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911 Passenger Fraud: "New research turns entire 9/11 paradigm upside down"

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posted on Aug, 24 2010 @ 01:32 PM
reply to post by kaybee5000

what are you talking about ? your evidence is just fabrication ?

whatever tho i know there no point me standing there isnt enough or that the so called evidence comes from crazy people on you tube or worse but hey enjoy your so called debate

posted on Aug, 24 2010 @ 01:38 PM

Originally posted by MrSpad
So let me get this straight not only did a freind of mine not die when the Pentagon was hit but, in fact he did not even exist. That has to be one the stupidest things I have ever heard.

But what you and others fail to do is, name names. Many claim to have friends, relatives etc parishing in the events of 9-11 so please back it up.
Please provide your friends name and prove (please) there was a relationship between the two of you.

I am not saying you're lying but c'mon. Anyone can say anything and!

posted on Aug, 24 2010 @ 01:39 PM


posted on Aug, 24 2010 @ 01:47 PM

Originally posted by triplescorpio

enough with the fictional facts stop using info to cause ooohs and ahhs this ridiculous nonsense is consuming this site.

9/11 was very real and you people who treat it like its up for debate are so awfully confused yeah you can find sum info that could be taken out of context but it just proves nothing and your sources are proven nut cases.

please use your intellect on something not quite so insulting it really is disgusting what some of you suggest.

have some respect and stop spreading the BS it isnt right the world is scary enough pick a real conspiracy other then GW standing around with his thum in ass there is no NWO or what have you conspiracy.

take the time to concider what you are implieing and how much effort would be needed to complete these so called conspiarcys.

not to mention those of us at any of these ground zeros is giving you the middle finger for calling us liars basically ...................

Even the best of the best (scientists, politicians, celebrities etc.....not to mention scores of family members) all questions the events on 9-11. So, it's not just a pesky conspiracy rumor among forums on the Internet. I think it's been state over 20% of Americans question Sept 11 2001.

That entire day holds more questions than answers.
Not to go off on a tangent but answer me this. Why did Bush/Cheney refuse to be questioned separately and if that wasn't weird enough, NOT under oath either??? That is a fact yet no one can give a plausible explanation.

I know so many want to wave your American flags high and proudly but my fellow patriots....we've been lied to BIG TIME!

posted on Aug, 24 2010 @ 01:56 PM
reply to post by Human_Alien

Why ? Just so you guys can turn around and call him a liar again ?

I have been to the Social Security Death Index several times and yes , not all of the names are listed . But some of them are .

Now what kind of jackass conspiracy are you guys gonna make out of that ?

Why list any of the names if it was a cover-up ?

Better yet , why not list ALL of the names if it was a cover-up ?

And by the way , people I know who have been dead for several years still aren't listed in the index .

My grandfather is listed but , my grandmother isn't , even tho' she died after he did .

Friend of mine died in '03 and still isn't listed . Another friend died in '08 and he IS listed .

Please tell me the CIA is not messing with me or setting me up !

Boy , I swear , the straws that we grasp for ...

Hey y'all LOOK ^ the sky is NOT falling !

posted on Aug, 24 2010 @ 01:58 PM

Originally posted by triplescorpio
reply to post by kaybee5000

what are you talking about ? your evidence is just fabrication ?

whatever tho i know there no point me standing there isnt enough or that the so called evidence comes from crazy people on you tube or worse but hey enjoy your so called debate

quite possibly the OS has ´fabricated´ parts in it.
and that´s why we are here right, to debate?

you had your say, now others get to reply.

instead you don't want to have any of this and just ignore replys?

posted on Aug, 24 2010 @ 02:06 PM
reply to post by okbmd

I respect your stance. Honestly I do. Having lived in NY at the time and having my own brother a passenger plane slamming into WTC 2 (second tower), I was on your side.

But way too many questions popped up afterwards. Important questions and questions, our leaders refuse to answer.

I don't know anything about EXIF so I won't go toe to toe with anyone about this "new' development.
But like I asked the previous poster, please answer me this question ( another one)

Why weren't any of the alleged 19 hijackers on any of the four passenger lists?

You people don't seem to answer these questions rather, you take this 'Carte Blanche' across-the-board defensive attitude and dodge these questions.

PNAC. Please get yourself familiar with that! It's as if that proposed plan came to fruition and executed on Sept 11, 2001

I don't claim to know what happened that day nor, whose to blame but I can almost assure you I can tell you what DIDN'T happened that day though and that to me, is good enough!

Do you think being against my own government is a good place to be?

[edit on 24-8-2010 by Human_Alien]

posted on Aug, 24 2010 @ 02:14 PM
reply to post by Human_Alien

Nicely put Human_Alien...

I totally agree with you.


posted on Aug, 24 2010 @ 02:16 PM
reply to post by Human_Alien

I respect your right to question those events as well as any others you might have . I was just pointing out that just because the names aren't listed in the index does not prove any type of conspiracy .

I know for a fact that my grandmother and my friends are indeed deceased . Just because they aren't listed does not prove the government was involved in their deaths .

As for the highjackers not being on the passenger lists , seems like I read somewhere that they were . If memory serves me correct , there was the question of flight manifests versus passenger lists .

I don't recall exactly , so I would have to look that bit of info up again .

posted on Aug, 24 2010 @ 02:18 PM

Originally posted by okbmd
reply to post by Human_Alien

And by the way , people I know who have been dead for several years till aren't listed in the index .

My grandfather is listed but , my grandmother isn't , even tho' she died after he did .

if she dies after him I can see why he was on the list and she wasnt

posted on Aug, 24 2010 @ 02:25 PM

posted on Aug, 24 2010 @ 02:58 PM
I am not a youtuber...and i am not into Just believing the MSM....since it is controled by the likes of Rupert Murdoch and The Rockerfellers and the Rothchilds.

The thing is like others have is not the all the answered bits that confused on the 9?11 is all the unanswered questions.

It is the whole convienence of the stories, the buidings collapsing in the fashion they did, the mass hystria.... .

Then things like in this thread when simple exif data doesn't match the date of the happening.

there is too many unanswered questions for it not to be debated.

yes it was horrible.

yes there were many lives lost.

yes it was a very disturbing day...the world was there.

one of those days when you know eactly where you were,
now everyone just looking for the smoking gun is not working so it becomes a collection of many little incidents to create a true picture.

i also notice that soon as 9/11 topic gets posted the ATS staff immediately put it under scrutiny due to that is a bit sad.

This is one of the biggest conspiracies and it has NOT been debunked as so many people try to claim.

just as the shooting of JFK has never been debunked.

now the people who are waking up are the ones questioning the hidden agendas of goverments in all ways.

as i always say....follow the money trail.

the true arms dealers.....
The bush family.

but that is for another topic....back to the one at hand....thanks for the posting and every little bit helps towards the truth.

The truth as it stand so far is....SOMETHING very dodgey took place on 9/11 and it started years before the event..

so keep on digging,

[edit on 033131p://f02Tuesday by plube]

posted on Aug, 24 2010 @ 02:59 PM
reply to post by Bonified Ween

its not a government version its called reality!

posted on Aug, 24 2010 @ 03:04 PM
reply to post by nickrick

Clever of you to catch that and rate a star for your reply .

Now please explain why you weren't clever enough to see the point I was making with the very next line .

I was pointing out that it didn't matter which one had died first by showing two different situations .

I was showing that chronological order doesn't factor in either .

Maybe that clears up my previous post a bit ?

[edit on 24-8-2010 by okbmd]

posted on Aug, 24 2010 @ 04:33 PM

got in enough trouble over this stupidity !

the OS as u call you know who you are is not what is the question anyone who beleives the government 100% is a BIG dumby however why use this OS as a scapegoat .

the planes hit the buildings there was no missile at the pentagon and the airforce didnt shoot down an airliner i don even know where to start with that one geez

that said the it is very insulting to anyone covered in dust that day to spout statistics that have been refined over the years through a strainer to paint a picture preconceived not the truth rather your truth.

The OS doesnt exsist only here on ATS there are no truthers only dellusions
there is no extreme other side hence my angle

all there is is the truth and its not fantasical the government isafter you rather a sick bunch of a holes who ruined the peace of mind we all had prior to 9/11 yes i can hear your little conspiracys rolling abounding stay focused because there are real issues with this world that are conspiracys but essentially if what you psuedo truthers is suggesting could be true the entire world at large is lieing .

more likely you are just wrong and i am sorry that this isnt the hollywood FANATSY its just boring reality

be well all sorry to get so mad just this topic is so brain dead it kills me

[edit on 24-8-2010 by triplescorpio]

posted on Aug, 24 2010 @ 08:40 PM
Thank you for the info OP, I look forward to further developments.

Just a brief post from me this time as I have a busy day preparing for my September 10th radio broadcast focusing on the anomalies surrounding 9/11

Firstly, I would like to say that I completely agree with Human Alien and Plube have posted before me.

Secondly, in my opinion your last post was very poor, Triplescorpio. I can see why you would hit and run. In my eyes you epitomise the attitude of the steadfast OS believer. Is that baseless rant the best you can do

There are soooo many holes in the official story it's almost incomprehendible how they managed to get away with this giant false flag.

Just a few of the major issues for me.....

- FBI admitting no hard evidence linking OBL with 9/11
- The near freefall and symmetrical collapse of WTC 1 2 and 7
- The inconclusive Pentagon footage offered and the lack of debris.
- The admission tape of OBL that was "found" and of course how they STILL "don't know where he is".

I could go on for pages but IMO even one of these anomalies justifies a new investigation. This will be a subject of paramount importance for a long time to come. It is at the core of the global political awakening that is happening and must not be allowed to be swept under the rug like the JFK murder was by the Warren commission.

9/11 Truth Now!

Well that wasn't so brief but I can't help it, I'm very passionate when it comes to the future of humanity.


edited to fix link

[edit on 24/8/10 by vehemes terra eternus]

posted on Aug, 24 2010 @ 09:17 PM
reply to post by triplescorpio

9/11 was very real and you people who treat it like its up for debate are so awfully confused...

You are confused. Let's start here...

In an April 19 speech delivered to the Common wealth Club in San Francisco, Mueller said that the purported hijackers, in his words, 'left no paper trial.' The FBI director stated flatly:

"In our investigation, we have not uncovered a single piece of paper - either here in the United States or in the treasure trove of information that has turned up in Afghanistan and elsewhere - that mentioned any aspect of the Sept. 11 plot."

[edit on 24-8-2010 by truthcounts]

posted on Aug, 24 2010 @ 10:11 PM
reply to post by triplescorpio

the planes hit the buildings there was no missile at the pentagon and the airforce didnt shoot down an airliner i don even know where to start with that one geez

This is your opinion and not a proven fact.
The fact is there is no proof that an airplane hit the Pentagon, we only have our governments word.

Do you have evidence that the Air Force did not shoot down an airliner?

Do you take our governments word as truth without evidence?

that said the it is very insulting to anyone covered in dust that day to spout statistics that have been refined over the years through a strainer to paint a picture preconceived not the truth rather your truth.

I find this rather amusing that you say this, because most of the people that were covered in dust that day, are still searching for answers. Who told you that all the people that were at the WTC that day are satisfied with the OS?

The OS doesnt exsist only here on ATS there are no truthers only delusions

You certainly are entitled to your “opinions,” no matter how ridiculous they are, however you are on a conspiracy website this is what we do, we discuss theses issues. Do you have any evidence to the contrary?
Your opinions are wrong. The OS was told by our government, the News media, NIST, 911Comission report. The only “delusions” that I see are people who are afraid to question authority and continue to take our governments word as holy truths, now that’s living in a fantasy world.

all there is is the truth and its not fantasical the government isafter you rather a sick bunch of a holes who ruined the peace of mind we all had prior to 9/11 yes i can hear your little conspiracys rolling abounding stay focused because there are real issues with this world that are conspiracys but essentially if what you psuedo truthers is suggesting could be true the entire world at large is lieing .

You have just demonstrated that, you have never researched anything about 911. We are in here to discover the truth and to present sources, evidence, in disputing the OS, we are in here to deny “ignorance”, not to promote it with opinions.

more likely you are just wrong and i am sorry that this isnt the hollywood FANATSY its just boring reality

Perhaps, many would say, there are those in here who live in a fantasy world, especially when their fantasy world is interrupted by the truth. It is many of those who cannot handle such truths as we see demonstrated on many of these 911 threads.

be well all sorry to get so mad just this topic is so brain dead it kills me

The fact that there is little to no information about the passengers on all four of the alleged hijack flights. The fact that our government has lied to the American people about most of the events surrounded by 911. Is this what you are really angry about? Well, you should be.

Try researching “False Flags,” and compare the known facts. As far as evidence to support the OS there are none. Most of the governments reports were proven a fraud.

[edit on 24-8-2010 by impressme]

posted on Aug, 24 2010 @ 10:24 PM

Originally posted by filosophia
Glad you brought this up, here is something that is kinda interesting to do

Social Security Death Index:

List of 9/11 victims from different sites

Type in a name of the victim into the social security death index, the majority of them do not come up, only a few come up. It would be one thing if none of them came up, this could imply the index is flawed (it is NOT government, however it claims it is the largest SSN-index on the web). But, as it turns out, some turn up on the list, others do not. People have speculated when I tell them this that perhaps because of the victim compensation/"hush money" they are not allowed to list their names on the list. Try the list out with your own relatives to see the accuracy of the list for normal situations.

Please try this out and tell me if the victims come up or not.

Well I figured I would give your theory a try...with a twist...
John F. Kennedy.....not listed.
Francis Scobee (Challenger Commander)....not listed
Joe Dimaggio....not listed.
Michael Jackson....not listed
Harry Truman....not listed

Gee, I'm beginning to sense a pattern here..........

posted on Aug, 24 2010 @ 10:28 PM
reply to post by Human_Alien

Why weren't any of the alleged 19 hijackers on any of the four passenger lists?

BZZZZT wrong answer. You are referring to the VICTIMS lists that were released that day. The actual passenger manifests from all four jets, DO list 18 of the 19 hijackers....Hani Hanjour, being the sole exception.

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