Didn't realise this was on my mind so much, am editing this post over the next hour or two and adding a final version of what I think of this scenario
then I'm done. If I don't it'll stick in my head and I want done with it.
Ok....let's just assume this was true.
What is this price? Basically, it will be like this: Those who are able physically and mentally to work will do so. If you have a
job/profession at the time that the OA takes over, you will continue in that job/profession. If you are drawing welfare, but are physically able to
work, you will work.
I can get that. People able to work and who'd otherwise be on benefits should work. That's cool.
The grey area is : people who aren't part of society, like many Buddhists and Adepts in India, China, people who live in jungles in South America,
etc, they should be left to do what they're doing and shouldn't be forced into the OA system. They're not claiming welfare and have their own ways of
living and perceiving reality, don't want into our world system if you could call it that, so they should be left to do their own thing. They also
have their own beliefs, history and culture, and if that isn't able to continue then there's something badly wrong that needs to be sorted out with
the ET's, because it doesn't make sense.
But there will be zero tolerance of any act that hurts/harms another. Crimes against another or against society will be met with the death
penalty, if such crime is of a severe nature such as murder, rape or robbery. What is now considered a felony crime will be punishable by death. What
is now considered a misdemeanor crime will be punishable by imprisonment on a work farm for a number of years equal to what the OA considers suitable
payback for the said crime against society. These work farms will be in the business of growing food, manufacture of clothing, textiles, etc. People
sent to these farms will work for the specified time, or will be eliminated.
This doesn't make sense either. Sometimes people fight in pubs under the influence of alcohol, sometimes people are mentally ill and can't control
themselves properly. Turning up and killing them on the spot for a felony just isn't right. Even people that commit a felony not under those
situations can be taught, rehabilitated and turn into decent people, so assuming the authority to decide that doesn't matter sounds like a major
problem, and actually the biggest problem I have with all of this.
Then you have the people that call the cops lying about others to get them into trouble because they don't like them for whatever reason(s). If this
Agency doesn't know what really happened, what then? They have a think about it, guess one way or the other then turn up and kill someone if they
think they really did something? How many people all over the world are going to be falsely accusing others of crimes if they think they can get the
OA to turn up and kill them on the spot? The whole system would be a huge chaotic mess from this alone.
The other reason is the extraterrestrials. They are here on this planet, living and working with the OA.
Ok, cool if that was true, and about time we had disclosure if they're out there. (or already here according to this.)
Their main reason for being here is to help the OA put a stop to the violent, out-of-control nature of the human race in general. Why? Because they
fear us. They realized when we accomplished the first manned space flight that it was only a matter of time before we moved out into the universe. And
they don't want our ways to infest their society. They are helping the OA for reasons of self-preservation of their society. They realized that we are
the most violent race in the universe that is on the verge of space travel. And they don't want us spreading our warlike, violent, greedy ways to
other parts of the universe and disrupting the order of their societies on other planets. They agreed to help the OA in the advancement of our
technology and in the repairing of the damage we've done to the Earth's environment in exchange for the OA's cooperation in changing the ways of this
world, bringing us humans into line with the societies of the other planets in the ET's sphere of control in the universe.
Again, this doesn't make sense properly. We've been manipulated by small groups of greedy people throughout our history that have made us into the
mess we're in now. Take away their influence on us and allow us to live without their crap and there's a huge chance we'll be a decent species from
that alone.
So the fact that this isn't even pointed out by what are supposed to be an advanced species a lot further on than ourselves doesn't seem to make sense
either, they should know our history and it's baffling that they'd think warlike, violent and greedy sums up our race, because it doesn't. Of course
we have some people like that but most aren't, also if we were in contact with ET's and preparing to be more peaceful so we could go out into space,
people would have a whole new outlook on life. Take away the greedy manipulators and at the same time you take away the same group responsible for
huge amounts of wars and violence throughout our history.
Again, they should know this and realise even better than ourselves how cutting out the negative influence of a small group of people would make our
world and species a lot better. And where does the zero tolerance and death penalty for felony fit in with a race of ET's that wants less violence? It
doesn't really fit and is another confusing point.
So looking at those aspects just brings a lot of confusion. Personally I'd like to see a one-world government if it worked but you'd have to let
everyone have an equal vote on laws so it didn't become corrupt. If we had that we could at least be done with all these idiotic threats and wars
between countries that never lets up, and maybe we could progress properly. We could also get rid of all the nukes which would obviously be a huge
step forward for all of us. But the idea of a race of ET's pushing for a system like this that's clearly flawed in many places makes you wonder just
how much truth's in it.
Finally :
They agreed to help the OA in the advancement of our technology and in the repairing of the damage we've done to the Earth's environment in exchange
for the OA's cooperation in changing the ways of this world, bringing us humans into line with the societies of the other planets in the ET's
sphere of control in the universe.
So that either alludes to other ET's, or that these ET's are only in certain areas, which means there's probably all types of other ET's out there. If
we have ourselves and one set of ET's already and there's other areas they don't control, how many other species are out there?
The thread was made June 2004, we're now in 2012, almost 8 full years later, and there's a lot of people around saying things are going to change big
time this year. In this scenario we already have ourselves and ET's, so when you add in the upcoming galactic alignment in december and a potential
increase/shift in the consciousness of our species, we shouldn't be surprised if others show up too.
At the end of it I'd guess this is wrong in several places for reasons already said, or maybe the details got mixed up between the higher ups and the
person that told the thread maker, or it could've been deliberate disinfo.
Or, maybe we've been stuck too far in a lower type of consciousness for us to be able to make contact with more highly evolved ET's. If that's true
then as time passes we'll probably be freed from this system in due time if we ever have the misfortune of having it imposed on us, then we'll finally
be free to move on from all the crap we've endured and actually go about becoming an advanced species ourselves. Free from confusion, war, greed and
all the other problems we've faced for so long.
Whatever the case, if we manage to have ET's around that are looking out for us and keeping us peaceful, and also have a one-world government that
frees us from countries warring and threatening each other we'll have made huge steps in the right direction. But I'd like to think if that happened
we'd also be free of the confusion this supposed Omega Agency would impose with its system, or that it's quickly evolved as the ET's see that we can
actually be peaceful and be a decent species.
If they see that's the case, maybe they'll tell the OA themselves to drop the death for felony stuff, take the time and effort to rehabilitate
offenders and give them the chance to be decent people along with the rest of our species. Because without that constantly hanging over us in this
scenario (seriously, how often would you be worrying about old or current enemies accusing you of a felony? This could happen all over the planet, the
OA would have to deal with chaos every day from this alone.) it could be the final goodbye to the huge swathes of fear we've had to deal with
throughout our history, and time to truly become what we were supposed to be. (whatever that actually is!)
Anyway, done, finally... If this is actually true somehow, and I really doubt it : Agents/ET's reading (they would be if this was true.) : I'm already
sick of this so you won't see me going on about it much more I don't think, but you should check my other post two posts back (yeah I was angry and
pretty drunk when I wrote it...) and times that by several tens or hundreds of thousands + add in all the occultists and adepts all over the planet
that are likely to resist, and realise what you're going to have to deal with as you try to impose this system if you do. Also remember that other
ET's could turn up allied with other factions which will change everything. To finish, and again if this was true : wouldn't mind seeing a UFO one
night please, it's about time I had a decent sighting.
edit on 24-3-2012 by robhines because: several edits, typos, etc.