Hi All, this is my first official thread, so please be nice.
MODS: I don’t know if I put this in the correct area so please feel free to move to the correct forum
Last night, I turned on the TV and before I can change the channel I saw something that left me awestruck.
My initial reaction was to LMFAO. My husband came in and saw it and said to me “hey you never know”
Well, it was an infomercial about Rev. Peter Popoff and how God wants to pay my debts. All that we had to do was to call in for some miracle water and
he will pray for my debts, then a series of instructional letters were going to be sent to me and if I follow them to a ‘T’ I will be receiving a
check in the mail that were divine transfers and supernatural money. There were all types of people claiming that they received a check for hundreds
of thousands of dollars. Those series of ‘instructional’ letters that you receive are requests for donations to his ministry while doing some
stupid sacrifice like eat a special salt for 3 days, sleep with a bottle of water and then drink it first thing in the morning. Oh BTW it isn’t
just any water he claims it to be Russian water that came from near a nuclear reactor accident site. The animals that drank from this spring that was
near the accident site were radiation free. (Really??)
First, I thought OMG how can people be so freaking gullible, and then my husband’s comment made me think how many people think like my husband and
call in.
So I started to do some research. Lo and behold my gut reaction was right; this guy is a scam artist and an effective one too. This guy is a
millionaire that steals your money. All this started back in the 80’s this guy started as wanting to heal you. He was debunked on national TV, now
he lied dormant for 20 years.
Why would MSM media allow these types of infomercials?? I mean really when was the last time that anyone here in the US saw infomercials like in the
90’s for Ms. Cleo types?
Are TPTB or the NWO trying to make us so mad at God that we lose our faith all together so they can feed us their own doctrine to control us more??
I know a lot of you are going to state that you can never be that gullible, but this guy is a millionaire, his kids rake in more cash than most
To be honest before last night I have never heard of the guy or even seen him, but he competes with most A- list movies stars pay wise, so that makes
a whole lot of gullible people around the world.
I find it sad that as the times are harrowing on most of the world, this guy just comes and takes advantage of the only thing that is left that is
Free in this world, Faith.
How can this man have not been stripped of his reverend title??
I know that you should never question God and his plan and I’m sure that the Devil is just filing his tooth awaiting this guys arrival in his dark
world, but when I see sh*t like this I really question the fact that he allows people like this to be rich and the real humble hardworking man that
has unwavering faith is really struggling economically.
Any opinions on this matter???
I am including his website here for those who have no idea who the heck this man is as well as a Wikipedia link for his history
His website
Edit to correct grammer and spelling
[edit on 23-8-2010 by qbanthinker305]