posted on Aug, 21 2010 @ 05:04 PM
Oh wow this really is a huge can of worms of a topic.
Ideal would be if learning were deemed important by society in general. I'm talking a lot of exposure on TV, on the web, etc. Make it seep through
society that learning makes you cool.
I don't know... instead of hot babes grinding on rappers' legs, have them dance for nerds in music videos. That would do it.
Other than that, I agree with On the Edge that parents do take some responsibility for the child and his education, but it's such a fine line since
too much pressure will turn the kid off education as well.
My only other advice is to make school fun, have lots of field trips, ask lecturers from Universities to hold basic lectures about archeology or
something physical that can spur the youth's imagination.
It's all about exposure for the kids, not only to books, numbers and stress, but to results that you can touch, see, smell, taste and hear.