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ADHD doesnt exist

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posted on Aug, 22 2010 @ 11:06 AM

Originally posted by PsychoX42
reply to post by Jay-morris

Maybe you missed the earlier post where I clearly stated that I WAS DIAGNOSED with ADD.

As it turned was a bunch of B.S.

My parents, being intelligent and prone to critical thought, refused to put me on mind altering drugs because THEY KNEW THE RISKS.

I turned out to be a straight A student without ever having to listen in class whatsoever. I was aware that the teachers were spewing out regurgitated garbage and it only takes a parrot to repeat the drivel that they were trained to teach me.

So, if you like your pharmaceutical grade coc aine, then, more power to you. But, this shouldn't be prescribed in mass the way that it has been. Especially when there are NO TESTS whatsoever to prove the existence of ADD or ADHD.

When the numbers aren't exact, and when science and mathematics are not involved, prescribing psychotropic drugs is dangerous and irresponsible.

[edit on 22-8-2010 by PsychoX42]

Yes, i did read it. So, because you were wrongly diagnosed, that means its all BS?

So, you are dismissing that my life is better with ritalin. You will never win with people like you because you think you are always right, and everyone else is wrong.

posted on Aug, 22 2010 @ 11:07 AM
reply to post by 4nsicphd

Very interesting information you have there...

A bunch of speculation by a bunch of psychiatrists who get paid to put people on hard drugs.



Thanks, but no thanks.

I want to see HARD INFORMATION...not speculation by a bunch of well-paid academic parrots who's interest is of profit, not on knowledge.

EGAD...someone wake them up.

[edit on 22-8-2010 by PsychoX42]

posted on Aug, 22 2010 @ 11:08 AM

Originally posted by trollz
I understand what you mean. I myself am skeptical as to the existence of ADHD due to personal experience. When I was little I had all the basic symptoms of it; I was very hyperactive, I was impulsive, I couldn't pay attention. I ended up being taken to a psychiatrist, misdiagnosed, and put me on all the different medications for it. What was interesting was that nothing worked. The medications that were supposed to calm ADHD children down and mellow them out just made me worse. Eventually the medication stopped and I just grew out of it. Now I'm the exact opposite of this disorder or whatever you'll call it. I'm very calm and controlled and have no attention problems. I haven't been on any medication since I was very young. I'm a rather firm believer that people with "ADHD" can grow out of it and learn to calm themselves and maintain attention. I think in alot of cases the symptoms of ADHD can be attributed to other things rather than this particular disorder, and I do fully agree that it is very much over diagnosed, if it exists at all.

It is well know that children can grow out of it. If they don't, thats where ADD comes into frame.

posted on Aug, 22 2010 @ 11:10 AM
reply to post by unityemissions

If no one told you it was a disease then you wouldnt be suffering.. It's manipulation of the masses.. EVERYONE suffers.. Life isnt all candy canes and rainbows. DEAL with it. I aint perfect, I get drunk and is probably no better than the pill but for god sakes, there is nothing wrong with you exept falling into the trap that makes you believe that there is..

posted on Aug, 22 2010 @ 11:11 AM
reply to post by Jay-morris

And I specifically said, that if you like your pharmaceutical grade coc aine, then more power to ya.

I could say that my life is greatly enhanced by methamphetamine and actually believe it...are you going to believe it just because I say that MY LIFE IS BETTER?

I could say that my standard of living has improved since I made heroin a regular part of my diet...what's your opinion going to be on that?

Ever hear of a placebo? Many people take placebos everyday and actually think that they are working even though there's nothing in this placebo except powder and sugar. TRUE STORY.

So again. If ritalin works for you...then fine. But it doesn't need to be prescribed to every kid who likes to enjoy themselves.

posted on Aug, 22 2010 @ 11:13 AM

Originally posted by kosmicjack

We are meant to roam. We are meant to explore. We are meant to move.

Instead, we spend our lives sitting. And having a box inform us instead of searching for answers and experiencing the world ourselves.

This reminded me of a time when I would wake up on a Saturday, get dressed, and go outside with 8-12 of my friends. Parents were still asleep and wouldn't have a clue where exactly I was all day, just knowing that I would be home before the streetlights came on later in the evening.

This is not only missing these days, but would bring a feeling of absolute terror to the parents of today. And we went out without wearing a helmet too!!!!!!!!!

None of us were ever accused of being ADHD as that never existed in those days. Or at least not in the way that it is today. We burnt off any excess energy and did what we are meant to do.

We used our imaginations, roamed, explored, made mistakes, and yet we survived. Or at least most of us.

Whether or not this ailment exists is not as important as finding out what causes this condition. What has changed over the years that would cause this?

The food we eat? The additives? or just the lack of being what we are meant to be, and do.

I don't know, but I can tell you that I feel the children of the day are missing out on a big world out there and the need to explore is built into us. We should just be who we are meant to be, and maybe there would be fewer children diagnosed with so many afflictions that require medication to "sort" them out.

posted on Aug, 22 2010 @ 11:13 AM

Originally posted by Skyfloating

Thanks for sharing. Its so much better to hear from Real-Life-Mothers than from ranting pseudo-academics.

[edit on 22-8-2010 by Skyfloating]

I am disappointed.

Here we have a Moderator, a setter of example for the board, dropping down into troll terrortory by calling out a vague cut down to opponents of his theory postulated, adhd doesnt exist.

What is ranting pseudoacademics?

I have read numerous stories from real Life Mothers and fathers and persons diagnosed, on this very thread, including myself, who are not ranting at all, I actually thought we were all having a civilized debate on the topic.

What makes this mother's story worthy of a compliment, and by implication, the other mothers tossed into ranting pseudo bins?

I hope I have misunderstood the intentions in your reply, but it begs the question......

Why the attempt to stir up trollish behavior with such a statement?

posted on Aug, 22 2010 @ 11:16 AM
reply to post by PsychoX42
Fact, yes there are numerous tests to diagnose adhd, including physical tests and brain wave activity tests, among others.

posted on Aug, 22 2010 @ 11:18 AM

Originally posted by Grossac
reply to post by unityemissions

If no one told you it was a disease then you wouldnt be suffering.. It's manipulation of the masses.. EVERYONE suffers.. Life isnt all candy canes and rainbows. DEAL with it. I aint perfect, I get drunk and is probably no better than the pill but for god sakes, there is nothing wrong with you exept falling into the trap that makes you believe that there is..

What a stupid post! So, if no one told a dyslexic that he was dyslexic, then he would not be suffering. Same goes for bipolar,Schizophrenia?

posted on Aug, 22 2010 @ 11:19 AM

Originally posted by PsychoX42
reply to post by 4nsicphd

Very interesting information you have there...

A bunch of speculation by a bunch of psychiatrists who get paid to put people on hard drugs.



Thanks, but no thanks.

I want to see HARD INFORMATION...not speculation by a bunch of well-paid academic parrots who's interest is of profit, not on knowledge.

EGAD...someone wake them up.

[edit on 22-8-2010 by PsychoX42]

How about a volumetric MRI analysis not done by psychiatrists but by practicing neurologists. No? Hunches and gut feelings are better? Oh, I see. You're solidifying your position as a scientologist. Yeah, keep jumping up and down on Oprah's couch.

posted on Aug, 22 2010 @ 11:21 AM
reply to post by 4nsicphd

Well, since we're talking about jumping up and down on Oprah's couch, (trying to pin me as a scientologist and associate me with Tom Cruise) lets see some of that research which puts you in the sane majority of those who can judge the mental state of someone else.

This is a very lame way of discrediting someone so that they'll back down from their argument. The Bush Administration did this quite a bit when the became threatened that someone of intellect questioned their "official stories" and found out that the Bush Administration lied their way into a war with Iraq. (Yep, we found out it was a lie) Sorry, but it takes more than trying to associate me with someone that society "Deems" as crazy for me to back away from something that I know as truth. Your argument is weak which is the reason you took this route.


Just one. Show me one exact TEST that is used to diagnose this disorder. That shouldn't be a problem for someone who has it all figured out.

[edit on 22-8-2010 by PsychoX42]

posted on Aug, 22 2010 @ 11:26 AM

Originally posted by PsychoX42
reply to post by Jay-morris

And I specifically said, that if you like your pharmaceutical grade coc aine, then more power to ya.

I could say that my life is greatly enhanced by methamphetamine and actually believe it...are you going to believe it just because I say that MY LIFE IS BETTER?

I could say that my standard of living has improved since I made heroin a regular part of my diet...what's your opinion going to be on that?

Ever hear of a placebo? Many people take placebos everyday and actually think that they are working even though there's nothing in this placebo except powder and sugar. TRUE STORY.

So again. If ritalin works for you...then fine. But it doesn't need to be prescribed to every kid who likes to enjoy themselves.

You enjoy saying this crap. Obviosly you never had ADD/ADHD. Are you telling me that there is no medical drugs out there that help people and are not bad for you?

Saying this coc aine crap is truely a load of rubbish. And i truely believe that you dont want to believe this, even if you did find the evidence that proves adhd/add is real.

You must be some sort of mind reader because you seem to know what everything is going through. I started taking ritalin because i could not function properly. And taking ritalin has made my life a 100 times better. If there are any side effects, so be it, i don't care.

I knew it would not be long before someone brought up the placebo effect lol You have to laugh really!

posted on Aug, 22 2010 @ 11:32 AM
reply to post by Jay-morris

Nah, coc aine is very much in the same field. It is a stimulant, very much like adderol and ritalin. You might want to do your own research especially since YOU'RE ON THE DRUG ITSELF. That's the problem here, you're on a drug that you have no understanding of.

And the side effects are just about identical since they affect the seratonin receptors. Oops.

MPH possesses structural similarities to amphetamine, and, though it is less potent, its pharmacological effects are even more closely related to those of coc aine[1]
OUCH!!! That last sentence can be found on the last link I provided.

Here's the source on that: ^ Leith NJ, Barrett RJ (1981). "Self-stimulation and amphetamine: tolerance to d and l isomers and cross tolerance to coc aine and methylphenidate". Psychopharmacology (Berl.) 74 (1): 23–8. doi:10.1007/BF00431751. PMID 6791199.

For your sake, we should go no further...

Are there any other arguments that you would like to have? And its sad when you say that one has to laugh because...You're right. Its your brain chemistry...not mine. So, the joke is on you.

[edit on 22-8-2010 by PsychoX42]

posted on Aug, 22 2010 @ 11:34 AM
Other things to consider is environmental factors.

Last year a study came out proving that preservatives makes kids hyper. It is not the sugar, it is the preservatives in food.

The schools serve crap, parents serve crap, our environment is inundated with chemicals.

Just look at detergents and fabric softeners, which are some of the worst, and we put it on our kids 24/7.

No wonder ADHD is on the rise. just because it is new, doesn't mean it is non existent.

Autism has made a landslide too all of a sudden. I want to see someone say it doesn't exist.

Instead of rejecting what is new, how about looking at external sources.

I have friends with ADHD, it is a legitimate illness.

I have fibromylagia which is also a contested and often debated illness about legitimacy.

i can tell you, it is very, VERY real to me.

Are some kids overdiagnosed? Of course. But people are misdiagnosed all the time.

Other mental illnesses also have high energetic stages like bipolar disorder.
Most mental disorders are underdiagnosed, misunderstood, and mistreated.

A third factor to consider is due to budget cuts, school are increasingly cutting out physical activity programs and artistic outlets.

Which is hard on a normal kid to sit in a class all day. Why don't they make the days shorter and have school year round?

posted on Aug, 22 2010 @ 11:38 AM
Teh scary thing about ritalin that doctors don't mention is that a child who takes ritalin is 40% more likely to do drugs later.

But I think the reverse may also be true, children who need ritalin end up using drugs the same way they used ritalin.

I have known people with mental disorders who took drugs, not to get high, but to feel normal. It quiets the brain, stops the projector, or actually allows them to sleep.

posted on Aug, 22 2010 @ 11:41 AM

Originally posted by keepithush
OP, you sound like a typical snob who has the "well my kid is good so that means it must be the parents fault" syndrome.

Im not saying "its the parents fault" Iam saying "there is no fault!" No fault in what? No fault in having too much energy. It just needs to be understood more.

I think it can be a blessing rather than an illness.

posted on Aug, 22 2010 @ 11:42 AM
reply to post by PsychoX42

Have you ever hear of an EEG?

It is a test a neurologist orders for ones brain waves.

It is used in the diagnosis of adhd.

posted on Aug, 22 2010 @ 11:43 AM

Originally posted by PsychoX42
reply to post by 4nsicphd

Well, since we're talking about jumping up and down on Oprah's couch, (trying to pin me as a scientologist and associate me with Tom Cruise) lets see some of that research which puts you in the sane majority of those who can judge the mental state of someone else.

This is a very lame way of discrediting someone so that they'll back down from their argument. The Bush Administration did this quite a bit when the became threatened that someone of intellect questioned their "official stories" and found out that the Bush Administration lied their way into a war with Iraq. (Yep, we found out it was a lie) Sorry, but it takes more than trying to associate me with someone that society "Deems" as crazy for me to back away from something that I know as truth. Your argument is weak which is the reason you took this route.


Just one. Show me one exact TEST that is used to diagnose this disorder. That shouldn't be a problem for someone who has it all figured out.

[edit on 22-8-2010 by PsychoX42]

There is not, so far as I know, one universally accepted laboratory diagnostic test for ADD or ADHD, just as there is no such lab test for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, which also was denied by the military for decades, and is still denied by many within the VA.
There is one diagnostic test which is showing some promise as a predictor for ADHD. A DT-MRI was used to measure fractional anisotopy in the cingulum bundle and superior longitudinal fascicles.
Of course you will argue that these neurophysiologists were in a conspiracy with the psychiatrists. And of course you can critique both the methodology and anatomical findings, right? This Harvard study is at etype=HWCIT
And yes I did associate you with the Church of Scientology since you both share the exact same worldview of mental disorders. The ideology of "You're not really sick. Just buck up, think of ponies and rainbows, eat good stuff and give me money, and you'll be cured."

posted on Aug, 22 2010 @ 11:44 AM

Originally posted by SassyCat
I haven't read the whole thread but I "suffer" from this "illness", although I was never diagnosed as it wasn't popular back then. But it did have consequences. I had lots of problems, I promptly ran away from home once.

Considering the state of some "Homes" today, running away from Home could also be a sign of health...not all non-conforming behaviour is a sign of "illness".

posted on Aug, 22 2010 @ 11:47 AM
reply to post by Jay-morris

Yes, i have experience with this nonsense called ADHD ADD ... People out there most of you out there... thinks Medications is the solution for a "disorder" even the doctors dont know what it is.
its nice to see some out there havent felt down into this trap dumbing our kids down, you all should stop trying so hard to fit in.. cause look at us!

JUST LOOK AT US! we have evolved from a perfect slave working unit, to a coach eating whiners.. our kids have to sit in a class room everyday for several hours... they need to get out and move alittle use your body, cause you know what! our mind and body is connected, so sitting still all day aint helping.. we have become a Lazy kind and, at the same time in this modern times, WE MEDICATE to fit in ... you dont see the long term damage... we just see a kid shutting up and seems like they are listening...

Shame on our dumb mind, so god damn gullible minds, we dont think by our self anymore, cause you know what! just a Pill and my Sofa my Telly, cause my MEDIA is telling me how it really is...

Its ton of help out there, in the right way, but understand that its getting pushed away and hidden, oh cause we need to treat it without even thinking, cause we have peeps out there thinking for us you know "Professionals"

enough said.

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