OP --
I think I found something that may be what you were looking for:
3D Galaxy Map
I'm not sure how often it is updated with new discoveries, but it seems interesting nevertheless
It's an interactive website, and it takes a bit of clicking around to get to the information you are inquiring about.
1. First click "Launch App".
-- This takes you to the help screen that shows you the mouse controls.
2. Then click "click here to continue", which gives you a view of the whole galaxy.
-- Here, you can click certain items to view, such as "Sun location", clusters, and the names of each spiral arm.
-- There is a pane on the right that gives more information about what we are looking at.
3. On the navigation menu to the left, click the button that reads "Enter Orion Arm" (which is our arm of the galaxy).
-- When you do this, you get a weird view with a bunch of "3d Bubbles". These bubbles are areas of different structures near us.
-- If you want, you can chose a bubble from the list and adjust its opacity to see what's under it.
4. Next click the "Enter Sector" button near the top of the menu.
-- At this point, we are in sector "0,0,0", and you can see our Sun in the middle of the grid and other stars around it.
-- You can now click on a star or on the star's name from the list. More information pops up in that right-hand pane.
-- Not all of these stars have (known) planets, but some do. For example, from the list at the lower left, click on "Gl 581" -- which is Gliese
581, a star known to have planets (it's near the bottom of the list).
-- once you click on that star, click on the "Enter System" button at the top left. Clicking "enter System" on Gl 581 shows all of the known
planets orbiting Gliese 581
From the sector view, you can also click the blue arrows pointing out. This will take you to other sectors, with label names using an "x,y,z axis"
coordinate system -- such as sector (0,1,0), or (0,2,-1), etc.
I haven't quite explored this whole website yet, but at first glance it looks pretty cool.
I hope this helps.
[edit on 8/29/2010 by Soylent Green Is People]