posted on Aug, 17 2010 @ 11:37 PM
I am trying to inspire a lot of Americans who love this country. I am thinking that we can unite under each of our states flags, lawyer up and use
Nullification law now, before it is too late. I am not a lawyer, I don't know anything about how this would work - But if you can, please
take this and run with it! Right now before it's too late!
Those of us folks who can't be out there on the front lines can sure Deny Ignorance right here!! We can give help information and encouragement.
Anything you would need. Go up to our neighbors and family to try to wake them up!
They've poisoned us to make us indifferent and docile and ignorant.
While I was composing this I found myself censoring myself and it made me very angry as an American Citizen! We deserve the right to write whatever
we want,to whomever whenever we want!!!
What do you think? Can ATS muster the citizens?
I don't want this country to be assaulted and left for dead.
[edit on 1782010 by Starbug3MY]