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America Will no longer be #1 ?

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posted on Jun, 20 2004 @ 03:23 PM
Hi, lately I have been hearing about how America is falling apart with more Americans getting older than there are younger people to replace them. In other words there are more old people than there are young people.

It is reported that by 2010, there will more percentage of Americans getting pension than the tax paying Americans, this is said to put America under $44 trillion; in deficit.

Not only that, with BRIC (brazil, Russia, India, china) developing there economy dramatically it has resulted in demand for material going up, this has effect America even more with the oil price and shortage of steal.

There are also economic prediction made by top analyst such as Goldman shachs and others, which all predicted that china will be #1 and America #2.

What�s your view on this, America economical hegemony over, or this is just side tracking?

My point of view:

As an American I try to be positive but the way things looks. I feel that America is about to collapse

posted on Jun, 20 2004 @ 07:31 PM

Originally posted by microsys
Hi, lately I have been hearing about how America is falling apart with more Americans getting older than there are younger people to replace them. In other words there are more old people than there are young people.

its that way for most of europe, america is still growing pretty well, imo china is growing too fast and wont be able to support such a large population because the way their economy is, its closed compared europe and especially america, thats their weakness as i see it.

posted on Jun, 20 2004 @ 07:35 PM
The problem people don't get about most of America's debt, is it was used to build the world's infrastructure to what it is today. We will always maintain such a high position economically because of it.

After WW2 there was only one economy in the world, America's. Every other nation had to re-create their economies. The British begun in 1945 before war's end by ousting Churchill.

The final reason America will always be number 1. Nuclear Weapons. We hold all the "credible cards". Russia has a lot but lost their credibility when selling-out to the west for food and toilet paper because they couldn't produce it themselves.

The world needs us, we need them.

It's no longer about #1.

posted on Jun, 20 2004 @ 07:52 PM

Originally posted by FreeMason

The final reason America will always be number 1. Nuclear Weapons. We hold all the "credible cards". Russia has a lot but lost their credibility when selling-out to the west for food and toilet paper because they couldn't produce it themselves.

what the hell are you talking about? this is not the 90's anymore, and russia/china/india etc.. are in way better condition now, the whole world fricking hates the US, its about time this warmongering nation goes down into a 3rd world shytehole overrun by the same people that america has oppressed.

posted on Jun, 20 2004 @ 07:55 PM

Originally posted by feindflug
what the hell are you talking about? this is not the 90's anymore, and russia/china/india etc.. are in way better condition now, the whole world fricking hates the US, its about time this warmongering nation goes down into a 3rd world shytehole overrun by the same people that america has oppressed.

Feindflung if you don't know what I'm talking about then why are you posting stupid opinions? Shouldn't you be learning what I'm talking about? Go learn something about where Russia's money is coming from, or China's for that matter, China's currency is fixed to the Dollar.

Ugh "warmongering shyte hole" we saved your ass from the Soviet Union. Now just go shut-up.

posted on Jun, 20 2004 @ 08:02 PM

Originally posted by FreeMason

Ugh "warmongering shyte hole" we saved your ass from the Soviet Union. Now just go shut-up.

you what?
you should thank the ussr for defeating the nazis,

you didnt save me, if that retarded gorilla gorby wasnt so soft on the disintegrating baltics we would still have ussr, when it collapsed our lives were ruined and we were forced to move, your democrazy hasnt brought ANYTHING but trouble

posted on Jun, 20 2004 @ 09:21 PM

Originally posted by feindflug

you what?
you should thank the ussr for defeating the nazis,

you didnt save me, if that retarded gorilla gorby wasnt so soft on the disintegrating baltics we would still have ussr, when it collapsed our lives were ruined and we were forced to move, your democrazy hasnt brought ANYTHING but trouble

Well I imagine if the USSR was still around and you were in it. You would not be viewing or posting to this site =). You are posting because what ever country you are in is free or near free.

[edit on 20-6-2004 by Xeven]

posted on Jun, 20 2004 @ 09:32 PM
I'm going to have to agree with Xeven on this. Also, I would suggest a good history book. Russia gave much in the fight against the Nazis...Russia would have given all had it not been for the U.S. and the Allies. That's just the facts.

posted on Jun, 20 2004 @ 11:43 PM
China has the second biggest GDP right behind the United States, but in terms of population they are rather poor. Their economy doesn't support all of the people living in China. Right now China is working with their infrastructure, in particular, electricity. If they are able to free the controls of their economy a little more, they could probably reach the top.

posted on Jun, 21 2004 @ 01:11 AM
America, and the entire west, will one day go the way of the Roman Empire, the Greek Empire, the Egyptian Empire, Aztec, Incas, etc. Nothing is forever, nothing is always. Every great nation, every empire or kingdom, thought we are great, we will always be here. But they all fall. It could be 100 years, it could be 1000 years. Don't be naive in thinking this will never happen to America. It will happen, but it could be another 500 years.
As one of my teachers always told me, History always repeats itself, itself, itself, itself. . . .

posted on Jun, 21 2004 @ 01:58 AM
The US will fall (hopefully sooner than later) its inevitable. It could be a slow process, or it could be one sudden event that knocks them into place... either way i got the beers and popcorn ready for the show

posted on Jun, 21 2004 @ 11:42 AM
The only reason america is #1 its because of WW2, it collasped the entire europe and asia was rubed by UK and other europian states.before ww2.

America has developed to its max, same with japan there is a limit, after you reach it you can only go down.

China is growing fast and will contune to do so because of its population, for china to give its population the same amount of money as an avarge europian state or as a MEDC state, it would have to be far richer than america.

If avarage chinese had $9,000 for there GDP per capta today, they will be far reacher then china.

So i am for one is sure that china will out do america; after all america is failing in iraq, entire arab world hates it; entire asia hates infact, and most of europe is starting to hate it.

the future for america is no longer bright but dark.

posted on Jun, 22 2004 @ 12:08 AM

Originally posted by specialasianX
The US will fall (hopefully sooner than later) its inevitable. It could be a slow process, or it could be one sudden event that knocks them into place... either way i got the beers and popcorn ready for the show

What's in it for you?

You one of those sick b@stards who likes to watch people suffer and die?

Because if the US falls, there's going to be alot of death, and a lot of suffering (worldwide).
So what's the rush? Why do you personally want it to fall? Did America talk about your mother or something? America tease you when you were a kid?

.....Man, you gotta love the almighty Aussies....


entire arab world hates it; entire asia hates infact, and most of europe is starting to hate it.

lol, that really doesn't matter....
Love isn't what's keeping America. Money is what really makes the world go round.

posted on Jun, 22 2004 @ 12:14 AM
What exactly does being "#1" mean?

Is it about GDP? About some arbitrary set of measures that defines standard of living? Or is it about being #1 at pollution, #1 at waste, and #1 at looking after #1?

Arguments that put national interest (or these days, more commonly, corporate interests) above sustainability wore thin a long time ago. Maybe it's better to aim to be #1 at world citizenship.

posted on Jun, 23 2004 @ 01:44 PM
well america will fall that is for sure, but the thing to do with death? HAHAHAHA america is has killed more people in the 3rd world than ever.

I as an america belive that there is nothing wrong with be #2 in GDP or even #16, long as everyone is rich i dont care where we end up.

posted on Jun, 23 2004 @ 01:54 PM
Personally, I think America will fall around the time oil runs out (20+ years?). As most of Americas recent military conflicts have been over oil, I dread to think how agressive it will become when the oil reserves start running low. Of course, most of the planet will be dragged down with it.

posted on Jun, 23 2004 @ 02:12 PM
NO nation lasts forever. It has come, and it will go. In my opinion America is a very very short way from collapsing with this idiot (Bush) being president.

posted on Jun, 23 2004 @ 08:41 PM
actually america is not near collapse and it will never collapse plus who would take our place chna or russia
and its quite the opposite china and russia both have a closed society so they are the ones with the older ppl increasing american uses immigration to ensure that it stays young

posted on Jun, 23 2004 @ 08:43 PM
what happens when nations like China have to modernize? I think their wealth, if we're to call it that, is a result of workers busting their rears in unsafe work enviroments, earning little, under poor political conditions. One day there will be one thousand tiananmens and that country, which has enjoyed great relations with the US prior to thier current political system, will buckle, rise from the ruins of Mao and become a great world leader, allied with the US, and being number #1 will only be a matter of competitive, productive friendship which both parties, and the world, will benefit from.

posted on Jun, 23 2004 @ 08:59 PM

Originally posted by microsys
It is reported that by 2010, there will more percentage of Americans getting pension than the tax paying Americans, this is said to put America under $44 trillion; in deficit.
That already happened with Reagan and his Star Wars program

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