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Love and light? Higher dimension? Different vibration?

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posted on Aug, 18 2010 @ 11:20 AM
I've been reading threads on ATS for a couple of years now and I'm always fascinated by some of the responses that other members reply with.

In short, where does all this "Love and light to you" and "beings with a different density/vibration/frequency" and "higher dimensional entity" stuff come from? The responders always reply like it's simply a matter of fact, but I don't know where the reference is.

Is there something I'm missing?

Is there a world of philosophy I could be researching?

What is this stuff?


posted on Aug, 18 2010 @ 11:22 AM
These are internal quantities that those people speak of. It is relevant for them because it speaks to them personally. I for one have not experienced any of these so I can't say for sure it exists. To each their own, I suppose...

posted on Aug, 18 2010 @ 11:27 AM
reply to post by The Endtime Warrior

So you're saying it's more of a comforting quasi-religious thing to those people?

Is there a name for this?

posted on Aug, 18 2010 @ 11:30 AM
reply to post by WickettheRabbit

I'm saying its relevant to them because they are experiencing it, but I can't claim I know it because its never happened to me. I am a bit open minded about stuff but who's to know what it is that they are really experiencing? I can only speak for what goes on in my head. I would think that most of these people meditate, lots in order to achieve their "higher dimensions". I know that I could experience higher dimensions on certain drugs. Hmmmm......

posted on Aug, 18 2010 @ 12:13 PM
reply to post by WickettheRabbit

I don't know where the reference is.

I believe these references were popularized by various channeled sources. Ra, Cassiopaea, the works of Frank Alper, etc.

The responders always reply like it's simply a matter of fact

The expressions have been so completely adopted on various web forums that there are probably a lot of people using these expressions who don't know where they came from. Or, for that matter...what they mean.

Is there a world of philosophy I could be researching?

Yes. The above links could probably give you enough reading material to keep you occupied for months.

[edit on 18-8-2010 by LordBucket]

posted on Aug, 18 2010 @ 12:14 PM
Here's an ATS thread to get you started towards that world.

Good reading indeed.

ASTRALPEDIA [ a guide to the astral, and how to get there ]

posted on Aug, 18 2010 @ 12:31 PM
Bare with me here I am trying to simplify this as much as possible.

It dates back to ancient ancient ayurvedic tradition, there are seven primary energy centers or chakras located in our bodies.

The seven major chakras at the midline of the body connect with our physical organs and systems as well as our emotions, family, past lives and our beliefs.

The seven locations are:

Base (root Chakra)


Solar Plexus





These 7 areas of energy called Chakras relate to each of our body's systems and organs.

Here is a diagram.

In essence, our individualism is a result of our own separate frequencies..due to how our individual chakras vibrate.

The soul is comprised of these 7 energy centers or Chakras and are the key energy source of our bodies.

The ancients believed that each soul in their individualism are sometimes more advanced or less advanced due to how far the soul has advanced spiritually as a result of each incarnation.

Every time we incarnate we have spiritual lessons to achieve in order to move on to the next higher level very similar to school lessons.

If we were to commit evil such as murder, for example, we would not progress but would have to repeat the level for example with the Karmic burden.

This is why some individuals are burdened with misfortune in their current lives vs some whom are very fortunate.

A western construct of spiritualism called Heaven and Hell, as well as Angels and Demons.

Angels are a western example of having reached the highest level of spiritual achievement towards the Light of God, whereas in contrast, Demons are the highest level of achievement towards the Darkness of Satan.

I hope that this gives you a basic and fundamental understanding of the relationship between love and light, vibrations and such.


[edit on 18-8-2010 by nh_ee]

posted on Aug, 18 2010 @ 12:49 PM
reply to post by WickettheRabbit

Hi WickettheRabbit.

IF you know Edgar Cayce, and trust his ways of communications,
and/or it "resonates" with you, if and only if, read the stuff that the
second line of my signature links to. . .
. . .and while you're at it, why not see the 3 DVDs of the first line? B-)

Blue skies.

posted on Aug, 18 2010 @ 01:41 PM
Thanks all for the links and information. I will do some reading, I promise. I do have some questions though.

On a recent thread, some person was talking about angels being 8th and 9th dimensional beings.

Do they really mean "Angels from the 8th Dimension" kind of thing?

posted on Aug, 18 2010 @ 01:42 PM
reply to post by C-JEAN

I don't know if I trust in his ways of communication. How would I find out?

I assume more reading. Can I get a synopsis?

posted on Aug, 18 2010 @ 03:34 PM
reply to post by WickettheRabbit

Do they really mean "Angels from the 8th Dimension" kind of thing?

If you want to know what some particular person meant, it might be better to ask them than us. There's some disgareement on the details about densities and dimensions. You'll get a slightly different perspective depending on who you ask. But within the context used here on ATS, I'd guess what they probably meant was that within the particular system that they're accustomed to, angels are at the "8th level" of spiritual development. Kind of like, if you look at the spectrum of visible light, you might say that "green is at the fourth level" of the spectrum. Green light has a higher frequency than yellow, which has a higher frequency than orange, etc. Red is 1, orange is 2, yellow is 3, green is 4. Etc. It might not be an especially useful piece of information, but again...that's probably what they meant.

But again, even though these expressions are in very common use, there's not as much agreement on convention and meaning as it might at first appear. While one person might say that angels are from some particular dimension, someone else might say they're from a particular density. And they probably mean the same thing. But One might use the words "density" and "dimension" to mean entirely different things, while the other might not. And in either case, two different people might attribute different numbers to those levels. They don't necessarily mean something different, but the framework they're using to describe it is different.

Think of it this way: in the US, people drive on the right side of the road. In britain, they drive on the left. So if an american says to an englishman, "I saw flashing lights, so I pulled over to the right side of the road" it would mean something very different than if the englishman said the same thing. But if they both know how to drive, it's usually pretty clear what they really mean, even if the conventions are slightly different.

Though once again, I caution you that many of the people who casually toss around these expressions have no idea what they're talking about. Sort of like the guy you probably knew in high school who felt all smart and proud of himself for being able to tell people that e=mc^2, but all he was doing was repeating the formula like a parrot, with no idea what it actually meant.

[edit on 18-8-2010 by LordBucket]

posted on Aug, 18 2010 @ 03:44 PM
reply to post by LordBucket

That is a very thought out answer. I appreciate it very much.

I guess my concern is that since the terms are so overused and used in the "incorrect" context or meaning, that they've taken a life of their own which doesn't have a lot of basis.

Like saying "Love and light to you" at the end of a post is just a way to make yourself sound higher dimensional while eating Doritos in your mom's basement.

posted on Aug, 18 2010 @ 03:55 PM
reply to post by WickettheRabbit

saying "Love and light to you" at the end of a post is
just a way to make yourself sound higher dimensional
while eating Doritos in your mom's basement.

Well, sometimes.
But working with a different example, someone who says "namaste" isn't necessarily being pretentious. They might simply mean "goodbye" or they might be deliberately cultivating the perception that everyone around them is divine. It depends.

If you have specific questions, I'll do my best to answer, but I recommend focusing on understanding ideas rather than becoming too attached to the details of any particular system. Imagine the following conversation:

Person A: "There are 2 pi radians in a circle."
Person B: "No, there are 360 degrees in a circle. Everybody knows that."

This subject may tend towards misundertandings of that sort.

[edit on 18-8-2010 by LordBucket]

posted on Aug, 26 2010 @ 10:37 PM
If you are interested in the dimensions, love and light etc - I am writing a detailed thread on the dimensions and what they consist of. I reference almost everything I add into the thread so it may give you some great locations to do your research.

More on the eighth dimension at the top of this page:

I think the best way to find the answer is within yourself. Research as much as you like and take with you what resonates with you, what I mean by resonate is, does it sit with you well, or do you have a gut feeling that it is incorrect. I usually get this feeling when something is right or wrong, I know or I have a strange sensation in my ears. I think it's intuition, or I just have tinnitus. of course I am still not 100% trusting in my own intuition.

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