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Did they truly know...

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posted on Jun, 19 2004 @ 11:55 PM
DISCLAIMER: I printed out this post from another board a few weeks after 9/11, within 2 minutes, it was removed. I have cut short the original post by not naming all of the heads of the companies, but will name them upon request. At the least, it is an interesting and thought provoking read. I have gained permission of Simon Gray to post this. I am in NO WAY trying to imply anti-sematism. I respect all religions and people. I would like your honest opinions and comments. This post does not represent my own personal views. Thank you.

Only 2 Isrealis died in WTC September 11
You will soon learn that Israel KNEW the attack would go on at the world trade center and did NOTHING to prevent it. Why? Because it was just the trigger needed to provoke the American people to go to war against Israel's enemies, namely Iraq and the Palestinian Authority. They needed the US, got it, and their doing it now.

What did we accomplish in Afghanistan? Nothing. Nothing except we put poppy herion growers back into business. Taliban banned them before.

Did we even catch Osama Bin Laden? No. Do we even care? Not really. So what next? George Bush says he will schedule a war with Iraq.

Do any of you even wonder WHY we are going to war with Iraq in 2003? They will try to tell you it has to do with September 11. How long will they milk that one?

So back to Israel knowing ahead of time. They did - via two companies that can monitor every call in the US - Amdocs and Comverse Imfosys. You people really need to start researching these things!!!

After September 11 Israeli media claimed that 4,000 Israelis worked at the WTC every day. There are all kinds of rumors and debates on the internet about how many Israelis actually died or are still missing. Some say few, the Jews say 130.

Let's find out. I can't post links to go to a site called September 11 Victims - you know the rest (dot com). Click on victims by country.
Turn out: 2 Israelis Died. Out of 4,000 who worked there every day. Come on......

Our media is almost entirely Jewish. Jews are only 2.2% of the US, yet run almost every channel and newspaper you see and read. With every headline, every news source, every book or movie review, you are getting the Jewish perspective.
Time Magazine, US News and World Report, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Warner Brothers, Fox News, CBS, AOL/Time Warner, Associated Press, Dow Jones, NBC Nightly News, MTV, NBC, Viacom, Paramount Pictures, BET, Nickelodeon, Showtime, Disney, ESPN, USA Network, ABC, Washington Post, Blockbuster, etc.

I apologize for the long post.

posted on Jun, 20 2004 @ 12:04 AM
In my oppinion, if they knew, their hands were tied on the matter. Yes, the Israely Intelligence service is first rate, probably the best in the world, but, sources must be protected. I do believe that if they knew, they would have informed us, though. Maybe the fact that there were so few dead was due to "the luck of the draw."

regs out...
*sorry post is so sloppy...on meds right now.*

posted on Jun, 20 2004 @ 06:33 PM
Regardless if their hands were tied, information always has a way of leaking out. I also thought the original author had an interesting view of exactly why it would benefit them. Of course IMO, I think having the US backing you is a strategic move.

posted on Jun, 20 2004 @ 10:29 PM
Generally speaking, the US does back Israel. I think it has something to do with the collective guilt most Americans feel for "allowing" by inactivity the genicide Hitler initiated. I know it angers me when I think of the fact that the US didn't step in sooner. I, personally, have many friends over in Israel, though I am not Jewish. The Israelies don't need to have intel for us to back them. Public opinion dictates that we back them, in most cases. As long as the Palestinians use terror tactics like suicide bombers in resteraunts and car bombs outside of schools and such, Israel has the upper hand on our support, in my opinion.

regs out...

posted on Jun, 24 2004 @ 04:32 PM
I completely understand where you are coming from; however, the US involvement in war always has it's opposition, regardless if the intent was good. The idea that 9/11 could have been prevented, but was not due to so-called political reasons, is obsurd.
That, in itself, angers me. It's just the same as the "idea" that there was prior knowledge of the attack on Pearl Harbor.
Life is precious.

posted on Jun, 24 2004 @ 04:39 PM
This old lie has been posted again... and again... and again...

It's been debunked every time (search ATS and you'll find it) and still people don't seem to want to believe that Osama bin Ladin, fanatic, is behind it all.

More than 2 Jews were killed. Read the threads and you'll see the proofs and the research.

posted on Jun, 24 2004 @ 05:03 PM

Originally posted by Byrd
This old lie has been posted again... and again... and again...

It's been debunked every time (search ATS and you'll find it) and still people don't seem to want to believe that Osama bin Ladin, fanatic, is behind it all.

More than 2 Jews were killed. Read the threads and you'll see the proofs and the research.

theres no proof Tim binLadin was behind 911, if you really want to know who did it fallow the money, ie. who invested in the put options on the airlines? that investigation was stopped by the Bush Adm.

edited for my bad spelling

[edit on 24-6-2004 by Sauron]

posted on Jun, 26 2004 @ 12:21 AM
I'm having a lot of trouble believeing what the media puts out.
On a side note, an interesting thing happened the other night while I was watching the movie The Long Kiss Goodnight, which was from 1996.
The CIA Operative, Perkins, mentioned the World Trade Center bombing. Although he was referencing to the first attempt, he said the gov't knew ahead of time, blamed radical Muslim extremists, just so the deaths would alert people to the fact that we are not as secure as we think.
I heard that, and had to check what date the movie came out. Gave me the chills.

posted on Jun, 26 2004 @ 02:56 AM

Originally posted by cheshire cat
Do any of you even wonder WHY we are going to war with Iraq in 2003? They will try to tell you it has to do with September 11. How long will they milk that one?

i certainly do wonder.

from what ive read thus far which is isnt much i admit, this war started in afghanistan back in the 90s when the afghanis had won the war against russia and the taliban had a majority rule in afghan.

it seems, then that the US were "buddies" with the taliban since they were interested in building an oil pipeline that spread across afghan territory. i am unsure how osama is involved in all this.

however, in 1998 there were 2 embassy bombings in africa by islamic extremists (headed by osama?) in retaliation for US support in extraditing 3 islamic jihad members from albania to cairo (not sure what these guys did but they were caught).

soon after the embassy bombings, the US bombed an extensive terrorist training complex near Kabul purportedly run by Osama in retaliation. this basically ended the US being "buddies" with afghan-taliban.

in oct 2001 when the taliban still refused to handover osama, the US launched attacks against the taliban and al-qaeda positions in afghan. hence the war that is still ongoing in afghan today.

on 9/11, the WTC + other attacks occured on US soil and the war on terrorism was launched soon after.

how did iraq become part of this war?

is it bcoz osamas whereabouts was not known and smthg had to be done to prove to the US citizens that the govt was actually on top of things?

is iraq a victim of the US govt needing a scapegoat to show to its citizens that they were actually doing smthg with these terrorist attacks?

in any case, iraq/saddam was a very good candidate with his dictatorial rule over iraq and his cruel treatment of anyone who went against him (i have seens some vidoes). so now, all the US needed was support from the UN and they created the ultimate threat-weapons of mass destruction.

this is what i feel happened in a nutshell. pls correct me if you feel i am wrong.

posted on Jun, 26 2004 @ 03:04 AM
I agree with you

Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11 , they were the first and easiest target

and George junior was settling scores for george senior

posted on Jun, 26 2004 @ 08:45 AM
fyiiiTUIKKOO Who knew ? I am not only wholly surprised but greatly disappointed that:On a WebSite that haS : CONSPIRACY AS A MAIN THEME OF IT'S BEING ;That this post gained so few responses and ,few have responded in in the vien of conspiracy.SO ---- I shall try to bait a few members to enter the fray here,on a subject that shall stay "current" for decades to come.History will never let this issue rest... WHO KNEW? ------ LET'S SEE...... I,am a complete newbee to the world of oline forums and no experience in airing private opinions publicly,I will likely only have an internet connection for a very brief time,so forgive my being verbose while the chance is at hand? Who Knew? did !didn't you? Of course you did ! Admit it ! No? Why not...may be more appropriate .... The u.s.a. spends an undisclosed number of $BILLIONS ..YEARLY FRIENDS ON "INTELLIGENCE" AGAIN THAT IS "BILLIONS" WITH A HUGE "B"! Each year?! Yes we all know that any Fed budget gets sucked to size by out right theft,of tax dollars going to pay for employees personal "wish lists" from high end shopping sprees to buying the stock shares for their retirements,,,,and other christmas list items.who does not know this? but what do they each years outlay of $Billions for intelligence? they do run a network,they do have contacts with all other intelligenge agencies throughout the world...damn folks .you have a concept of what a billion buys?there is no way that those who control the intelligence gathering systems of the world.......did not ..know..what was about to happen....who orchaestrated it on all of it's tiers and conjunctive arms of input and direction...for the love of an honest man people..think..... the kind of power that is involved in being "super rich..and being in control "of the very day to day events that lead the peoples of the world ,through their eixtence ,is a power that can only be gained ,through the management of "those who know" and they being "those who control" much thinking is required ?to get you to the doors of..those who are :above the effects of society's discourse?who "control the controlers"? ...common thought ..unabashedly it spoken that the "sub-controller Cheeny.controls the sub-controler Bush"...who haSs controll of Chenny? what total iresponsible ,unanswerable poer could Chenny be linked to that he can blatantly deny the U.S. congress ,in the supreme court without finch one,how Chenny will not ...ALLOW BUSH to speak ""under oath"" on any serios matter!!?...the obvious is so blantant ..,,so blaring! so disgusting,,! that the streets should flow with the anger of a population ,,,cast off as inconsequentional to the purpose of those who reign over them,,,,,,if you think that "you" are not a member of a nation of sheep then you don't ,,,,think! Billions of dollars a year are spent on gatherin intelligence by the U.S. Govt. but the recent fiasco ,only the latest by the Bush admin..Released to the public the latest report on global terrorisim..giveing information! blatantly false! that it was ..immediately responded because of it's obvious intent to lie ,,distort and deliberately mislead ,,"the sheep",,.as a response SECRETARY OF STATE? COLLIN POWELL ,APOLOGIISED for "his controllers",,saying The "technology" of those gathering the data for the report was""out of date"..!!!for the love of a DOLLAR people!!you are but sheep yo be fed such fodder! the Bush Admin. ,,thinks you so ignorant ,that you have no comphrehension of current technologies or their relative cost to access them,,, I have a PC with 2.2 Ghz cpu,dvd player,cdrw ,512 meg ddr,40 gig hdd,modem ,printer scanner,zip drive .......and have under 800$ in it,i can access the same sources that any to find data "globally" about numbers of terroorist acts! but POWELL CONTENDS "NO COOKING OF DATA OCCURED,THOSE INVOLVED WERE"HAMPERED" BY USEING OUTDATED TECHNOLOGY.....DUH!!? They aRE ASKING US TO EAT SWILL,AND WE CALL THEM ON IT THEY FEED US HORSE MANURE,,WHY?? 1> THEY HAVE ZERO RESPECT FOR YOU ,,2>THEY KNOW THAT OF THE FEW "SHEEP" WHO BECOME AGITATED ,THEY will be held in check by the "rest of the flock" who gleefully eat their ..kibble! Yes......... if 3,000 Isralelies worked at the TWO TOWERS..AND LESS THAN 5 DIED THAT DAY...SOMETHING HAS TO BE INFERRED !Did they all work for the same company??all on the same floor??was there a jewish holiday keeping them away??common sense dictates that logical reasoning has to be applied to gain any truth about anything,logically speaking........sheep don't care about what the shepards are doing..! long as their ....kibble is always there!! no matter your affiliation ,, a truth is a truth ,,and "you" either .1. could care less about truth ,as long as "your side" is winning or >2. you do "care about truth that stands on fact not manipulation of facts" . THIS ;INCLUDES OR EXCLUDES ,,,YOU,,,FROM THE NATIONAL FLOCK OF SHEEP! Intelligence is "manufactured" daily! and fed through every personal way to "the flock",,the "fact" that you dont belive it,,or are in denial of it,,,or that you relish in it,,,,merely means you are as mindless as the shepards want you to be.Think of just the number of thosethat you personaly know who never read a "news"paper,watch tv "news",have know interest in the actions of those who "actually control their world!set the cost of all they buy decide the education of their children,the health of their family..etc.,,,,,,,,and from now on.........when you are in the company of one of those people,,,,,,,,,,,,,,one word should come to your mind .................. BAAAAAAH! Being me,I use the handle : Phazer online...i am currently in a pissed mood"surprise?" the high number and low qualitry of lies being served to the world by the "Bush League" is frustrating enough,as i have a son in the U.S. Army :Recon Scout .1st AIR CALVARY ,Ft. Hood .Tx.,, currently deployed to the mideast "somewhere" ? what he does is "classified" and it pisses me off! but that is just me ,,,,,,,NO KIBBLE TAKEN HERE!

posted on Jun, 26 2004 @ 10:32 AM
GWB's real motivation for Iraq? Who really knows. I DO NOT think it was to finish what his dad, at the insistance of Colin Powell, didn't finish. To me the answer is obvious - to gain an American foothold in the region from which to launch all kinds of ops.

Unfortunately, what they didn't plan on was the level of resistance and insurgent violence we are seeing now. So we are dealing with that, rather than the special ops hit-and-run stuff that that was the original motivation for going in.

But forget Iraq for a minute. Focus instead on Saudi Arabia. This is where the real interesting stuff is going on. Future weeks and months will most certainly bear this out.

posted on Jun, 26 2004 @ 10:55 AM
whats do you think is goin to happen in saudi arabia? cmon dont leave us hanging like that

posted on Jun, 26 2004 @ 11:17 AM
The Saudis are a squirrly bunch. Rumors are rampant that they knew Johnson's location PRIOR to his beheading, but did nothing. What are the chances that Saudi security forces just happened upon al-Muqurin and his henchmen in a remote location of Riyadh while desposing of Johnson's body? They knew where he was all along, but for whatever reason, waited until he was dead to move against al-Muqurin & co.

It is public knowldedge that 11 of the 15 9/11 hijackers were Saudi nationals.

I don't have any inside info on anything, but it's clear that a-Q's focus is quickly becoming Saudi Arabia and it's going to be interesting to see how the two-faced Saudis handle it. That's what I meant by my comment.

The Saudis like to present one face in public, but no doubt present a different one in private. Sort of like hugging you with one arm, while stabbing you in the back with the other.

posted on Jun, 26 2004 @ 11:30 AM
ok get it now. if the saudis knew where johnson was, im just wondering why did they wait until he was dead before moving in on them?

posted on Jun, 26 2004 @ 12:19 PM

Originally posted by agent
ok get it now. if the saudis knew where johnson was, im just wondering why did they wait until he was dead before moving in on them?

Because they're in bed with a-Q, but want to create the impression they're working with us.

posted on Jun, 26 2004 @ 04:21 PM

Originally posted by Karellen

Originally posted by agent
ok get it now. if the saudis knew where johnson was, im just wondering why did they wait until he was dead before moving in on them?

Because they're in bed with a-Q, but want to create the impression they're working with us.

I can clearly see where you are going with this. Correct me if I am wrong:
Saudi's want people to believe that the US LET the beheadings take place. Perhaps that's why people are finding inconsistencies in the videos, thus causing civil unrest.
Also, I can't speak for everyone else, but it, for lack of better words, really pissed me off. That emotional response in itself, would want the US over there kicking everyone's behind.
Or maybe, the Saudi's want a good portion of our military over there for an ambush from all sides. Not only over seas but also here in the US.
Apparently, from news reports they have little respect for the lives of their own citizens, speaking of the terrorists of course.
Phazer, I also agree with you on the "classified recon" missions. When I have to hear that a person I care about has to leave, can't say where he is going or when/if it he'll be back, is down right irritating.

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