010 @ 02:39 PM
He was a saviour to some and the devil to others, for the germans at the time he took them out of a great depression and made them a superpower but at the expense of millions of human lives..... So at the time he was their saviour otherwise nobody would have followed him right? He didn't pull the trigger on the millions it was the people who followed him, of course these were his direct orders..... Too much power is never a good thing....

posted on Aug, 28 2010 @ 02:49 PM
As the Reverend Hagee frequent guest of Israel, has noted
"Hitler was doing god's work"
So since, as was verified by the actual historical record according to Jewish history, Hitler sent a slew of Jewish folks to Israel.
He was instrumental in creating and populating Israel.
Its funny how people just ignore that little piece of JEWISH history to vilify the man and the German people...

I guess if gets you deals on submarines, its all good.

Argue with the Jews who published the documented history,
It's no matter to me.
That would be a Jew hates Jew problem I guess.

I'm waiting for someone to explain why the Zionists lobbied so hard and so successfully to keep the Jewish refugees out of the US and the common wealth countries where they would have been safe as was the presidential plan.
and thats from the undisputed historical record...

[edit on 28-8-2010 by Danbones]

posted on Aug, 28 2010 @ 03:49 PM

Originally posted by True-seer
Lets see if its plausible.

Sorry, but no.

Several people mentioned Hitler as the Antichrist

Probably the same reactionary goofy folks that thought the same about George Bush and Barack Obama.

Doing so I believe gives much more power and importance to them than they deserve.

I wish people would stop trying to find the Antichrist.
If they believe so much in the Christian prophecy of the End-times why try and stop it when you know you can't?

Don't you want your savior to come back and save you, or do you love this "wicked" world more than you want to admit and do not want it to end at all?

Its a wild concept and i dont know if its been thought of before. Just let me know your thoughts on this.

I won't even bother to entertain the thought.
That power-hungry depraved madman was not our savior.

Everyone should stop looking for one of those too.

- Lee

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