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British spy' found dead in bath

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posted on Aug, 29 2010 @ 04:20 PM
He was related to Anglian Home Improvements because that was a family business ran by his parents. The reason he is listed under Just Giving is because his best friend had died the year before and he put together a charity to raise money for his best friends family and cancer research. He was listed as a 30-year-old, of Plumstead Road who works for Anglian Home Improvements as cover. Plumstead road intersects with the road he lived on but is a long road that makes it hard to pin point where he lives exactly. They say he had no friends and was gay but looking into his past he had a girlfriend and was the best man at his best friends wedding a year before and did this cycling money raiser with three of his close friends.

When I spoke of them deleting profiles from it was for GCHQ employees who had profiles listed. Those profiles are now back up not listing GCHQ as there employers. But google images is still listing them as employees of GCHQ.

Some of the profiles are:
Steve Gray Radio Technician at GCHQ
Andy Bolt Software Engineer at GCHQ
Jane Burton Project Manager at gchq
Ian Wilson Programmer at GCHQ

Not all profiles connected to GCHQ are changed so it must be a change based on there jobs and connections? I guess they will learn that once they post a profile google makes it allmost impossible to get rid of it.

posted on Aug, 30 2010 @ 06:58 AM
reply to post by JBA2848


Are you 100% sure that this is the same guy?

Doesn't look the same to me. The blog post was april 2010 and the hairlines are completely different.

posted on Aug, 30 2010 @ 10:23 AM
reply to post by THE_PROFESSIONAL


Thanks for your concern!

"Zeptepi found dead in bath with laptop"

They can come on over...I have a suprise for them!!

I need to do some plumbing around here!

[edit on 30-8-2010 by Zeptepi]

posted on Aug, 30 2010 @ 06:15 PM

Death of GCHQ cleaner sparked security alert
The death of a cleaner at the top secret GCHQ facility led to a security alert when police found several computer storage devices in his pockets.

Strange thing is the dates from the article.

April 30 or May 4 ?

Matthew Johnson, of Bay Tree Road, Abbeymead, Gloucester, who worked on the night cleaning shift at the top secret eavesdropping base in Cheltenham, was found dead in a river on April 30 this year.

His body was found floating in the canal behind the Cineworld cinema at St Ann's Way, Gloucester, on May 4, the inquest was told.

Again April 30 or May 4 ?

Petrol tanker driver Nigel Fuller said he saw a motorcyclist park his bike next to the fuel depot office in Monk Meadow, Gloucester at around 6.30pm on April 30.

Mr Fuller said he saw the same motorcycle in the same place in the early hours of May 4 when he arrived to start his shift. The motorbike was still there as he came and went in the course of his duties during the morning.

His mother said he left May 3 and did'nt come back and his dog died on April 30 ?

He had been devastated when Amy died on April 30 and he when he went to work that evening, he seemed "subdued and sad" said Mrs Johnson.

At around 10pm on Friday, May 3, he left the house, saying he was going to Tesco's. He was dressed in his motorcycle clothes, she said.

The following morning Mrs Johnson became concerned that her son had been involved in an accident and her daughter, Lucy, went to search for her brother.

This story is odd to me in the fact the dates keep flip flopping. Could it be related in some way?

[edit on 30-8-2010 by JBA2848]

posted on Aug, 30 2010 @ 06:20 PM
Also found this.

Detectives claim to have been “blocked” from interviewing potentially crucial witnesses, such as Williams’s “best friend”, a female colleague at the Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ), who was posted to the US last month.
Counter-terrorism officers are security vetted, which would make it harder for intelligence agencies to withhold information on the grounds of security clearance, say detectives. “It’s a big cover-up ... The security services obviously don’t want the police to pry too deeply,” said a police source.
Police are also said to be investigating payments and withdrawals of thousands of pounds into and out of Williams’ bank account in the days leading up to his death.
The money trail has heightened concerns that his death may present a national security risk. .

posted on Aug, 31 2010 @ 05:25 PM
Am looking forward to some ats euro show interaction regarding this topic as i have seen some serious hardcore responses.

So ready up and get those mics online.

posted on Aug, 31 2010 @ 05:43 PM

Originally posted by misinformational
A few thoughts:

2. When a signals analyst is attached to a separate intelligence agency that specializes in more covert activities this indicates that he was an extremely gifted analyst (if he was in fact an analyst) and/or was capable of (or had knowledge of) the actual interpretation of signals intelligence directly relating to sensitive (along the lines of national security sensitive) information.

I assume you now know why this post was put up and the subject was made viral.

edit : now

[edit on 31-8-2010 by tristar]

posted on Sep, 15 2010 @ 01:38 PM
More news on this today:

Concern is growing within the intelligence community that the MI6 spy Gareth Williams, who was found dead in his London flat, may have been the victim of a professional hit man by a foreign power.

Now, a leading pathologist from US may fly this week to try to unravel the mystery behind the mystery death of Williams after a post-mortem examination failed to reveal the cause of death as detectives remain puzzled over his death. The said expert has been trained in CIA and FBI techniques to look for sophisticated methods of assassinations using hard-to-detect substances.


Stay tuned...

posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 10:21 AM
reply to post by misinformational

Very interesting.

One thing I will say about that article is that it is very poorly written. I hope that has no reflection upon its reliability. I will look for other sources on this.


posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 03:17 PM

Originally posted by misinformational
More news on this today:

This struck me as unusual,

He was working on systems to defend British banks and transport infrastructure from cyber attack and to eavesdrop on terrorist communications. He had been on assignment with the MI6 spy agency. He also played an important role creating equipment to listen to Taliban communications in Afghanistan and had helped to fit out three aircraft with the equipment, making them airborne-listening stations.

I don't read the papers or watch the news so I don't know whether this is being reported in the UK...but isn't it an odd coincidence that it is now being circulated that he was working on banking security (allegedly) when the 'Real IRA' just announced that they intend to target banks and bankers?

I'm getting whiffs of something....

posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 03:00 AM
Hello all,

Bit of an update on this from the BBC but I see no mentions to any of this banking stuff outside of that Rosetta site.

I do find that an interesting connection and I do not know enough about the Real IRA to know if they would gloat about killing an intelligence officer or not. I would have thought they would have come forward straight away to own up to it.


posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 10:06 AM

Originally posted by george_gaz
I do find that an interesting connection and I do not know enough about the Real IRA to know if they would gloat about killing an intelligence officer or not. I would have thought they would have come forward straight away to own up to it.


They may have claimed responsibility, it is a criminal investigation and therefore there are reporting restrictions. And, they may not even be directly responsible, it could have been carried out by a third party and the pertinent information passed onto them.

Similarly, this story is interesting...

If he was working on something like this, tracing off-shore accounts, there's a long list of billionaires who may have had motive.

I've probably read far too much Frederick Forsyth and John le Carre for my own good though.

posted on Nov, 21 2010 @ 04:13 PM
I'm not sure if this has been posted anywhere else on ATS, but there was an article in the magazine supplement of the Guardian wasn't my paper and I unfortunately didn't think at the time to make a note of the author, but it was the 20th November 2010 issue which should be source enough...anyway...

Very, very interesting article regarding the investigation into Gareth Williams's death, and well worth reading if you can get hold of may be available online. But what stands out in my memory is the article claims that in 2003 he had been working with the NSA (as Ford Meade) using software that he had helped to develop which intercepts emails and phonecalls, to track a Moscow backed sleeper cell, claimed in the article to be the Anna Chapman Ring, in the US, according to a former GCHQ contractor, 'Williams had been obsessed with the case, it's methodology and characters.'

Following that secondment to MI6, he returned to GCHQ, again working with the NSA, on a US Cyber Defence Policy, and it is claimed he was researching British vulnerability to Russian, Turkish and Chinese gangs, and evidently, 'He was already on top of it.'

As far as what he was doing immediately prior to his death, it is suggested that he was monitoring foreign embassies, just as he had been doing in the US during his 'holidays'. One witness, who remembers him coming into their cafe, said he would sit in the corner with his laptop and occasionally have visitors. Hmm...

The Police have found absolutely nothing of note in his private life and no traces of relationships with either men or women, despite salacious reports to the contrary.

Another really nice little tit-bit, was that his Professor at the University of Manchester, where he did his PhD on Computer Gaming (age 18!!!), noted that he was considered, in online gaming circles, as 'unbeatable'. Age 21 he was approached by British Security Services, who his mentor at Manchester believes had spotted him through the online gaming community. He was Williams's referee for the initial vetting incidently.

It'd be interesting to know what games he was playing.

posted on Nov, 21 2010 @ 05:00 PM
reply to post by KilgoreTrout

Thanks for the heads up, was this the article that you were talking about? It’s very good.

Coincidentally I also came across this one, about GCHQ targeting gamers on Xbox Live.

posted on Nov, 21 2010 @ 05:06 PM
reply to post by Soshh

Thank you very much for finding that! You're a star

posted on Dec, 27 2010 @ 08:01 PM
I thought this story went dead but this appeared in the sun newspaper today.

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 05:01 PM
Just thought I'd add another news story that appeared today.

posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 01:03 PM
An update on a very old case in today's news.

Anyone remember this poor chap, Gareth Williams?

Not a nice way to go, hope he was dead when he was put in the bag, if not, imagine the terror.

Looks like the Met have the chance to spend another few million on investigating what they did. Jobs for the boys?

But still no real explanation.

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 12:54 PM
The death of Gareth Williams, spy.

So the view of a senior policeperson is; "she believes another person was involved".

WOW, that must have taken a lot of thinking, locked up inside a holdall, padlocked and the keys under his body....seems a definite case of suicide, I don't think.

Earlier today the news was reporting that among the things found in his apartment was some sort of list relating to death.

Doubts are being fed into the peoples mind, so is this another mysterious death?

Strange that the people he worked for say he missed chairing a meeting on the 16th yet it was the family on the 23rd that raised questions as to what had happened to him. How many employers are not concerned by an employee not being at work for a week, especially when he is working for the secret service?

It appears that Gareth Williams was unhappy at his new post and was looking to return to cipher work at Cheltenham. Did that make him a security risk?

The cause of death is still unknown, as far as I can tell. So one has to assume it was nothing normal.

What are others thoughts?

posted on Apr, 26 2012 @ 12:44 PM
I am so surprised that nobody is commenting on what must be an on-going conspiracy...

According to the BBC radio tonight, the long time interval, from death to discovery means that the presence of drugs is hard to ascertain. So that is why nobody did anything constructive for a week or two?

Personally I hope he was dead when he was put in the bag, but I have a nasty feeling he may not have been, as alive and mobile it would have been so much easier. Maybe death by poison injection through the bag?

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