At no time did he ever push the police, even in reaction to being pushed. The cop pushed him, and he put up his hands to brace himself. What happened
next was an incredibly hard strike to the face with a
baton. Assault with a potentially deadly weapon. Then he was just beaten to a pulp. The
man is seriously lucky he was a rather fit and bulky guy, or else he could have been seriously disabled for a long, long time.
What got me the most is the other cop just stood there and watched the whole time.
You know, the time is approaching where people will just not give a flying toss anymore, and police are going to be beaten and killed on the streets
in broad daylight. In a perverted sense of vigilante justice.
"Officer was acquitted of all charges."
Mhrm.. Try getting acquitted from a completely pissed off city-wide mob. It's not going to be pretty, but the time is coming. If anyone has
reservations about staying on the force, or about becoming a police officer, then maybe it's time to answer to those reservations.
No longer are there enough good cops to stop this madness. They all just watch and keep their mouths shut. Not good. Especially not good when every
official and all judges
always support this crap. Equally amazing that a
jury does too. Where do they recruit their juries from? 1930's
Berlin from the time-machine down the street? Unreal.
Street justice is coming, and it's gonna suck for everyone. I hope some kind of miracle occurs to prevent all of this.
After the first few hits knocked Harvin down, London continued hitting him as he covered his face and was, after struggling, handcuffed, the video
shows. It shows Harvin moving his legs toward the officer at points.
London said Harvin kicked him and shouted threats that the officer said he feared would draw a hostile crowd.
"He was aggressive and violent," London testified. "I was trying to get him to comply."
What's he so afraid of? What crowd? Why would there be a hostile crowd if what he did was warranted by law? Oh that's right.. it wasn't right in
any sense of the word, and he feared someone might step in to stop his crime.
Well keep it up pal, you just might get your paranoid wish. Said crowd will not afford you the luxury of giving you breaks in between your beatings.
No trial, no jury. Sad but true.
These cops broke the law with unbelievable bravado. They even lied in their statements, giving false testimony, committing perjury during trial...
and he is acquitted. This isn't going to stop until people start pulling these thugs into the streets and equally beating the piss out
of them. Then everything will just escalate. One can only hope to keep it out of their backyards.
(No, I'm not talking about all cops. Let's not go down that alley. I specifically mean the tossers like this guy, who beat the snot out of people
relentlessly for no purpose.)
[edit on 19-8-2010 by SyphonX]