posted on Aug, 20 2010 @ 04:25 PM
reply to post by GoodOlDave
but since there were many eyewitnesses who specifically saw the passenger jet hit the Pentagon, it necessarily trumps all these perceived
abnormalities these conspiracy web sites are embellishing.
But if you only work with subjective evidence - anecdotes and personal experiences - how on earth can you decide how effective something is? Surely
it's just straightforward intelligence that would have you see the importance of being able to step back and see whether the observational evidence
reinforces what they say, which is basically what objective evidence means and what any worthwhile testing is for. The idea that some other paradigm
of evidence exists that "trumps" objective evidence is easy to say, but I really can't see what it means. A simple example of this is that some
witnesses claim to have seen the 757 skid across the lawn before striking the Pentagon, but the lawn is completely untouched (as seen in the
I invite you to prove me wrong.
Unless you've spoken to all these people personally how can you be sure exactly what they said (unless what they said was on video)? Would you agree
there's a possibility of eye-witness testimonies being mendaciously distorted to reinforce the credibility of the official story?
and you didn't answer the question- what evidence showing the Pentagon was hit by a passenger jet *would* you accept as legitimate, and that
you wouldn't simply brush off as being faked?
I would accept the photographs and videos as being legitimate as they're as close to any objective evidence as we have.