posted on Aug, 18 2010 @ 05:22 PM
This might explain things a little , when the large wholesale canneries purchase from the producers ( farmers ) . They buy bulk by the mega ton . They
typically buy at low price times and store . They then use this as leverage the next time on the producers . When they are about a quater of the way
through the stock they approach the producer again and offer below market value usually below half market value .The producers as always refuse the
insulting price and the producer walks away smiling , they return months latter and offer even less than before and they walk away with the produce at
prices below production cost . Good for the Wholesaler bad for the poor little food producers trying to clothe their families . This is why farmers
are being driven to the wall .This is happening in America, Australia , france all of the Western World not South America not some unknown 3rd World
Country . 20 years ago nearly 50% of Western Countries were farmland , look at it now farming is dissapearing .Farmers are giving up , loosing their
multi generational farms and even commiting suicide in shocking numbers . No wonder the World is experiancing food shortages .We are at war , a silent
war of stealth right under our noses .To answer your question about canned food expirery dates .Our food is old .Even your fresh OJ is normally two
years old .Same with alot of our packaged meat . They seal it with dioxide which to give it a rosey colouration . In other words our food is old and
yeah they are comming for us by stealth .Sorry I have to leave it here as vistitors now . Goodluck with the thread .