Google British Petroleum and IRAN
The Iranians wouldn't need such weapons if they weren't being harassed and threatened with attacks by the West.
The US is parked on either side of their nation AND Israel has their finger on the proverbial trigger.
A little history behind all of this ....Google British Petroleum and IRAN.
BP was behind a coup back in 1953 to take over IRANS oil wealth and later lost it to the Revolutionaries in 1979....
That's really what this is about....namely MONEY. and they, the Zionist Banksters are pissed and want it and the OIL profits back.
Plain and Simple.
When was the last time Iran attacked another Nation ?
When was the last time Israel attacked another Nation ?
When was the last time Israel attacked anything ?
If Iran didn't have the OIL then they wouldn't be of any remote interest to the money grubbing Banksters.As well as this Zionist controlled MSM
campaign against them.
As a result, they also wouldn't need all of this weaponry in which to defend themselves.
The REAL problem is that the same people* who OWN us wanting to own the Iranians and their OIL .... as well as their Central Bank.
Iran is one of 5 Central Banks that are not owned by the Jewish Family of Banksters.
The Iranians kicked them out in the 1979 Revolution the same as we need to do to save our own Nation.
Look at our economy AND look at the recent Bailouts as well as the massive bonuses handed out at Goldman Sachs this year.
*The Owners of our Federal Reserve:
NM Rothschild of London, Goldman Sachs, Moses Seif Bank of Italy