posted on Aug, 23 2010 @ 05:57 AM
I placed this in skunk works arbitrarily as I don't really know where it belongs. I'm really looking for advice from some of ATS's wiser, and more
life experienced members.
Amongst many other things I am an inventor. I have several partners in a group of inventors, and we work on lots of different projects. The most
successful of which recently being improvements to an alternative energy device. We haven't invented the device per se, we have made significant
advances in making it work reliably, and developing it into a mainstream end user product. We have several working prototypes, and going into mass
production would be easy for someone with the cash, and facilities to do so.
That's where the conflict begins. The small time guys don't want to risk any capital in the current economy. The big guys are uninterested, or
vested in never seeing the technology produced as it would mildly affect their bottom line. We decided to take the risk ourselves, and start producing
it on a small scale, and expand as we could. The problem there being we don't have a production budget, and an advertising budget. We can do one or
the other, and advertising a product you can't buy the parts to make doesn't make much sense does it?
We have installed our product on a couple of commercial contracts, and it is working very well. We thought these companies would talk us up, and we
would get residual sales from word of mouth, but instead the companies like to keep us as their "little secret" to be more competitive.
Selling to the general public isn't the greatest idea because the system requires a little maintenance, and Joe down the street hasn't changed the
oil in his car in 3 years. He isn't going to remember to do a 5 minute a week routine even if it does save him money. We have sold 3 or 4 devices to
individuals, and they have all failed due to neglect, and the onwer's excuse for not doing the upkeep was "Doh!... I forgot."
Last week an investor that normally invests in oil field, and petroleum related interests approached us. He wants to buy the whole thing from us. It
isn't "Lifestyles of the rich, and famous" money, but it is life changing money. I could be instantly debt free, and retire very early, and
comfortably in 10 or 15 years.
The catch, I can tell from the terms in the prospectus that he has every intention of permanently shelving this technology. Not another one will be
made of our design if we do this.
My thoughts? It doesn't seem people are really that interested in saving money, and lowering pollution at the same time. We like to preach, and fear
monger about it, but when it comes time to reach into your wallet, and buy a truly green, win-win situation product, the status quo is just fine. As a
society we don't really want sensible, profitable, and useable alternatives yet. We like to say we do, but bottom line is we don't. If we did I'd
be too busy to be ranting about this right now. If it doesn't damage the economy in some way, or cost some poor wage slave his job, or involve
oppressive taxation, and federal involvement, it isn't really green tech right?
To those that would say "Oh give it away, and help the planet!" If we did give it away it would be instantly marginalized, minimized, and swept
away. So if it seems doomed to obscurity anyway I might as well send my kids to college, and make my family's life better. Maybe I'm bitter about
it, but it seems that the energy giants are the only ones smart enough to jump at an opportunity, even if only to suppress it.
We wonder why TPTB have so much power, and great ideas get suppressed. I know why now. We the sheeple are too stupid to support the ideas that would
break their power. Because it isn't as convenient as wastefulness, it might have a little upfront investment that would take away from our
cheesburgers and xbox, and it would require a small amount of simple maintenance. Too much to ask I guess. Never mind it reduces resource consumption
by 30%- 50%, and reduces harmful emissions by 80%, and makes your equipment last at least twice as long. Everyone agrees it's a great idea, and they
"like" it, and "everyone should have one." etc... but no one wants to put their money where their mouths are.
Unless someone can present me with a pretty convincing argument why we should continue to pursue apathetic consumers, and businesses to buy a product
that pays for itself, and then saves money, and the environment. I'm seriously considering signing the prospectus. I already have enough prototypes
that belong to me personally that I'll just use them myself, and gift them to close friends, and family. The rest of you can just keep wondering why
we're in such a mess, and nobody does anything about it.