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Absorbing Others Energy...Even From Miles Away?

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posted on Aug, 23 2010 @ 12:50 PM
I was wondering if anyone else has experienced this phenomenon.

I have been feeling very off today, crying all morning, jittery, etc.

I have no logical reason to feel this way, and it just occured to me that I MAY be absorbing others enegy, and wanted to share my thoughts and get some feedback.

Both of my boys start school today, one in college, and my baby in HS.

My oldest, I have been so excited and proud of his getting into college, and today marks one of the proudest happiest days in my life so far as a mother. Yet I know he must be nervous.

My youngest lives hours away with his dad, who allowed him to enroll in HS and begin, with his friends, only to cruelly yank him out after a week, because he lost his house. (which he knew he was losing for months, and failed to tell my son or me about.)

So now my youngest has to start a new HS with no friends, and I am sure, on top of his anger with his father (really, it is more personal than I am going to get into on a web board, suffice to say, it is a trying time for my kid), he is very nervous about this new HS.

I am off work today (another reason for joy) and had a DR appt and errands this morning, all routine, nothing life threatening, typical start to a typical day. I spent most of my time breaking into tears just out of the blue, or my leg was a bouncing on extra high speed! I found myself rubbing my arm, and clenching my teeth, really out of the norm behavior for me I am laid back most of the time.

So I get home from my errands, and it just overwhelms me, until I stop and lay down to meditate (which is how I tend to deal with things anymore).

Here is what came to me, I am absorbing my kids energies, so I focused on absorbing as much as I could, and sent them thoughts of light and love.

Now, I feel better. (later on tonight I will see how their days went, and share).

So is it possible to absorb anothers energy, from across town or across the state or across the country?

Is this a heard of phenomenon?

A while back I had an awfully strange dream, which I posted about here:

and it too involved sensing others energy, only in my dream.

Maybe the meditation simply calmed me, and I was just releasing stress this morning (my job, and I care for a disabled sister, oh we all have stress dont we).

The only stories that come to mind in this area are of twins sensing each others emotions feelings when far apart.

If anyone has anything to share on this topic, personal experiences especially, or places to find information about this topic, I would appreciate it.

posted on Aug, 23 2010 @ 01:33 PM
I think it is possible

How many stories are out there about loved ones or siblings ( mainly twins ) that feel the other is in trouble. Or are sad when the other is sad. Even when they are miles away.

I read and hear about this phenomena on countless occasions. The connection between a mother and her child is a strong one.

I know someone that actually feels the emotions from total strangers that are close to him. It's really strange and funny when you are walking down the street with a friend, a real man not a feman or something, having a conversation and for no apparent he starts to cry.

I hope your son easily fits in on his new school.

All the best.

~ Sinter

posted on Aug, 23 2010 @ 01:44 PM
We really don't know what energy effects us and how it does..
Neither do we completely understand HOW it manages to change our thoughts & state of mind.

But we know (finally) that there is positive or negative energy & we, human beings and a lot of other living creatures do indeed get "changed" by it.

Will we ever know?
Are we meant to know?

Good thought!
your thoughts are energy as well!

posted on Aug, 23 2010 @ 03:44 PM
reply to post by hotbakedtater

I think this is a difficult question for one particular reason. Within the question itself there is doubt and this doubt inhibits the possibility of understanding the phenomenon. I strongly feel that we all can not only absorb energy from others but we can also send out energy to others as well. The question remains for me as to how much this transmission of energy or information influences each of us.

Your question reminded me of a book I read by Gregg Braden, “The Science of Miracles”. I did a little search and found these videos so I posted them here with the thought that you might enjoy them.

posted on Aug, 23 2010 @ 04:09 PM
reply to post by hotbakedtater

Yes, you can feel others energy from across great areas. My girlfriend is hyper sensitive and gets very upset for no reason, she just breaks down sometimes and has no explanation she can think of. She has gotten mad at me, out of the blue, I am shocked and when she calms down she apologizes. It is very strange and I too feel the energy most of the time.

Kymatica is a great documentary and could help you in understanding what it is that is going on.

We are all conected and with nature too. Anyone who thinks otherwise is not open minded or has not had an "event" happen to them personally.

It's a crazy world. Magnetism is a strange entity.

posted on Aug, 23 2010 @ 04:44 PM
Thank you all for your responses.

I know that in close proximity energy is "contagious", but remain curious about this energy connection from long distances. My youngest son has poor cell reception, I hope I get to speak to him tonight and see how his day went, and how nervous he was before HS. I will be able to talk to my oldest here in a little bit when he finishes his last class.

I was looking around the internet and found a term called empath. Here is a link to that article, I am sure I will be finding more information on this interesting subject. I am not subscribing to this empath thing(or not subscribing), but it relates.

posted on Aug, 23 2010 @ 04:51 PM
Yes Hotbakedtater , you can absorb others energy it is known as psychic vampirism . This is bad stuff , even though your intensions are good please don't practice this . There are people who are addicted to this pratice who become totally parasitic . It is bad for others health .

posted on Aug, 23 2010 @ 09:03 PM

Originally posted by 13th Zodiac
Yes Hotbakedtater , you can absorb others energy it is known as psychic vampirism . This is bad stuff , even though your intensions are good please don't practice this . There are people who are addicted to this pratice who become totally parasitic . It is bad for others health .

I was not practicing anything, these feelings just came on, out of the blue.

Psychic vampirism sounds negative and empath seems to be less "evil" sounding. I do not know about either subject enough to say if that was what I experienced.

Thank you for sharing.

posted on Aug, 24 2010 @ 03:31 PM
I know you probably don't want to hear this but it is difficult and even dangerous to think about telepathy, which is basically what you are describing. Most people think about mental imagery or words and sounds but you say you are experiencing other's emotions over a distance which encompasses telepathy. Since you say you feel better after you have send you're loved ones positive emotions, can you imagine this becoming a drug?

I once believed I could sense things over a distance too but at some point it became all too confusing and got in the way of my job so I dropped it, which was/is actually quite difficult.

posted on Aug, 24 2010 @ 04:35 PM

Originally posted by Dragonfly79
I know you probably don't want to hear this but it is difficult and even dangerous to think about telepathy, which is basically what you are describing. Most people think about mental imagery or words and sounds but you say you are experiencing other's emotions over a distance which encompasses telepathy. Since you say you feel better after you have send you're loved ones positive emotions, can you imagine this becoming a drug?

I once believed I could sense things over a distance too but at some point it became all too confusing and got in the way of my job so I dropped it, which was/is actually quite difficult.
I felt better because I believed I was sending my children loving positive vibrations, and believed I was taking away their nervousness/negative feelings, and that is what I believe good loving mom does if she is able.

But I can see your way thining it may be drug like.

I dont mind hearing it, I appreciate the contribution.

posted on Aug, 24 2010 @ 04:47 PM

Originally posted by hotbakedtater

So is it possible to absorb anothers energy, from across town or across the state or across the country?

Is this a heard of phenomenon?

Empathy at a distance is true, I can attest to that ... heck sometimes I even feel it through the internet.

It can be surprising and disconcerting to say the least when one doesn't know or understand what is going on ... I remember standing at bus stops and weeping/laughing uncontrollably, folks and part of myself thought I was crazy.

It has other manifestations ... you can be standing in the corner of a room with 200 people and strangers will walk through all of them to speak to you candidly about their life and innermost feelings and secrets.

It can also be problematic because the suffering of world events can often get absorbed and kept inside like a lead weight.

The most important thing is not to resist it for it is true, and resisting the truth leads to suffering to you and all around you.

It is also important to know deeply that these feeling aren't yours and that it is okay to rid yourself of them ... in fact it is paramount because they will affect you on all levels including physically.

This is a rather long conversation ... should you wish me to I am happy to put it all together in a post. It might take me a while though.

Also if you wish me to, I can point you to "teachers" that can speak to the subject much more clearly than I ever could.

Last I want to note that this empathic state is actually our natural one as humans that has been obscured through ages of mind/thought led lives. Thus it's manifestation isn't an abnormality, it is your/our natural state.

posted on Aug, 24 2010 @ 04:55 PM
reply to post by schrodingers dog

I would love to hear both your long post and be pointed in the dirention of teachers. I am interested!

Thank you.

posted on Aug, 24 2010 @ 05:11 PM

Originally posted by letmeDANz
We really don't know what energy effects us and how it does..
Neither do we completely understand HOW it manages to change our thoughts & state of mind.

But we know (finally) that there is positive or negative energy & we, human beings and a lot of other living creatures do indeed get "changed" by it.

Will we ever know?
Are we meant to know?

Good thought!
your thoughts are energy as well!

At this point in our eveolution I would say it's possible to stumble upon some way to make use of our natural energies, but that we really don't know the exacts as to how it works, what is behind it, pretty much anything about it.

I'm sure we as humans know, but that knowledge is "sacred" and so is hidden or kept by somebody..

but yea anything is possible.....if not here then in another realm/reality/dimension...

Which exists because anything does exist....we just dont understand a lot about existing yet.

just my opinion


posted on Aug, 25 2010 @ 01:24 PM

Originally posted by hotbakedtater
]I felt better because I believed I was sending my children loving positive vibrations, and believed I was taking away their nervousness/negative feelings, and that is what I believe good loving mom does if she is able.

But I can see your way thining it may be drug like.

I dont mind hearing it, I appreciate the contribution.

Ok then, forget what I said about the drug comparison but still be careful with yourself and your kids. I'm not a parent so I'm out of my league here.

Just don't take too much negativity away, sometimes it's needed to become aware of the cause and then changes (hopefully for the better) might occur, obviously with your children growing up I'm sure they have a lot of stuff going on all the time. You can't protect your children forever not even if you indeed posses supernatural powers. Otherwise I wish you good luck

posted on Sep, 4 2010 @ 11:38 AM
reply to post by Dragonfly79

What an astute observation. I really do need to step back and let my kids grow up on their own. My oldest just went to college and I want to make sure everything goes ok for him. Well at 19 I think that be comes his responsibility.

I do not think there is anything supernatural about this, if it indeed can happen, or does happen. Because if one human can do it we all can since we are all built in the same factory with the same blueprints.

posted on Sep, 4 2010 @ 11:38 AM
reply to post by Dragonfly79

What an astute observation. I really do need to step back and let my kids grow up on their own. My oldest just went to college and I want to make sure everything goes ok for him. Well at 19 I think that be comes his responsibility.

I do not think there is anything supernatural about this, if it indeed can happen, or does happen. Because if one human can do it we all can since we are all built in the same factory with the same blueprints.

posted on Sep, 4 2010 @ 11:49 AM

Originally posted by 13th Zodiac
Yes Hotbakedtater , you can absorb others energy it is known as psychic vampirism . This is bad stuff , even though your intensions are good please don't practice this . There are people who are addicted to this pratice who become totally parasitic . It is bad for others health .

I think you need to work on making your energy positive.

Your own thoughts seem to be focusing on the wrong thing.

There is a difference between "picking up" energy thoughts - - - and invading them.

posted on Sep, 4 2010 @ 11:52 AM

Originally posted by hotbakedtater
reply to post by Dragonfly79

What an astute observation. I really do need to step back and let my kids grow up on their own. My oldest just went to college and I want to make sure everything goes ok for him. Well at 19 I think that be comes his responsibility.

I do not think there is anything supernatural about this, if it indeed can happen, or does happen. Because if one human can do it we all can since we are all built in the same factory with the same blueprints.

I suppose it depends on how you describe supernatural.

If you feel your child - - surround that child with white light - bless them - - then let go.

If they need you - they will call. If they do not call - - it means they are growing up and handle the situation them self. That is a good thing.

posted on Sep, 4 2010 @ 11:58 AM
Thanks Annee.

I think of Supernatural as a word that scares a lot of people away from intelligent conversation. A lot of people think supernatural means fake or witches spells or ghosts or something and really what I am discussing is something I believe all humans possess the capability for, vs. supernatural might mean it is beyond human capability.

posted on Sep, 4 2010 @ 12:04 PM
you focus with your energy giving it to your attention and intention. In this case you stare into a little box seeking waiting and wanting, full of desire, and easily enough, I could be composing beautiful black magic symphonies to suck all the little Q's and A'a out of your soul. Im not of course, but someone surely is. All of the time. So be wise with how you vote, I mean, how you cast your attention. Stare into a flower as intently as you stare into this screen, and maybe you wont be so jittery and cry. Crying is good though. You would probably cry if you could sit still long enough to watch the flower bloom.

WAKE UP. throw the computer away. Google and ATS will not answer the questions that really matter in your life.

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