posted on Aug, 25 2010 @ 05:57 PM
With permission, here's the mods reply
Personally, I believe that Simon's post is self-explanatory and that my repeating it would be redundant at best.
I will say this: Having several small quotes sprinkled throughout a post from a single post does not override the rule and is very poor writing.
A good writer should be able to incorporate the ideas of another into his post and address them individually without the use of the quote function.
I do know that that can be more trouble, but it makes for easier reading for others and that is what Simon's quoting rule is all about: making the
threads and the board easier to navigate and read.
I can't say I agree with all of it but I have to accept it. My biggest issue is fairness across the boards. I've read and understand that mods are
only human but it doesn't appear that everyone is on the same page.
In long threads it's very difficult to keep track of who said what and when they said it. The quoting button is there as an option and I think it's
a useful one. Do people abuse it? Absolutely. If writing skills should trump the quote option I suggest it be removed. The writing skills issues
feels like a bit of a put down and I question the relevancy of it because of the option to quote. As already mentioned, this is an general, public,
worldwide, internet forum, not a graduate level discussion forum. I'm don't consider myself a great writer although I'd consider myself middle of
the line. There's some excellent writing skills displayed here by some but there's plenty of the exact opposite. I really hate repeating myself
but if that's the case then get rid of the quote button or moderate more threads with excessive quotes.
I didn't know that any nested quotes weren't allowed and have done at least a few through time. I have to agree with some on the usefulness of it.
Potentially, it could be more wordy paraphrasing that simply quoting them. The issue of people editing their post is an extremely valid point.
I think someone else mentioned something like this, and it's probably not the best of times to make suggestions with ATS 2010 coming out, but what
about something like this. I shortened the post as it originally appeared but what about an option like this, with the click of a button, instead of
coding it manually, seems like a fair and useful compromise. Hovering over it with the quote appearing would be awesome, in my opinion.
everything? I think this is a maxim we should all be challenging. click to see the