This is by far my favorite website and such a cool bunch of weird and interesting people. From being an avid reader I will hopefully be able to
contribute a little bit from now on.
There are actually a couple of threads on here about the Julian Assage fiasco ... even though you can't make a thread until you've written 20 posts
you can still contribute to the existing threads on this topic.
At some point a mod will be coming around, more than likely, to provide some links that will give you a good understanding of how to navigate around
the site. Please remember to visit BTS as well. Till then take a look around, find some subjects on the board you know about or would like to learn
about or discuss with fellow members.
here are two short films i like alot, that may offer you some understanding, i found them informative. there is a thread in the Aliens & UFOs forum
entitles "A Brief Guide to Skepticism" authored by another member that discusses the information in these films. i think they may help. enjoy:
Again, welcome to ATS, and i'm glad you found your way here!
Help keep ATS fun, and please don't post crap,
I tried searching the site for news of Wikileaks but nothing came up. I since saw that someone posted the news of Mr Assanges trouble in sweden and
edited away that part of my post. I will pop by the exsisting treads and join the mob of his defenders...
RE: MIB-1 to MIB-2: The eagles have landed; the eagles have landed. Stargate Media Operation Post: MIB-1 to Falcon base: Operation go for Orion
Run, repeat: the eagles have landed: operation go for Orion Run
Hi Two33, and welcome to the ATS community. For now, you can reply to any thread in any member forum you wish, as well as send & receive
(PM's)Private Messages to Staff only.
Once you have achieved 20 posts, you will then be able to start your own threads and additionally send & receive messages to and from fellow ATS