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Prison dorms for people on welfare thats up to 70 million possible people

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posted on Aug, 21 2010 @ 06:13 PM

"Instead of handing out the welfare checks, we'll teach people how to earn their check. We'll teach them personal hygiene ... the personal things they don't get when they come from dysfunctional homes," Paladino said.

That says a lot about what he thinks about people who are down on their luck for whatever reason. Does he think they lost their jobs because they are dirty, or is does a person without a job become dirty?

Whatever happened to re-education for people in classes for adult students? Things called schools.

I didn't see any mention in the article that this was for homeless people, plus if you don't have a home, you don't get welfare. So he is talking about pulling people out of homes they are in, to go into a prison dorm. Great for the family's self esteem. I guess there is bunk beds for the kids?

Will they at least get some bright cheery curtains to cover up the bars on the windows?

posted on Aug, 21 2010 @ 06:26 PM
man what is wrong with some of you people here? were not talking about a few alckes or drug users> do you really think 70 thats a 7 and a 0 MILLION people are are drug users and drunks?
have you ever drank a beer? been stoned ? who are you to say 70 million people should have forced reeducation?
the people who think this is a good idea would have gotton along just fine with the Germans in ww2 .This was the first step they took befor they started the killing.
farther more start this and thye would be using it for any thing not just poor people.
someones says its voluntary?WRONG again they just set it up were its YOUR ONLY choice . That would be easy to do just cute off ALL welfare food stamps .
medical ( i wonder how many posters here cant afford medical?
well THAT puts your right into the low class area .Man they need to reeducate YOU .
Every one who answers yes to this better not drink a beer (after all people who do must be lousers better not smoke a joint More lousers

posted on Aug, 21 2010 @ 06:33 PM
To those of you who object to this idea....
Do you have a solution?
Let's hear it.

Schools.....most of these folks a school drop-outs.

As for taking them away from their family to educate them.....
People do that all the time -- college.
Rich folks send their kids to high class boarding schools.
So what's the objection to poor folks doing it.

Possibly housing and feeding people in these places would be cheaper than what is being paid in welfare. And the money wouldn't be spent on drugs and junk food. Hopefully they would get wholsome nourishing meals.
Their housing should be warm in the winter and cooled in the summer...likely better than what they had in their run down neighborhoods.

posted on Aug, 21 2010 @ 06:36 PM
the idea has merit; but the government does not house enough merit for the program expressed.

posted on Aug, 21 2010 @ 06:43 PM
o and i think a government work program for people who are out of work would be a GREAT thing .
Much better then the welfare system we have now.
heck do what chaina does have people change the traffic lights by hand.
as long as after work is over they can go ware they want when they want

posted on Aug, 21 2010 @ 06:45 PM
i have a solution CREATE JOBS your full of it if you really say taht 70 MILLION people just dont want to work.
ill tell you right now these people yuou are talking about at MOST 10% dont care or are drunks or druged out.
that leaves 64 million people who DO want to work who are not any more of a drunk then you are who dont do drugs.
many of these 64 million even have a collage degree in something.I know for a FACT i have meet homeless people who were probly even higher up in life then you are.
heck i am off and on homeless my self and was probly better off then you 4 years agaio .
And I dont drink or do drugs and dont take welfare but cant for the life of me find more then part time here and there .
man I hope you never face what i have you think your so great .O look how great i am .all it takes is lousing a eye a finger having a car smash into you . and 6 months later your the one who has lost EVERY THING

[edit on 21-8-2010 by xxcalbier]

[edit on 21-8-2010 by xxcalbier]

posted on Aug, 21 2010 @ 09:07 PM
tear the prison down and build homes. use all the god damn money spent
"nation building" half a world away -which somehow means bombing ragged tribesmen to smithereens.
this phony war on drugs- set everybody to growing pot and hemp.
best way i know to deal with a depression.
use all the money and resources to help people -not punish them.
focus on the hard stuff-
all the usa seems to know how to do it go to war/ punish/clampdown..
which does what good?
what has a decade of this done?
broke- in debt up to our eyeballs and still sinkin fast.
no industry- no hope-
yet it's still "stay the course"- what course? what change?
prison dorms

posted on Aug, 21 2010 @ 09:20 PM
reply to post by OhZone

rich people break the law too, it turns out they are all pretty greedy. if you don't believe me sit down, pull your thumb out, and think about enron or gm for starters.

posted on Aug, 22 2010 @ 02:34 PM

Originally posted by Asktheanimals
This dude is sick. I agree welfare needs reform. what ever happened to workfare? Those who CAN work and get welfare should be required to do some type of work. Some disabled people could at least do computer and paperwork. But housing them in prisons? Dear God. I can't believe NY state has any "underused" prisons. Are they letting all the crooks go up there? (Don't answer that!:lol
. Wall street, yeah I know.

There's already workfare. Welfare recipients are required to either work 30 hours/week or go to college full time and participate in a workfare program for 20 hrs/week. So, many who have opted for the college route (buying into the lie that it would help them land good jobs) now owe thousands of dollars in student loans that they'll never be able to pay back.

Where are people going to find jobs to meet these requirements when there are no jobs to find??? Around here you have several hundred to a thousand people sometimes applying for one fast food opening. Talk about the odds being against you! And there's only so much paperwork to get disabled people busy. There's more people in this country than there is work to do.

posted on Aug, 22 2010 @ 02:47 PM

Originally posted by OhZone
To those of you who object to this idea....
Do you have a solution?
Let's hear it.

Schools.....most of these folks a school drop-outs.

Do you have statistics for this statement? And your grammar and spelling is so lousy that maybe you shouldn't talk. "folks a school drop-outs" um...yeah...

Originally posted by OhZoneAs for taking them away from their family to educate them.....
People do that all the time -- college.
Rich folks send their kids to high class boarding schools.
So what's the objection to poor folks doing it.

Possibly housing and feeding people in these places would be cheaper than what is being paid in welfare. And the money wouldn't be spent on drugs and junk food. Hopefully they would get wholsome nourishing meals.
Their housing should be warm in the winter and cooled in the summer...likely better than what they had in their run down neighborhoods.

Yes, rounding people up into a form of concentration camp where they are segregated according to gender (or however they do it) would be cheaper than allowing families to remain together and have some form of dignity.

And of course anyone who is poor would be eating junk food and using drugs all the time. Middle class and rich people would never do such things.

posted on Aug, 22 2010 @ 03:31 PM
This would surely fill up those "dorms" pretty fast!

"The New Debtors’ Prisons"

"...Prisoners’ rights advocates worry that in these hard times, when government budgets are under pressure, courts and prisons will get even tougher about forcing indigent defendants to pay costs and fees, and will imprison more of them if they cannot come up with the money. The government should be helping people on society’s margins build productive lives. Throwing them in jail for being poor makes that much more difficult."...

posted on Aug, 22 2010 @ 03:42 PM
Connect-the-Dots...This sounds good on the surface,but we know that all is not what it appears,especially if it's from a politician!

"Obama Sets Deadline to End Homelessness"
(A very bland article! Much more opinionated ones available,but I wanted to remain neutral!)

Reading between the lines is what makes it more curious,taking all other things into consideration.

posted on Aug, 23 2010 @ 12:31 PM

Originally posted by On the Edge
This would surely fill up those "dorms" pretty fast!

"The New Debtors’ Prisons"

"...Prisoners’ rights advocates worry that in these hard times, when government budgets are under pressure, courts and prisons will get even tougher about forcing indigent defendants to pay costs and fees, and will imprison more of them if they cannot come up with the money. The government should be helping people on society’s margins build productive lives. Throwing them in jail for being poor makes that much more difficult."...

One of the newest debtors prisons are from the new bankruptcy laws. The one filing bankruptcy now usually is put into a repayment plan. Since the repayment plan is court ordered, if the person cannot make the payment, the judge jails the person for "contempt of court" and the person is kept there until payment is made.

Similar stuff is being used against people with debt such as credit cards. The creditor will pull tricks like serving the paperwork to a wrong address, so the debtor misses court. Then the debtor is jailed for contempt of court until the debt is paid. The amount of bail is the same amount as the debt and once paid goes to the creditor. The debtor might not even owe the money, but has little to no recourse since the debtor 'missed the court hearing'.

posted on Aug, 23 2010 @ 07:33 PM
This is the mindset of conservatives for you, if your value in life is directly proportional to the value of your bank account.

Conservatives equate prosperity with worth, if you are poor, to a conservative you must be "lazy" and thus "useless to society"

posted on Aug, 23 2010 @ 07:52 PM
Boys and Girls-if you dont see the trajectory of these fine haired sonsabitches
then you will fall victim to them. no different than the company store racket, indentured servants or other such programming. LAND OF THE FEE- HOME OF THE SLAVE.
united we stand -in line..
what'll it be- the army of one /one world army?
or prison bound? with the retirement aged upt to 75..die in harness.!
the SS number no longer tattooed on your forearm-
but you were issued it at birth.
back to your cubicle or be disciplined!

posted on Aug, 24 2010 @ 05:40 PM

Originally posted by whatukno
This is the mindset of conservatives for you, if your value in life is directly proportional to the value of your bank account.

Conservatives equate prosperity with worth, if you are poor, to a conservative you must be "lazy" and thus "useless to society"

Yes, that has been my experience with them as well.

Last year I was going home from another failed job interview and saw a Tea Party booth set up. I pulled in to sign up for the tea party because at the time I thought I agreed with their view points (and I still do agree with some of them, but not enough to join them now). The man running the booth and I talked for a while about the state of the country, etc. And then the talk turned to the economy. Well, he started ranting about welfare recipients and how he hated them. He was almost foaming at the mouth. And here I am having received food stamps in the past (and I was soon to apply for them again) so the conversation suddenly wasn't going well.

Then he started attacking me about how I could find a job if I wanted to, etc. I excused myself from the conversation and got out of there.

I have not supported the tea party ever since, and I had been in favor of them prior to that.

Then, after a woman 'sold' me a trailer she didn't legally own and refused to return my money, I ended up applying for food stamps and medicaid yet again. She has gotten away with it, too.

I'm still without a job over a year later (although had a brief temp stint at Wal-mart that resulted in my having temped for the company too many times and now I'm blacklisted) of my conversation with this tea partier and have applied at every single place that could possibly be hiring that I could find. I didn't care about if it was minimum wage or not. I've now been without a steady job for well over two years, although I was not eligible for unemployment benefits so I have been on my own.

Many of those wanting to end welfare are those who wanted to end it all along and they're practically foaming at the mouth thinking that they finally have a good reason to get rid of it saying "we can't afford it. The country is broke."

A lot of them have claimed to have gone through rough times in the past and made it through all by themselves talking about how they never accepted government handouts. It's like they're so arrogant, pounding on their chests at how wonderful they are, gloating over those lesser than they. They make me cringe.

I've been poor all of my life, but I have always been as hard of a worker as my body would physically allow me to be. I've had health problems since I was a baby. To so many, both liberal and conservative, I am just a "useless eater" because I am obviously not as good as they are. I was lied to throughout school, being told if I worked hard in school and made good grades that I'd receive a scholarship and be able to get a job easily. I have never been able to get a job very easily at all. When I point out the lies that I have been told I am accused of "self pity" and expecting God to be my ATM machine and other such things. They say that I have an "entitlement mentality". Well, if expecting to receive what I was promised as a child when I first became an adult is having an "entitlement mentality" then yes, I am guilty. If being angry about having made life altering discisions all of my younger years based upon the lies that the 'authorities God placed over me' means I have an "entitlement mentality" then yes, I am guilty. If being angry that people claiming to be Christians treat me with scorn all of my life when the Jesus they claim to serve said to "do unto others as you would have them do unto you" means I have an "entitlement mentality" then yes, I am guilty.

I am angry that some of those treating me the kindest all of my life are not even Christians! I am angry that the way life is going in regards to how I am treated by others does not line up with scripture! I am angry that I believed in God and Jesus most of my life and I didn't even get to be a real Christian while those who should be real Christians treat people not according to scripture!

I am very angry at everything right now. If that means I have an "entitlement mentality" then yes, I am guilty.

posted on Aug, 24 2010 @ 05:55 PM
I heard two other stipulations on the

mSM news blurbs...

number One...going to any of the dormant/unused prison facilities
(like thats realistic , as the present system has inadequate facilities for the 2+million convicted inmates right now)

those going would be ''Voluntary''
i guess that those that got foreclosed, are unemployed, got their cars repo'ed, and have no obvious hope of getting back-on-their-feet... will opt to get placed into internment/poor-house/displaced facilities like unused prisons=== or are they talking about activating all those FEMA camps?
which Clinton & GWBush allowed to be built by act of Congress
(presumably to get rid of the rebels that would do harm to the elites)

posted on Aug, 28 2010 @ 12:24 PM
Dear Jessica,
We all make typos, in case you haven't noticed, but somehow the rest of us manage to decypher the message.

I take that you are one of those who are always Perfect.
I'll bet you are irresistably charismatic too.

PS; Your signature makes a hypocrite of you.
And then you say:
"Yes, rounding people up into a form of concentration camp where they are segregated according to gender (or however they do it) would be cheaper than allowing families to remain together and have some form of dignity.

And of course anyone who is poor would be eating junk food and using drugs all the time. Middle class and rich people would never do such things."

***Who said they would be separated by gender or that families in the camps would not be together.? Is that your idea?

Let me remind you that those Rich people who eat junk food and do drugs are NOT on welfare. They are spending their own money.

Have you ever been in line at the grocery store behind a person who is paying with food stamps? And did you happen to notice the poor quality of food in the cart? Would you feed such stuff to your children?

[edit on 28-8-2010 by OhZone]

[edit on 28-8-2010 by OhZone]

posted on Aug, 28 2010 @ 12:57 PM

Originally posted by OhZone
I didn't see where they advocated locking people up.
They said it would be voluntary.
I think it is a good idea.
Most crime comes out of people who are poor.
As it is their lives lack direction.

I would go so far as to make it manditory.
And if necessary lock the doors an hire guards to preserve the peace.
No more drive by shootings or gan wars.
I'd say they really do need to be Indoctrinated in behaving in a Civil manner.

There are far too many able bodied folks who just do not want to work.
Forcing them into job training would be doing them a favor.

As to the statement about taking them away from friends....
Well usually the whole neighborhood is equally welfare dependant, so all their friends would go along with them.

Ya know what - - I agree with you. We are in a modern society and we are all starting to live on top of each other.

Better organized efforts to benefit all - is becoming almost mandatory.

Problem is - - - how can it be done right? We must learn from history.

You know the saying "Power corrupts". How could this be done - - to actually focus on the benefits - - avoid red tape - bureaucracy - and Political corruption?

posted on Aug, 28 2010 @ 05:19 PM

Originally posted by OhZone
Dear Jessica,
We all make typos, in case you haven't noticed, but somehow the rest of us manage to decypher the message.

It was not about typos. It was throwing a judgmental attitude back. I see you have not shown statistics where they all do such things as you said.

Originally posted by OhZoneAnd then you say:
"Yes, rounding people up into a form of concentration camp where they are segregated according to gender (or however they do it) would be cheaper than allowing families to remain together and have some form of dignity.

And of course anyone who is poor would be eating junk food and using drugs all the time. Middle class and rich people would never do such things."

***Who said they would be separated by gender or that families in the camps would not be together.? Is that your idea?

Let me remind you that those Rich people who eat junk food and do drugs are NOT on welfare. They are spending their own money.

Have you ever been in line at the grocery store behind a person who is paying with food stamps? And did you happen to notice the poor quality of food in the cart? Would you feed such stuff to your children?

So, it's okay to do drugs and eat junk food if you're not on welfare? It's okay to have negative qualities only if you have the higher social status?

Historically, when people were rounded up for camps they were segegrated. It makes them easier to control that way among other things. It helps to dehumanize them further to herd them like cattle for the slaughter house.

There's poor quality of food everywhere. Just the way it is. A lot of the stuff added to food is poison. The stuff without 'additives' are often GMO instead of the real thing. Even when you 'think' you're eating healthy, most people aren't. Unless you grow it yourself from heirloom seeds or get organic, there's no telling what you're putting in your body.

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