posted on Aug, 19 2010 @ 07:18 AM
This article made me laugh
You can't stop it. They are everywhere in nature. Most people have some idiotic vision of stupid hippies munching mushrooms and seeing colors. That
is not the case at all.
We're dealing with things of life and death here. For most people, a psychedelic experience is the closest thing you'll ever get to an adventure.
They create states that makes you feel like you're dying. And make you feel like you're really ALIVE for the first time in your life.
Bill Gates and Steve Jobs are both old acidheads by the way
Okay.. let me rephrase this:
There is absolutely NO TELLING what would happen if the western world took the psychedelic under serious study by the masses. They are cruel. They are
kind. They might just be the ticket to understand everything we can about our universe.
And, as stated throughout the decades now, they are - in a way - a shortcut into states achievable by meditation and "spiritual" practices. They
will take you through the whole spectrum of emotions. You'll laugh, you'll cry.
Actually, they cannot even be talked about
[edit on 19/8/2010 by Tryptych]