reply to post by union_jack
Hello Union_Jack,
Sorry but this may get longer than what you wanted....
Many people have asked why would a God allow children to die or suffer so much. The Belief-System usually answers with something like, "God works in
mysterious ways"... "They are with Jesus now", etc.
The Belief-System.. that is exactly what it is folks... is extremely limited in it's ability to perceive anything outside of its own Box. So
simplified 'bandages' are used to answer many awkward questions like the above.
I can see you are hurting, and there is still some anger inside that seeks release or expression.. that is normal, so I won't berate you for it.
My experience of this Aware-Energetic Universe.. okay then call it God or George if we have to... is that it simply does not give ONE HOOT what we do.
Now the Believers and Followers will vehemently disagree with this thinking.
But the reason I say it is this..... "It" cares the same for us as we do for the sub-atomic particles inside the nucleus of a skin cell on your
arm!! We simply don't care what it does, and neither does this thing people so dearly want to call 'God'.
We humans have a gross tendency to minimise ourselves to save the comfort zones of our Culture and Society, to fit into it, to Follow and ask few
questions about its legitimacy as a reality.
So we employ a Belief about Good and Evil.. the Duality we chose to experience here. And we say many things belong in the Good category which is
heavily separated from the Bad category.
But we do that only because we have been Indoctrinated into perceiving reality this way... in fact we are Blind to the Bigger Picture almost
completely... due to attaching ourselves to Restrictive Beliefs to perceive the world through.
When we perceive clearly beyond the restrictive limitations of ALL Belief-Systems, we find that Duality simply does not exist outside of "our"
current usage of the concept. We find that everything really is perfect now.. for Now is all anyone really has. We find that 'God' doesn't care
like we Believe "it" should. We find that Souls choose experiences on offer here.
Wow, Souls choose experience Here?
Yep, they do! And they do so knowing that Everything is Valid Experience. Why? Because they are experiencing a far bigger picture reality than we
currently are as limited human beings.
Each Soul chooses to have agreements with other souls to co-create experiences in this world. But we see these co-creations come into play and we
Judge them as Good or Bad, based on our tiny little Perception of Reality.
So, your child was with you for a short time, it hurt like hell and still does. But, the Soul chose You and your partner to co-create this experience
That makes you and your partner beautiful Souls for agreeing to experience something so incredibaly difficult for a human being.
And it makes the soul that empowered your child a loving being who you will see again when you complete thisphysical exitence... and then you will
wake up and see it all for what it is.. Only Experience that we don't perceive clearly at the time.
Sorry for the length.