posted on Aug, 23 2010 @ 05:55 AM
I think elements of the Bush administration, in concert with advisors from "private life" and at least one foreign government actually planned 9/11
and carried it out. I think if an American politician were to look for an acceptable but edgy political stance to take on 9/11, he might charge the
Bush administration with gross negligence or even with "letting it happen", as Grayson seems to have done. Fine.
As Bush would say, "It's politics. It's just politics. . . . It's an absurd insinuation."
As I said, I don't think Bush just "let it happen", but suppose he did just let it happen.
Is that a crime? Is Grayson calling for the arrest of Bush? Is it a crime for an American president, aware of an impending attack on the United States
to just let it happen?
Maybe not.
Isn't that what Roosevelt did in the case of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour? It is rumoured that he did. If so, it was done for "reasons of
state". Sometimes a snappy ad campaign isn't enough to get the voters to do what you want. Sometimes you have to sink the Pacific Fleet. (And kill a
bunch of sailors.)
"It's politics. It's just politics."
Most Americans will just blather nonsense on the subject of Pearl Harbour. If they even care, which most do not, they will simply mouth patriotic
platitudes about the "day of infamy", being stabbed in the back, finally triumphing and socking it to the "nips" at Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Roosevelt won't even figure in the discussion, except for the few, most of whom would say that the president did what had to be done, at the time.
"It's politics. It's just politics."
If you squash a bunch of ants on an anthill, not even the ants care. They run and save themselves and later just drag the bodies into the
anthill and eat them.
[edit on 23-8-2010 by ipsedixit]