posted on Aug, 24 2010 @ 02:16 AM
I have read about all of the various theories and beliefs. One is that the greys are drone like scouts that are essentially, avatars. The other,
scarier idea, the one I am believing more and more, is that the greys are the fallen angels who were stripped of their original, glorified bodies.
This is more of a biblical take on what Lagnar posted previously. They were quarantined on the earth byGod, kept in an alternate 4th dimension. The
whole idea of the abductions and how they examine, create hybrids, etc, is because they want to be able to stay here without limitations, to control
us, and since God created us and placed us above the angels in heaven as He commanded them to watch over us, the evil entities want to ruin His
creation (us humans). They are trying to once again (as in the days of Noah), mingle their seed among man kind, trying to create a perfect hybrid that
looks more like we do. They obviously have had little luck doing this. I read that the first appearance of spaceships and beings posing as aliens from
a far away planet, acting like they are going to help us to evolve and prosper, are the bad guys. Jesus will be appearing in the clouds with his
warrior angels ready to do battle some time afterwards. Brace yourselves, get right with the Lord, don't fear, but have faith
[edit on 24-8-2010 by jymmyjaymes]