It's a fine idea justjoe but the problem is what constitutes a troll to one person is not the same as what another would consider a troll (especially
For example if a post went up onto the boards that went something like:
Do fairies attack you when you sleep?
hi every1
I wunt to no if when I sleep fairies attack me. I know many people dont beleif in dem but I feel they are reel and wunt other people who know this too
share their thoughts wif me.
I get bruises that I dont know huw i got and sometimes heer fluttering outside my bedroom window.
The idea of the toofairy didnt come from nowhere did it?
Now this could be an honest person wanting to know more about fairies.
It could also be someone who is trolling.
It could be a whole bunch of things in between.
Now were I to come along and state that there is no empirical evidence to support the existence of fairies and that other options may exist which have
resulted in both the bruises and the fluttering noise I could be perceived as a sceptical troll for not 'taking part' in what I consider to be a
Someone else could come along and state that they are obviously being visited by 'Grey' aliens and that the fairy concept has been around for
millennia (Something which I would contribute to trolling).
Now are either of these replies wrong?
Is the thread question in the first place wrong?
It's a hard battle to decide which team you will stand alongside with.
In theory both replies should be ok and everyone lives in peace - but from my point of view someone will come along and recommend a book, a lotion or
something else which costs money and I find this to be a step too far regarding taking advantage of (in my opinion) someone who is either not in full
control of their facilities or promoting knowledge which may affect a non posting reader who is not in full control of their facilities.
There is wonder out there and that's why I am here.
I cannot say beyond a doubt that fairies don't exist or that this book, lotion
or other monetary output won't be beneficial. But I can say that there is very little evidence to suggest that it is nothing more than complete
fantasy and that trends within people who buy into these concepts generally show a high degree of criminality given enough time.
I do agree that it can be very frustrating - but that's what ATS is. Differing ideas and outlooks trying to work it's way towards universal
As for the swearing ones - they generally go away after Summer ends. School being out does bring in many new members.
I hope this was of use to you Joe.