posted on Aug, 24 2010 @ 02:10 PM
Nice call oh all knowledgeable Puterman (you've come a long way in a few months with quakes
I wrote to the USGS this morning and just received a response. This was the reply from the nice fellow:
Hi Anmarie,
Thanks for your interest in the goings-on at Three Sisters. Our radio system that relays signals from FRIS and HUO is on the fritz at the moment, and
that is causing the noisy tremor-like signal (what you are seeing is equivalent to the static noise you get from your radio when it is tuned to a
channel that has no radio signal on it). We are working on repairing the radios, and hope to have the problem solved soon (hopefully by the end of the
week). In the meantime you can look at another station (WIFE SHZ CC) to keep tabs on Three Sisters-area seismicity. It can be accessed at
Seth Moran
Volcano Seismologist
David A. Johnston Cascades Volcano Observatory
U.S. Geological Survey
1300 SE Cardinal Court, Bldg 10
Vancouver, WA 98683
[email protected]
I am very glad to hear this. I still have a problem though - in doing research in order to try and figure all this out, I found that Three Sisters is
on the Very High Threat List of Volcanoes, which I knew but monitoring at Three Sisters is seriously lacking - you can download the report from
Here . While they are planning to install more equiptment and instruments, they have not yet as I found
out trying to obtain information for this Thread.