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In need of paranormal help

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posted on Aug, 22 2010 @ 02:48 PM
Someone posted a similar thread recently but I want to dive deeper into my own side of this issue and ask for help. Here goes:

Since I was a very young child I have always had this odd feeling like I'm much more than I am if that makes any sense. Let me try and explain. I remember telling my mother when I was 6 or 7 that I felt like there was so much more inside of me than was getting out and I could not really explain what I meant. As I got older I started to understand a bit more. It feels like, I know this will sound weird but I feel like I'm a giant spirit trapped in a midgets body. I have always felt like there is so much more to me than I've ever been. Sometimes I'll lie down and go through my thoughts and I'll approach an ephifiny but all of the sudden my mind will block it off. I'll go for a run and feel like I can break the sound barrier but my body seems to have a governer on it or something.
Since I can remember I have always been able to feel when death is near. Every single person I have been close to since I can remember that has passed on I could feel it before hand. A friend suggested that I am intuned to the angel of death. I don't know. I can feel a person out in a split second of meeting them. In that I mean, I can really pick up on vibes or things hidden quickly. I have always found things. Seriously, I can be in the middle of the forest and find a hundred dollar bill. It's like I'm drawn to things. It's hard to explain. My parents insisted that I was a thief when I was growing up since I was always finding things. Oddly enough though I could never find things when I was consiously looking for them.
I was raised Christian and I do believe in the Bible, however I do believe there are tons of things the Bible never really touched on at all. My old church had a series of tests that we could take to determine the gifts of the spirit. My pastor said he firmly believed I had the gift of prophesy. Now with that said, I can't predict the future or anything so I'm not sure to what extent he meant it, but I would really like some insight from people educated in these things.
I should add to this that since around 20 years old I've had the worst luck of anyone ever. If it can go wrong for me it will. I mean horrible luck. At age 20 I broke up with a girl that went off the deep end afterwards. I talked with her best friend last year at my high school reunion and she said that my ex got seriously into witchcraft especially black magic after I broke up with her. She said that she is frightened of her and avoids her now. I wonder if she has done something that is holding me under a dark cloud and preventing me from finally becoming what I can?
I am Christian, so I do know Satan and demons and sorcery exist. Please hit me with some opinions and ideas and help on this subject.

posted on Aug, 22 2010 @ 02:59 PM
All I can say is, maintain your composure. Follow the coincidences. Appreciate the gift, and find purpose and wisdom in it. Don't get carried away.
I can experience many similar things, though I have mastered the control of it. I can turn it on and off, so to speak, though its always there. I don't like knowing where or how something comes about, on a personal basis.


posted on Aug, 22 2010 @ 03:39 PM
How is it your worst luck for breaking up your gf? I just don't get it.

There is really no such thing as luck except karma and your own action that create the process.

[edit on 8/22/2010 by thepathoverseer]

posted on Aug, 22 2010 @ 03:49 PM
Sounds to me like your mind is your worst enemy. Mine too. Although it seems it runs a little deeper for you. The giant inside a midget feeling must be overbearing. My inner struggles have always been about the universe and its relationship to my mind. Everyone has their own personal struggle. It is how you react in relation to that struggle which vindicates your existence. This is your world. You have the truth.

posted on Aug, 22 2010 @ 04:19 PM
It is apparent that you are an evolved soul. But the limitations are your current mindset as well as negativity.

As far as luck is concerned, everything works in cycles.
You will eventually have better luck but look at what you are considering Bad luck, for in every dark cloud there is also a silver lining and a life lesson in which to grow from.

One of the best ways to change things is to focus only on positives.
And not to dwell on the past or of all things negative.

Take the Girlfriend for example.
Just as other people you have met in life, Girlfriends will come and go.
Looking at what happened to your last girlfriend, as far as getting deep in to the dark arts, perhaps it was for the better.

Saying things such as " I have the worst luck" only embeds that further into your subconcious mind eventually making it your reality.

You need to think about good things that you want to occur for you in the future.

Where you want to be in the future, 6 months, a year from now.
In vivid detail.
What type of new Girlfriend you'd like to meet. Also in detail.

Thoughts are things and you CAN create your reality.

But remember to always Think Positive.

posted on Aug, 22 2010 @ 05:03 PM
"I am Christian, so I do know Satan and demons and sorcery exist. Please hit me with some opinions and ideas and help on this subject."

I think you first need to realize that you do not "know" what you think you know and then go from there. Like that saying goes, you need to empty your cup before you can gain new knowledge.

I do not understand how because you are Christian that Satan and demons and sorcery must exist? And define sorcery lol..

Christians are a funny bunch..

posted on Aug, 22 2010 @ 06:35 PM
reply to post by evo80

OK, so you totally have not helped at all. Why reply at all to this? Or are you just another Christian basher? This is not the thread for it, take it somewhere else.

posted on Aug, 22 2010 @ 07:01 PM
God works in mysterious ways. The best way to find answers is via prayer, as those who don't know you, or your circumstances, or God's plan for you can only guess. Seek answers via the One who provides them, rather than the ones who can lead you astray.

posted on Aug, 22 2010 @ 07:07 PM
Most people with this have what's called illusion of granduer. It's a psychological defect that stems from feelings of inadequacies and insecurities. Quite often these people are substance abusers.

Just type that in to wikepaedia.

Good luck to you.

posted on Aug, 22 2010 @ 07:09 PM
Keep a pad and a pen by your night-stand. Start recording your dreams even if you have to fight your way out of a dream to write it down...your internal Giant will talk to you in this manner. As you grow older and more wiser you internal Giant may be able to talk to you without using the dream state.

Your dreams may not make sense at will most likely have to re-read them a few weeks or months later to see how they fit into your life or to assess what they were trying to tell you.

Prophecy is a very real thing...I've seen it; I've done it; and I track it daily. It's the one thing in life that affirms and reaffirms that there is a there's no way in the world that a single-cell animal, that eventually (over millions of years) evolves into "man" could ever be just defies logic that evolution would be able to produce that effect...yet prophecy is real...and you have the gift, you need to cultivate it.

Best of luck to you.

posted on Aug, 22 2010 @ 07:15 PM

Originally posted by Christian Voice
reply to post by evo80

OK, so you totally have not helped at all. Why reply at all to this? Or are you just another Christian basher? This is not the thread for it, take it somewhere else.

Why should he not be allowed to voice his opinion just because it doesn't go along with your beliefs?

You posted this in the Paranormal section.

If all you want is a big Christian party in your thread then move it to the religion section.

posted on Aug, 22 2010 @ 07:40 PM

Originally posted by Christian Voice
reply to post by evo80

I have always felt like there is so much more to me than I've ever been. Sometimes I'll lie down and go through my thoughts and I'll approach an ephifiny but all of the sudden my mind will block it off. I'll go for a run and feel like I can break the sound barrier but my body seems to have a governer on it or something.

I can totally relate to that, as well as the part about having horrible luck. So I felt like we are in similar shoes until I got to that last part about how things must be simply because you are Christian. First of all, how the hell does being Christian = demons and Satan are 100% real?????

That kind of definitive thinking will NOT allow you to advance spiritually in the true sense. In the Christian "spiritual" sense it doesn't matter because of all the BS flying around already.

And no, I am not a Christian basher. I do not label myself any type of religion and do not have the need to. I am able to think for myself and decide what my beliefs are. I do not need a book or a priest to tell me what to think and believe. I am against organized religion, but I am not going to go around trying to convince people that their religion is wrong and mine is right.

In the simplest terms - you have to let go of what you *think* you know, in order to really know. Being Christian does not mean demons are real. Not that they are not real, but putting it in the sense you did is absolutely ridiculous. That was my point. And maybe this is related to the "block" you feel is happening to you, huh?? Maybe part of the problem is your mind is set a certain way and you refuse to see things from other perspectives.

Here is another quote you should find beneficial - The mind is like a parachute, it only works when open

Unfortunately too many religious people have their beliefs and a closed mind to anything else. Think about it, all those religions spewing the "truth" about what is right and wrong. How the hell do any of them truly know? Because a book says so? Because a priest says so?

posted on Aug, 22 2010 @ 08:04 PM
reply to post by DARKCYDE_CROWLEY

Dude, take it somewhere else. I'm not preaching or quoting the Bible here, I am simply looking for answers or at least help. Because of my screen name, I just wanted to point out that I am Christian but that I do go beyond the Bible. That's all.

posted on Aug, 22 2010 @ 08:06 PM

I dunno. I got nothing.

posted on Aug, 22 2010 @ 08:09 PM
reply to post by ArcAngel

It's dillusions not illusions, and I maintain full control of my senses. I have never done a drug of any kind except for prescriptions for sinus infections from time to time. My wife could tell you anything I'm telling you on here. My sister died in February of this year. She was perfectly healthy but the night before she died I kept telling my wife that I had that feeling again in the pit of my stomach like something bad is about to happen and sure enough at 5 am the next morning my mother called to say my sister was dead. It has happened the same several times over. All the while though I continue to have this overwhelming feeling that there is so much more to me. Like I'm predestined for something great or something.

posted on Aug, 22 2010 @ 08:11 PM
reply to post by evo80

OK let's put aside the Christian part of it for now. Seriously, anyone ever heard of anything like this before?

posted on Aug, 22 2010 @ 08:29 PM

Originally posted by ArcAngel
Most people with this have what's called illusion of granduer. It's a psychological defect that stems from feelings of inadequacies and insecurities. Quite often these people are substance abusers.

Just type that in to wikepaedia.

Good luck to you.

ArcAngel- look who's talking? Calling yourself ArcAngel.
Before you start putting down others, look at yourself first.

posted on Aug, 22 2010 @ 08:34 PM
reply to post by Christian Voice

I think you are facing and coming to realize, what alot of us here on earth are supposed to be doing in our current lives. There comes a point for alot of us here on earth, that we begin to feel the stregnth and realize the challenges that lie ahead of us. As 'old souls' we decided to come on earth right now, and each of us has a different calling. While Christianity does leave out alot of "real" things, its basis is love. You should explore other spiritual avenues however, as sources of information if anything else. Because millions of other people on the planet who arent Christians, aren't necessarily wrong. Reincarnation is very real, and so is choosing your lifes mission and life work. As you become stronger with who you are and become the soul you planned to be you will begin to feel more empowered perhaps than others in your life, like you have a special purpose- and you do. Many of us here on earth have a special purpose right now. I encourage you to begin learning meditation and communicating with god through meditation, you will begin to learn things about yourself that you have always wanted to know. Do not let others lead the way, only trust yourself's truth.

[edit on 22-8-2010 by xynephadyn]

posted on Aug, 22 2010 @ 08:46 PM

Originally posted by Christian Voice
My pastor said he firmly believed I had the gift of prophesy. Now with that said, I can't predict the future or anything so I'm not sure to what extent he meant it, but I would really like some insight from people educated in these things.

I know you don't want to make this a thread about religion, but can I say that I think you are conflicted because you are a Christian? Things like finding money in the forest seem like luck to me, and nothing special really. I have highlited the bit above, because isn't the Bible against prophecy? That is frightening that your pastor condoned it. As for your luck turning bad, with the break up of a girlfriend, guess what? That is called life. Life is full of ups and downs, like finding money, and then getting your heart broken.

I am Christian, so I do know Satan and demons and sorcery exist. Please hit me with some opinions and ideas and help on this subject.

I am Christian, yet I do not believe in Satan or demons. Since when does Christianity have anything to do with sorcery?

I will say it once again, I just think you are conflicted, because what you consider to be out of the ordinary about life, is just ordinary.

Question, since you mentioned Satan and demons, are you possibly questioning an influence from such in your life, that is making you question here?

edit typo

[edit on 22-8-2010 by Blanca Rose]

posted on Aug, 22 2010 @ 09:17 PM
The more you expect bad luck in your life, the more bad luck you will get.

Look for, and at the things in your life that are good, and concentrate on those things to avoid thinking of the bad.

Meditation would help you train your mind to think of only good.

Take the religion, sorcery, and demons right out of the picture. If you think you're cursed, you are.

We don't know much about the forces of the universe, other than we get what we think about the most. Don't let the bad stuff have power over you.

May the good force be with you.

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