So like yesterday I was kinda relaxing at home and sleeping a lot and just slacking in my couch laptop/tv cuz I had a pretty bad headache and got home
like 6 in the morning from partying the same day/morning/night whatever u wanna call it.
Anyway, as I was slacking and sleeping for a few hours on and on, and sometimes just falling asleep for a few minutes at a time, I had this one really
random dream / experience.
It felt like ecstasy seriously. There wasn't really any specific setting or importance in this dream. It was just.... random. And it didn't last for
long either, it felt like it was only a few minutes (although it probably was a bit longer, but I can't say for sure).
Anyway, in this dream, I remember I was like outside some sort of building. I can't explain exactly what happened as it was really random and kinda
shady. But I was outside this building, and then all of a sudden I get like "pushed" against the wall, and I get this overwhelming physical euphoric
It was a pretty "trippy" experience. It wasn't really "mind f****ng" as u get from psychoactive drugs, but I guess u could call it sort of
psychoactive as it was a dream and really "random" as I said. Anyway it was mostly just a physical feeling that felt really like awesome and
Well that's pretty much all that happened. I just remember the feeling in this "dream" being very overwhelming and STRONG. As I said it was mostly
this "morphine-like" (almost better) physical feeling that was the highlight of this dream. As I said the setting or purpose of this dream made no
sense whatsoever, it didn't really have any significance. It just randomly happened.
And then I remember being confused for a while as to if I was in reality or not when I woke up. I got this huge "WTF" feeling. But it was all
Anyone know if this was something out of the ordinary? Or just a regular dream where for some reason I got a feeling that topped all the drugs I
normally take
Any input appreciated=)
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[edit on 21-8-2010 by 12m8keall2c]