posted on Aug, 19 2010 @ 05:27 PM
A groundbreaking new report was released today that exposes the monopolistic farce of the pharma industry: 85% of new drugs are essentially useless,
the report concludes.
I urge everyone to print this and spread this around facebook and twitter to get it maximum exposure.The mass media is a slave to Big Pharma.
Also and shove it in their stupid brain dead doctor's face and all the other medical parasites and vultures who afflict us and pimp Big Pharma
dangerous drugs to rob us of life and health and money.
"Dr. Light pointed out that despite the extensive requirements for testing the efficacy and safety of each new medication, drug companies use a
strategy of "swamping the regulator" with large numbers of incomplete, partial, and substandard clinical trials. For instance, in one study of 111
final applications for approval, 42% lacked adequately randomized trials, 40% had flawed testing of dosages, 39% lacked evidence of clinical efficacy,
and 49% raised concerns about serious adverse side effects..."
Spread it around.Write to your government representative and pressurize them.