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Tell The Truth: GO TO JAIL!

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posted on Aug, 24 2010 @ 12:23 PM

Originally posted by DisappearCompletely
There's obviously a huge problem if police are arresting people for calling them names since I know of no law that prohibits any citizen from doing so (unless there are threats being made). If police are this sensitive and cannot control their emotions, then they shouldn't be doing the job they are.

And to the people saying the guy should have kept quiet or are defending these actions, you're a bunch of pussy sheeple. If no one holds police accountable for their actions, it won't matter how quiet you keep eventually.

Yeah, some of the comments are ludicrous - which is why I posted it here. I love seeing people jump up and down defending violent illegal aggression. It helps remind me just how brainwashed our public is.

One guy actually said you have the right to remain silent - in the context of, you don't have a right to free speech.

I nearly fell out of my chair when I read that.

posted on Aug, 24 2010 @ 12:40 PM
Well, there goes freedom of speech. Whats next? Freedom to *insert anything here* ?

I feel sorry for these cops, it must be hard to allow someone their verbal opinion.

posted on Aug, 24 2010 @ 01:30 PM
Some of you guys just don't #ing get it.

There is a reason that the constitution provides a framework for searching and seizing property and persons.

LEOs are not supposed to have the ability to de facto determine if a search and seizure is warranted. The law has been manipulated "with the false war on drugs" to allow for immediate situational determination.

The only valid reason for an immediate search without validation through the judicial system is immediate threat to someone.

There is no validity to a search of a car or person when stopped on a traffic violation without a search warrant. The only valid reasons that are even currently accepted are illegal items in plain view from outside a vehicle.

They were being gestapoesque by conducting the search of the woman and her car. They drove the point in further by asking him for his papers on his own property.

I hope he sues them for false arrest and I personally would have notified them that I was placing them under citizens arrest for trespassing if they refused to leave MY property.

That's what he should have done, notified them that he was placing them under citizens arrest for trespassing.

You have the right to free speech, you can call anyone anything you want. My buddy once called a cop a f-ing pig and told him to get the f- off his property and the cop had no choice but to leave. He was called out for a discharge of a firearm within city limits.

There was no direct evidence that it had occurred and the police were trespassing unless they had a warrant. They HAD to leave.

If it gets to the point where the police can do what they want regardless of the law, then where are we at.

That some of you feel he had this coming for exercising his rights makes me SICK!!!!!

People like you are why society has degraded to this point.

Individual liberty and the promotion there of is the only way to have a successful society.


posted on Aug, 24 2010 @ 01:52 PM
reply to post by this_is_who_we_are
I think you should look at the R.E.A.L. ID. law it is on Wikipedia under the real id act, Utah says you can go to jail and or be find/ or both if you do not have or produce a valid form of id when asked this is the state local law the is no national law . but then why have one when all sates will be part of this or loose there state fed funding is this not black mail? When did the sate need to be forced in to a fed program. now as far as the slave goes he should have been a trained slave just look the other way.

posted on Aug, 24 2010 @ 01:58 PM
reply to post by Masterjaden
probable cause , and to some Leo's gut feeling or itchy toe.

posted on Aug, 24 2010 @ 02:11 PM
I'm not saying he was wrong or right here but he should have understood his Miranda rights

Maybe a little class is in order here.

Miranda rights and what they mean to idiots who provoke cops.
(And, yes, normal folks who are having one of those days)

Miranda rights.

1 You have the right to remain silent. (i.e....shut up!)
this one would have been a good piece of advice before he opened his mouth.

2 If you give up the right to remain silent anything you say will be used against you in a court of law.
(Didn't you hear me before when I said "Shut up!" If you don't then it's gonna get worse.)

3 You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney one will be appointed to you.
(You can't handle this. Call a lawyer. Ok fine, you're broke. We'll call one for you free of charge.)

4 You have the right to have the attorney with you during questioning.
(Hey, didn't we say we'd let you have a lawyer? Shut up and wait for him to get here and whatever you do, don't babble to the cops you idiot!)

Maybe these should be posted on the side of police cars so people can read them BEFORE they get themselves arrested.

posted on Aug, 24 2010 @ 02:13 PM

Originally posted by bekod
reply to post by Masterjaden
probable cause , and to some Leo's gut feeling or itchy toe.

The key word there is probable, although technically there is absolutely no law that states they can search and seize your property for probable cause. Besides it all comes down to the constitution, which does not grant the authority, the authority is endowed by our creator.

The CoTUS is just a reminder to those we appoint to run our government, what unalienable rights they can not infringe upon.


posted on Aug, 24 2010 @ 02:23 PM

Originally posted by badgerprints
I'm not saying he was wrong or right here but he should have understood his Miranda rights

Maybe a little class is in order here.

Miranda rights and what they mean to idiots who provoke cops.
(And, yes, normal folks who are having one of those days)

Miranda rights.

1 You have the right to remain silent. (i.e....shut up!)
this one would have been a good piece of advice before he opened his mouth.

2 If you give up the right to remain silent anything you say will be used against you in a court of law.
(Didn't you hear me before when I said "Shut up!" If you don't then it's gonna get worse.)

3 You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney one will be appointed to you.
(You can't handle this. Call a lawyer. Ok fine, you're broke. We'll call one for you free of charge.)

4 You have the right to have the attorney with you during questioning.
(Hey, didn't we say we'd let you have a lawyer? Shut up and wait for him to get here and whatever you do, don't babble to the cops you idiot!)

Maybe these should be posted on the side of police cars so people can read them BEFORE they get themselves arrested.

For any of the above to matter you have to have committed a crime. Cops cant just arrest you because they feel like it.

You can tell a cop to go crew his sister. Well maybe not depending on the state, in the south you can. You can tell him to go screw a goat, well, in the midwest you can. You can tell him he's a son of bitch cock sucker, because you have the freedom of speech. He can't do anything. If he does, he has violated your rights.

If you are stupid enough to think that the right to remain silent applies before you are arrested, then you go ahead and be a dumbass.


posted on Aug, 24 2010 @ 04:15 PM
reply to post by mnemeth1

This man decided to video tape some cops harassing some young woman for no reason as they pulled her over and groped her breasts.

Absolutely misleading and false statements.

Please show us where we see that she was pulled over for no reason. Then please show us where the harassment begins. Then show us where the groping takes place.

Even the "full account" is misleading.

I also find some humor in the fact that the police in this instance are actually committing numerous crimes that range from false imprisonment, armed robbery, and kidnapping, but then

Please show us these laws they are breaking. The law itself and the exact action that is breaking the law.

The idiot for yelling at the street at cops doing their is well an idiot. I feel no pity for him.

[edit on August 24th 2010 by greeneyedleo]

posted on Aug, 24 2010 @ 04:39 PM
There are two types of people in this world. Slaves who know they are slaves, and slaves who think they aren't. It's really about ignorance, and there's plenty of it here on ATS.

So keep on supporting your Nazi cops, maybe one day, when you feel the need to tell them exactly what you think of them, you'll get a metal bat to your face. Then let's see if that clears your vision...

posted on Aug, 24 2010 @ 04:42 PM
Yes, I think this man had his rights abrogated. He threatened no-one, nor did he use any racial epithets.
Why was the girl handcuffed and then released?
Not standard procedure for sure, there must've been a reason for that. That said, the guy knew full well the cops weren't going to just go away after what he shouted at them. He demanded a confrontation and he got it. I think he should win in court as he on his own property and simply exercising his 1st amendment rights.
The cops were kinda pathetic to not just let it go but I suppose their sense of honor was hurt and hey, somebody's gotta pay! ( I think the cops should with a week of unpaid time off and a mandatory course on the Constitution).
Though he was rambling and incoherent, we should all be as brave as this man. We'd still be enjoying all our rights under the Constitution if we were.

Bravo! (sorta)

posted on Aug, 24 2010 @ 06:13 PM
It would be interesting to know how this plays out.

I don't think he should have been arrested. I do think he was an idiot for yelling out the "N" word though.

That is the moment imo, divide and conquer came in!

Just like SOME of the sniveling nosed cowards here on ATS!

Calling people Nazi, even insinuating this, the idiot's cause instant division.


posted on Aug, 26 2010 @ 08:31 AM
Many police think they are above the law anymore. One came to our house few years back on the fourth about a fireworks complaint. I wasn't home at the time. They tried to burst in the door on my wife then hopped our fence and found a fired bottle rocket (yeah prove that came from my house) laying in the backyard as evidence. We retrieved tapes of the 9-11 and police chatter from that night which was quickly confiscated by the police chief. My wife is into politics in our small town so you get the picture. Crooks and liars.

posted on Aug, 26 2010 @ 09:19 AM
The officer did not "grope" her (in fact he was very professional about it) and we don't know why she was stopped. I disagree with the way they treated him, and I'm not agreeing in the least with arresting him (that was straight out of the police state handbook), but he knew exactly what was going to happen when he said that. Just another YouTube star wannabe. Also, he was squawking about them trespassing. They were no more trespassing than would be the water meter reader, electric meter reader or cable company. But he likely wouldn't say anything to them.

posted on Aug, 26 2010 @ 10:51 AM

Originally posted by grey580

In this country you have many rights. Including the right to stay silent.
I'm thinking this guy should have used that one right.

lol what a joke. For your information the "right to stay" silent" is only a right when your accused of a crime and are being charged(since what you say might be used against you in court). To say you have the right to remain silent when standing on your own property is not only a fallacy but its also actually depriving you of your right to speak your mind. Even though I probably would have chosen my words more carefuly than the guy in the video.

Originally posted by grey580
The cops are people too. And if you get in their face or start calling them names. Well you can expect a beat down.

lol at another fallacy. So if you get in my face and call me names then I have the right to lay a beating on you? Even though that sounds kind of good, its inacurate. Besides cops should be held at a higher moral ground than regular people, should they not?

I personally don't agree with how the guy acted and the NWO comments didn't help, but to defend the cops in this case is foolish. If you can't see the powertrip in the first cop's eyes then you are not very perceptive, which explains why you haven't noticed your rights desipitating in front of your eyes.

posted on Aug, 26 2010 @ 11:03 PM

Originally posted by bluedrake
Lol I have to say this guy is an idiot

You dont call a cop a nazi to his face, by saying that you think your bigger than the law, and when the cop asked for his ID he should have shown it to them without making a fuss.

Yes the cops were wrong but if this guy just kept quite and then took the matter further by going through right channels he would have gotten a much more satisfying result.

What more 'satisfying result' do you mean? Cops get away with what they were doing to the woman all the time.

Just maybe, this cameraman has set himself up to win a lawsuit for the response of the 'peace officers'.

I am remembering the private citizen walking his dogs in Denver who stepped forward as a crucial witness in defense of a driver charged(apparantly falsely) with the heinous (read: bogus) 'crime' of failing to come to a 'complete' stop.

And what happened to this dog walker? Not very satisfying...

You are welcome to petition gov't in whatever unsatisfying way they prescribe... but get a permit first, Jack!

Are YOUR papers in order? Maybe you are 'connected' to that 'thin blue line'? Perhaps you're a deputy prosecutor or the brother of a judge?

That woman's situation is a pretty typical scenario for the rest of us 'little people'. Maybe you have a sticker on your car that says you bought tickets to the policemans ball? or you have the business card of an LEO who is an acquaintance from church?

Yes. Obviously a very 'satisfying' state of affairs here in the "Land of the 'Free'"

But thanks for your inspiring input all the same.

[edit on 26-8-2010 by AntiShyster]

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