reply to post by xynephadyn
Thanks for the response. Here's what I know about the history of the land we live on. First off as far as I know we don't live on or near an
earthquake fault line. We've never experienced any form of tremors, etc. Out here that would be big news to everyone in the area and surrounding
cities. The nature of the noise/movement on the roof was too isolated and focused to be caused by that sort of thing. Then again I'm no geologist so
all debate is welcome.
We own 40 acres of land about 30 minutes outside of the nearest town. We know it was used by settlers and farmers at some point in the past. There
were faint paths through the tree tops that clearly indicated usage as well as many old remnants of tools, building materials and cookware. From what
I've heard, farmers would often use the clearings in our surrounding forest that were created by dried up small bodies of water. This allowed them to
grow crops without clearing the land (which would be one heck of a challenge even for the toughest lumber jack
). We've found very old rusted out
kettles, pots and crude nails, etc. In addition we've found old bricks and even an intriguing mound of rocks on top of a small hill in the middle of
the forest that resembles an elongated oval shape - much like a grave. I can't substantiate that in any way - could just be a pile of rocks they
cleared from elsewhere for crop growing.
About 19 years ago my parents bought this land. We came, called in the heavy machine cavalry and cleared some forest (1.5 acres or so). We initially
setup shop by bringing in a mobile home and erecting a garage on a concrete pad. Approximately 5 years ago we removed the mobile home after building a
new house. No new land has been cleared since the initial amount 19 years ago aside from the formation of trails through the forest wide enough to
drive a large tractor through.
*laughs* Okay, now that you know the dull history of the land I should answer your first question - has my mother (or anyone else in my family) ever
experienced any paranormal activity? In a nutshell - and on a small scale - yes. But it has been rare and inconsistent. Here are some events that come
to mind that were unexplainable...
- The only reoccurring event is the random triggering of our smoke alarms in the middle of the night. This has happened half a dozen times or so in
the 5 years since we built the new house. There are three smoke alarms (one on each floor including the walk-out basement) and they are all hard wired
into the house's power supply. They do not need batteries. All observable signs indicate there's nothing wrong with them or the circuit they're on
- given they're all new. The electricians suggested dust build-up but even after vacuuming them out thoroughly the incident still occurred. It's
always squat in the middle of the night and it always takes one of them being unplugged to stop it. More than anything - this is just annoying.
- On one occasion my sister and her friend, who were probably around 16 years old at the time, were awoken while sleeping in her upstairs room by what
they described as a piercing white light that filled the room through the windows for a moment and went away. There was no lightning or thunder anyone
saw that night. Who knows.
- The most odd for me was being awoken by my cell phone late one night, telling me I have a new message - actually it said I had 6 or 7 new
messages... oddly. Not a second after reading my phone the smoke alarm went off. By the time I remedied the alarms and returned to my cell, it said I
had no new messages. Checking them, I found there were indeed none. Possible electrical interference from something?
That's good for now. Don't know if that will help but thanks for reading... geez, I have to cut down on my writing. Thanks again!