posted on Aug, 24 2010 @ 09:53 AM
reply to post by mother1138
Currently, Cloudsinthesky, Paxnatus, and myself have a lot of irons in the fire regarding this situation!
Here is their website that is taking rain samples from around the country and testing for Corexit using the proprietary, unpublished ingredient list
that Paxnatus stumbled upon!
In addition, I have been going to the beach and taking video of water down below the sand and water line. It has been very revealing for me, as I
believed our beaches were still clean! Here are my two threads with tons of videos.
First Hand account: Florida Beaches Are Polluted With Oil
Part II, Firsthand Video Oil on Florida Beaches
The videos are up on Youtube with over 19,000 hits so far! They have also been picked up by Intelhub and are featured on the start page there.
My point is this: Nobody has contacted me, stopped me from filming, edited the videos, banned them, or anything else. I have spoken with
Cloudsinthesky on many occasions and he has received warnings from other conspiracy theorists, but nobody has contacted him so far either.
In addition, I have worked with the main Organic and Analytical Chemists here at FSU. They are currently contracted with Nalco and BP, so they cannot
do independent testing, however they were willing to forward me all the appropriate forms to have independent samples sent to their labs via grant
projects, and the testing can still get done! In other words, they were not afraid to bend the rules a little to try and help out the project.
From my personal experience, there are no BP thugs. This is all hype and exaggeration, but I promise to check back often and let you know if anything
[edit on 24-8-2010 by getreadyalready]