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Mother of pregnant victim pleads with MSM to question 9/11

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posted on Aug, 27 2010 @ 12:25 AM
reply to post by 3210123

Yeah, we have lost a few things in the last 234 years....


posted on Aug, 27 2010 @ 12:39 AM

Originally posted by Doomsday 2029
This video is very old.

very old.

almost 5 years old.

[edit on 26-8-2010 by Doomsday 2029]

Ya. Maybe, but I havent heard it yet, and Im sure there are others out there who havent. This story "even though old" needs to come around every now and again just for a refresher. Things like this are important, we cant, and shouldnt ever forget that day, and all the suffering that it brought. Keep your comments and move to another thread if this is too old for you.

Star and flag airspoon, good video, I hadnt had the chance to see this yet, thank you!!!

posted on Aug, 27 2010 @ 12:44 AM
You guys are beating an already beaten to a pulp dead horse unfortunately

The truth is never going to come out, it's been 9 years if any proper and efficient investigation was going to be done by neutral sources then it would have been done by now.

Personally I sit on the fence, both the Official Story and the Truth movement has convincing to points for their case but both have holes as well so it's too hard to judge who is telling the truth if anyone at all is telling the truth.

The question that always creeps into my mind about this though is, it's the first time a Jetliner has crashed into a skyscraper so how can anyone, even the so called experts know what should or shouldn't happen when it has never happened before and therefore have nothing to base their assumptions from as crunching numbers only gives a hypothesis of what could happen as opposed to what will happen ?

The only real way to answer alot of questions is to reenact the whole day under a controlled experiment to find out what should happen as opposed to what did happen.

Also I have to ask, what if the government were to blame and it was all a ruse just to begin a war in the Middle East, what will the people do ? Unfortunately we all consider ourselves too "civilised" now compared to back when people had balls to fight corruption and oppression, nowadays people are too easily silenced by fear. If people still had the mindsets of the people in the era of the founding fathers then you'd all be up in arms about this issue instead of just talking about it in a virtual space

posted on Aug, 27 2010 @ 01:07 AM

Originally posted by ExPostFacto
reply to post by hooper

That is not what questions she is asking. She is asking why everyone involved in protecting America, when they failed at their jobs received promotions. She is asking, why intelligence was ignored. She is asking why her daughter died. The necessary questions have not been answered. The only thing answered is exactly what you said. A group of extremists funded by Al-Queada boarded a plane with Box-cutters and crashed them into a building. That is the official story. Very little discussion of circumstances that led up to this. Very little discussion of the relationship the Bin Laden family has with the USA. Very little discussion of business ties, contracts, and deals going on in corporate America.

Now she's also probably asking where Osama Bin Waldo is? And why with billions of dollars, and all of our equipment and complete control of everything over there we still can't find OBL, much less capture him.

posted on Aug, 27 2010 @ 04:21 AM
reply to post by soleprobe

i agree completely, karma will always come back around in the circle of life...

i just hope these people suffering can finally have some closure and rest easy, while at the same time i hope those left behind with no answers are doing ok.

posted on Aug, 27 2010 @ 05:03 AM

Originally posted by Doomsday 2029
This video is very old.

very old.

almost 5 years old.

[edit on 26-8-2010 by Doomsday 2029]

Well that goes with the crime itself being nearly 10 years old, and the official explanation looking as flimsy as it did on day 1 but no investigation so to speak, who needs an investigation when you have an explanation, US jurisprudence at its best, eh?

posted on Aug, 27 2010 @ 05:47 AM
sorry to sink your boat, but, my mum is 65 and she looks 40, that woman looks her age, i know people who are 25 and look 40 and vica versa, it depends on your type of skin, etc. Some people just age better, this is a pretty pointless argument.

posted on Aug, 27 2010 @ 06:23 AM
reply to post by hooper

Hey Hooper, got a question for ya there buddy. If you are so sure that there is "nothing to see here" then why exactly has every single one of your posts for the last 180 days, the max count of 250 posts, ALL are speaking in defense of the OS, and attempting to discredit anyone who asks any questions? Agenda, much?

posted on Aug, 27 2010 @ 06:42 AM

Originally posted by ofhumandescent
reply to post by airspoon

Look at his guilty face when they whispered to him what had happened.

[edit on 26-8-2010 by ofhumandescent]

LOL. That's not guilt my friend, it's confusion. The guy has been in a haze all his life. Like I said, we are led by the lesser among us and it's our collective fault.

Our govt sucks but the principles it was founded on are sound. Over the years we all got lost in greed and complacency and let it go down the tubes. I wonder what the founding fathers and mothers would have to say about it if they could speak to now

posted on Aug, 27 2010 @ 07:15 AM

Originally posted by rival
Honestly, this is a great time to bring this up. The woman in the video
wants an answer to the question of why, after the attacks, all flights were
grounded for her, but the family of the man implicated, the Bin Laden
family were flown out of the country?

None of the flights carrying bin Laden family members or other Saudi nationals, left the country before September 13th, when the airspace was reopened.

Furthermore, the FBI conducted interviews and background checks on the relevant passengers on those flights.

posted on Aug, 27 2010 @ 07:21 AM
reply to post by MajorKarma

good ol' maffia lord LBJ was written all over that one.

posted on Aug, 27 2010 @ 07:36 AM

Originally posted by golddustgecko
reply to post by hooper

Hooper, not all of the questions have been answered to my satisfaction. For example, how is it that the largest military in the world was unable to defend the critical airspace over the WTC and the Pentagon?

Sorry, that question has been answered over and over and over again. America's air defense is not tasked or designed to intercept domestic commercial air traffic.

posted on Aug, 27 2010 @ 07:41 AM
reply to post by airspoon

This video is at least five years old, why bring it up now and is there a follow up with this woman? Does she still feel the same way?

posted on Aug, 27 2010 @ 08:39 AM
reply to post by hooper

Why does it matter how old it is and why do people repeat the same things over and over again? Is that all you can come up with? The points made are just as valid today as they were then. If you want an update on the woman, there is this little feature called "google", though I doubt you would post it as it doesn't fit your world view (that's a hint as to how she still feels). I can't speak for the woman's feelings as only she can do that, as she did in this video.


posted on Aug, 27 2010 @ 08:58 AM

Originally posted by blood0fheroes
reply to post by hooper

Hey Hooper, got a question for ya there buddy. If you are so sure that there is "nothing to see here" then why exactly has every single one of your posts for the last 180 days, the max count of 250 posts, ALL are speaking in defense of the OS, and attempting to discredit anyone who asks any questions? Agenda, much?

Well, yes I have an agenda, so what? Its also can be called a point of view. Or an opinion. Didn't realize that was a bad thing. My agenda includes trying to make sure that this particularly nasty strain of conspiracy does not go forward in the popular culture as anything more than the expression of a few questionable individuals and their misguided followers. It is also, in my opinion, interesting to watch this "movement" as it appears to be the first time a conspiracy is actually involving into a cult. Just a little around the edges, but the formation is definetly happening.

posted on Aug, 27 2010 @ 09:32 AM
reply to post by hooper

Well, yes I have an agenda, so what? Its also can be called a point of view. Or an opinion. Didn't realize that was a bad thing.

As long as you are willing to admit it, and no having an opinion is not a bad thing, never said it was. Since you want to open that door though, what I DO consider to be a bad thing, is how you and folk like you seem only capable of challenging other peoples opinions with snide remarks, sarcasm, no opposing facts; and do absolutely nothing to debate someones argument with a counter argument.

To quote the late George Carlin: "Im not a very good american, because I like to form my own opinions." "Sad to say, but most americans just -*thonk*- roll over on command...."

My agenda includes trying to make sure that this particularly nasty strain of conspiracy does not go forward in the popular culture as anything more than the expression of a few questionable individuals and their misguided followers.

[sarcasm]OH! I get it now! You're a crusader! It all makes sense now! Thank you then, kind sir.....I was almost about to think for myself again. Glad you were here to stop me; that was close! [/sarcasm] See? Sarcasm goes both ways. Did it ever occur to you that if there had ever been a true criminal investigation done, maybe people wouldnt have so many of those pesky questions?

I really cannot think of one good reason for someone to come to a conspiracy website, with the sole intent going to the people that like to ask questions, and rock the boat, and attempt to save them from themselves...You sir or maddam are either a paid shill, or simply need to climb down from your high horse, and oh I dont know, present a counter arguement for once!

To the OP, I really am sorry to do this in your thread, but i've noticed this trend from Hooper, and couldnt contain my ire any longer; could have used U2U but I felt the general public deserved to see this play out.

posted on Aug, 27 2010 @ 09:43 AM
reply to post by airspoon

Why is it that someone who thinks 9/11 was an inside job sees everything as supporting that viewpoint? Its like the old adage "if the only tool you have is a hammer, then everything looks like a nail." I personally believe the 9/11 "truther" movement is a serious pile of steaming ignorance. I was once semi-captivated by the Loose Change docs (and the like) but one BBC documentary put all of those wacky conspiracies to shame. Really, all of the "evidence" of an inside job is so easily debunked if you let it... Loose Change and Zeitgeist are more full of disinformation (and so EASILY debunked...EASILY), that I can't imagine people falling for it.

its not that we haven't 'woken up' or that we are 'drones'... its that we laugh at the evidence. 9/11 was not an inside job and you are all wasting your time if you believe that. You are not a clear-thinking person who somehow has the ability to see through the lies... If you believe 9/11 is an inside job, in my humble opinion, you are worse than ignorant. You are delusional. I do NOT mean this as an insult... Its merely my opinion, but come on...its making you look foolish to continue with this nonsense.

posted on Aug, 27 2010 @ 10:02 AM
reply to post by dR. kNOWITALL

If you believe 9/11 is an inside job, in my humble opinion, you are worse than ignorant. You are delusional. I do NOT mean this as an insult... Its merely my opinion, but come on...its making you look foolish to continue with this nonsense.

As entirely possible as this may be, it is equally possible that, should one take even the briefest of glimpses at history, it would become apparent that if our government was not at the very least complicit in the attacks, it would be against our track record. U.S. foreign policy roughly equates to poking an already angry, caged dog with a stick so that when it snaps at you, you have an excuse to shoot it.

[edit on 27-8-2010 by blood0fheroes]

posted on Aug, 27 2010 @ 10:06 AM
reply to post by dR. kNOWITALL

Many "truthers", to include myself, only know that the OS is wrong, as opposed to who is responsible. We don't yet conclude as to what actually did happen. This is why we call for a real investigation, one that is transparent so that our questions can be answered and we can all go our seperate ways to live a full and happy life or as much of one as we can. With that being said, the evidence points towards certain suspects and until you can prove who is responsible, everyone is suspect, though some look more guilty than others.

However, we simply don't know what happened and this goes for both sides of the fence, to include those on top of it. It is in this thought that we feel an investigation is not only needed to find out what did take place, but also to preserve our standing as the beacon of justice and land of the free.

It all boils down to trust and common sense. Belivers in the OS trust that what they are being told is the truth, while ignoring the things that contradict that belief. "Truthers" on the other hand, don't trust what the government and media is telling us and we often consider the evidence before us.

In fact, there is good reason not to take the word of the government on what happened. Last time we did that, thousands of young heroes died in a distant land, while many, many more were maimed or wounded. So, would you really take the word of someone who has repeatedly lied to you before, especially seeing how believing in their word would require you to throw out common sense, reasong and basic logic, while ignoring the pink elephant?

With that being said, I have yet to see an intelligent person look into the events of 9/11 and come away saying that the OS is true. I have however seen intelligent people not look into the events and believe in the OS. I have also known many intelligent people to not believe in the OS, but for reasons of "towing the line" and keeping their career and reputations, stay quiet on the subject.


[edit on 27-8-2010 by airspoon]

posted on Aug, 27 2010 @ 10:35 AM
reply to post by muzzleflash

LOL! Muzzle I think its hilarious you think she looks like she could be 26!

Im 26 myself and if my old lady looked like that I would be running for cover! haha

My moms is about that age and I think she looks very similiar in aging.

I stand with you guys " airspoon, muzzle " also that something else went on during 9/11.

I was sick from school that day and was enjoying some PC gaming
" Starseige - Tribes " when I was amazed and stuck to the t.v for the rest of the day after seeing this happen. I was 17 years old around then I believe.

I remember to this day thinking and having a feeling that something funny went on that day.. it just did not add up to me.


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