i think this fits in here
from link -
"Doctors Kill More People
Than Guns and Traffic Accidents Combined
...Dr. Welch also discussed figures from right out of the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA)...
...Since the 1850s, we have been developing new drugs to attack and kill the disease invaders and the result has been epidemics of cancers and
sicknesses and diseases -- and a very rich and powerful pharmaceutical industry.
Last year, commented Dr. Welch, the pharmaceutical industry did $182 billion in drug sales world wide. . . . Dr. Welch read off some statistics which
should cause concern to anybody who sees an allopathic doctor, has medical insurance or may end up in the hospital someday. Again, the following
admissions were taken from JAMA:
The top five causes of death in the United States, in order, are tobacco, alcohol, medical malpractice, traffic and firearms. According to JAMA,
doctors kill more people than auto accidents and guns. With that in mind, one has to wonder why gun control is such a hot legislative issue when,
perhaps, we should be more concerned about doctor control.
The number of people that doctors kill per day from medical malpractice is roughly equal to the amount of people that would die if every day, three
jumbo jets crashed and killed everybody on board, commented Dr. Welch who added, in defense of his own profession, just imagine what headlines would
result if a chiropractor or a naturopath accidentally killed just one patient?
Another JAMA statistic stated that 1/5 (20 percent) of all people who see an allopath will suffer a doctor-induced injury.
Again, according to JAMA, 16 percent of all people who die in the hospital are determined by autopsy to have died of something other than their
admission diagnosis. In other words, the doctor had no idea what was really wrong with the patient and, therefore, the patient may have died for want
of appropriate care that would have been subsequent to an accurate diagnosis.
Another trade publication, American Medical News, stated that 28 percent of people admitted to hospitals are there because they have suffered an
adverse reaction to prescribed drugs...."