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Is it possible that Reincarnation or your Soul affects your sexuality?

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posted on Aug, 17 2010 @ 02:29 PM
Ok, first of all I just want to say that this thread is mainly for people who believe in reincarnation or can at least entertain the possibility of it. I'm not really trying to push a specific view point on people or whatever, so I'd hope that others can respect that I don't want the same done to me.
Basically, I'm just really, really super curious about everything and how things came to be and the bigger picture in life and existence lol, so don't shoot me for having an inquiring mind alright!

So... With that out of the way, I shall now start

Ok, so I think about a lot of things, and obviously this is one of those things I think about. I guess I should start with what I believe. Well... I believe that everybody has a soul. I believe it's who you really are and that when you die, you live on, just not inside a physical body, because I believe the body is just a vehicle to experience. I also believe in reincarnation. I believe the purpose of life is to experience and to learn. For what end result though, I'm still thinking about. My guess used to be that eventually you can experience and learn enough and depending on your final conclusion, you'll either end up in heaven or hell. Now I'm thinking that you just continue living and experiencing again and again all throughout this magnificent multiverse and beyond. I truly believe everything is never-ending, which I admit is actually pretty scary to entertain and honestly does my head in lol. But this is all what I believe at this point in time.

Ooh, I should also add (although it should be pretty obvious
) that I believe in love whether you're heterosexual, bisexual, homosexual, asexual, polysexual or pansexual, whatever. I just believe in love because in the end we're energy/souls and sex (biological) doesn't matter when you're energy, you just are who you are
. The only thing that matters, are your experiences and what you've learned and then who you are.

So anyway, with all that said, I'm wondering if maybe the gender (not sex) and sexuality we were in our last life can have any effect on what gender and sexuality we have in this life? Maybe before we came to this Earth, some people chose to experience what it would be like to have certain experiences with different sexualities or genders in this life, you know kinda like be able to walk in anothers shoes and experience life from someone else's point of view, or just to be able to experience for experiences' sake or to learn.

But also what if also some people before they came here, didn't choose which gender and sexuality they would be, but they just are that way? Like, as a soul they just are that way, you know? They just are attracted to women or men etc. or certain genders that other souls have, and it doesn't matter which sex these souls get born into because as person/being/soul they just are that way. And then when they reincarnate here, that just gets transferred to their body, maybe like an imprint or something?

Maybe after all their reincarnations here, they like certain traits of one sex, or gender? I think sexuality might be just another way to explore, not only ourselves and what it means to us, brings out in us and makes us feel/experience, but also to explore existence. Like I said I believe we're all here to learn and experience, why wouldn't sexuality be apart of that?

I think it's obvious that sex, as in having sex, is more than just a tool for reproduction. I think it serves multiple purposes. For reproduction obviously, but also (and maybe mainly?) as a way to connect with others. To make a connection not just spiritually, but also physically. Another way to explore ourselves (souls) and our lives, our world, our existence?

I don't want offend anybody, but maybe this could also help in understanding the God of the Bible a small bit. Like I said, I don't want to offend anybody, but I don't think that the God of the Bible is the only God. I think He's one of many to be honest. But maybe that explains why He is a He and doesn't refer to Himself as a She. Maybe the God of the Bible has a specific gender because that's what He feels Himself to be. I always thought that if God were real, then the real God wouldn't be a He or a She but just be, because I believed that spirit or soul didn't have gender. But now, obviously, I'm thinking otherwise lol
Maybe He also realised He was asexual (not sure about what would be the proper term) or something/whatever and didn't want to have a mate or soul partner (?). But then supposedly His Church is His Bride so I don't know lol
. There are lots of other Gods who do have partners, most of the time they're opposite sexes or genders or whatever. I hope you get my drift? Anyway, Gods obviously have different traits and sexualities, genders and sexes. Maybe it's not because of us humans that Gods have human traits, but maybe because the Gods once used to be human?

Anyway, I think I'm getting off track, but I hope someone understands what I'm essentially trying to say? Lol, I could understand if you don't understand or you disagree, that's ok just ignore me and go look at another thread, just don't get all negative on me though ok! Hehe

Also, I did a search here not long ago to see if anyone else has been thinking about this too and found this thread by THEQUANTUMSHAMAN, which has some of the things I've been talking about. There are also a few others who touch on it a bit too.

Helpful links: Gender Identity - Human Sexuality - Gender and Sexuality (haven't read it all yet, but from what I've read I think it would be helpful. The site this pdf comes from also has a lot of interesting information on gender.) -
Info on Reincarnation: link 1 link 2 link 3 (I'm not sure I believe in their definition of reincarnation or karma
Obviously it helps to do your own research and stuff though

Well, that's it for now I'm tired lol. Hope you at least enjoyed it and were entertained, even if you didn't understand what I was trying to say

posted on Aug, 17 2010 @ 02:42 PM
A Great documentary on NDE's suggests that your premise is true.

posted on Aug, 17 2010 @ 02:45 PM
you fail to grasp incarnation; thus reincarnation is deluded: by your own premise. a lotus that blooms is beautiful in the eye of he who sees its petals; or is the lotus beautiful irregardless or carnation.does a lotus that blooms have sex; is this not a profane approach to a bees duties of pollination?

posted on Aug, 17 2010 @ 02:51 PM
I tend to think that human beings have a very underrated sense of smell, and that a baby's sex or sexuality is determined by the pheromones (as well as other chemicals) a woman smells or encounters before and during pregnancy. I think that's why there are roughly the same number of male and female babies born. Too many male pheromones in the air, a woman will more likely give birth to a female, and vice versa. Too many people in one area, and an overload of pheromones might suppress births altogether, possibly in one way by increasing the number of homosexuals in the population.

I don't know of any scientific study done on this. It's just an idea that I've had kicking around in my head for a while.

posted on Aug, 17 2010 @ 02:56 PM
Well I believe in Jesus Christ the son of man but also the son of God. He tells of everlasting life, but implies in many ways that this will continue in the 7 levels of heaven as outlined both in Revelations and I think it was John perhaps. So this place we go, where matter becomes translucent or transparent (heaven is alike that of a sea of glass; revelations) (also conforms to my physics theory based on projective geometry to encompass the true meaning of space and time) is where we will live most of our lives. This low density of space here on earth is just weak being so far from the black hole which gives all life by consuming small particles and making larger ones able to escape it's event horizon- (they have a DeBroglie freq' that allows them to break mach angles of interaction with light, kinetically, as all particles in space use kinetics to interact, not magical photons or superstrings).
So if I am re-incrarnated, it will be in my same body unless I do something to really piss off God and Jesus, like commit suicide, which is the sin of sins that says to God that you are too weak and too faithless to enter heaven. So if you want to be reincarnated as a worm or a dog or something, just kill yourself. It's just plain stupid that anyone would want such a thing. Why would we grow, why would we fight? For nothing but to be recycled like a can? Stupid.

posted on Aug, 17 2010 @ 03:00 PM
reply to post by Blue Shift

Its roughly the same because of the X and Y chromosome its always 50/50. The reason females are more prevalent is due to the fact females are stronger as fetuses where as males are not. Sperm Carrying the Y chromosome are faster but die sooner. Sperm carrying the X are slower and last longer. Since Women are XX and men are XY it will always be 50/50

EDIT: Sorry my Punance square doesn't want to format correctly

Always 50/50 its all a matter of luck and which luck swimmer gets to the egg first.

Hormones effect temperament. More Estrogen in the MOTHER'S system shows a tendency for docile where as more testosterone has more aggression.

[edit on 17-8-2010 by Xiamara]

[edit on 17-8-2010 by Xiamara]

posted on Aug, 17 2010 @ 03:02 PM
Cool thread. I agree with you for the most part, you kinda went off topic couple times, but I really do understand the gist of what you're trying to say.

To add to that, I think everyone is a little bit homosexual. It's just the ratios that differ between people. Somone can be 80% straight 20% gay, 50% gay, 50% straight, 90%gay, 10% straight; its all over the charts... hahaha. I talked about this with someone and they totally agreed. It make sense to me.

I really like how you explain how the soul chooses what kind of experiences they want to experience in this lifetime.

Overall, many good thoughts were brought up in the OP. Good job!


posted on Aug, 17 2010 @ 03:04 PM
reply to post by Blue Shift

Holy cow!!! It makes perfect sense!

I have been to places that smell gay. hahah. If that makes sense. I have also been to places that smell manly or girly.

Very very interesting hypothesis.


posted on Aug, 17 2010 @ 03:04 PM
Well, I think this is a very difficult topic that calls for a certain level of faith, which I would rather fill with logic and experience. I do believe in reincarnation, but I am not positive on how that exactly works. The closest I can come to a logical argument for it, is that the energy which embodies our body cannot be destroyed, therefore it will remain after our physical body has died, and may give life to a new body or being. Some have argued that this energy holds a certain level of intelligence, some call it our 'soul' or our 'spirit', and if that is true then I think the possibility for guiding or directing our reincarnation, through Buddhist Dharma for example, could very well be real. However, if energy is not able to hold or contain intelligence, then I do not see a logical explanation for how our actions in this lifetime can affect our reincarnation. Thus, I would say it is a random occurrence that is directed by the laws of nature. But then again, one can say that the laws of nature are governed by the laws of karma, which opens up a whole new discussion. Anyways, hope some of that helped. Faith is good, but reasoning and logic is better.

[edit on 17-8-2010 by LifeIsEnergy]

posted on Aug, 17 2010 @ 08:26 PM
Btw, I just want to say that this thread isn't about baiting anyone or attempting to cause any trouble or anything. Just thought I should say that
lol. I know how it can get with these sorts of topics.

The main point of this thread would be to get people to think about how we treat each other and the things we do to one another based on our fears. Specifically in regards to sexuality and gender and the negativity surrounding anyone who is different than what is acceptable to society. I know it's been the norm throughout history for people to act negatively towards others they view as 'different'. But when you think about it in terms of reincarnation or whether or not we have a soul, it makes you wonder about the bigger picture and whether all the hurt and suffering we cause each other is really worth it in the end.

I've seen a lot of threads where people are talking about bisexuality or homosexuality, whatever and there are a lot of people who still have such anger and negativity directed at people who aren't straight and it just doesn't make any sense to me. People assume so much, and are afraid of so much. I know it sounds cliché but, there are common threads that bind us and we're all in this together. Unfortunately it seems most people forget or don't realise this and are still being so easily divided and being brainwashed to fear anything that's different.

As easy as it would be to blame TPTB and the MSM, people need to really take a look at themselves and start being accountable for their own actions.

The thing I keep remembering is that basically, what nearly everyone wants is just to be loved. Family means a lot to most people on Earth, and I think that when you look at all the different cultures, you find that at its core, they're basically the same. Everyone wants to look out for those they love and be loved in return. Everyone is still searching. We all have so much in common! And they are the most important things that we have in common, not trivial things!

Lol I just wish people could realise this! If only though, right...

Anyway, I was just hoping to make people think. I don't want to change anyone's mind though, I just hoped that this would make people think a bit more about how they treat others
. I suppose I should have said this in the OP though lol.

posted on Aug, 17 2010 @ 08:28 PM
reply to post by Ausar

Hmm, sorry I don't think I understand what you mean?

I think I might see where you're going with this, but I'm still not sure.

posted on Aug, 17 2010 @ 08:34 PM
reply to post by Blue Shift

Interesting theory! Lol I guess it's possible right?

Originally posted by Blue Shift
I tend to think that human beings have a very underrated sense of smell, and that a baby's sex or sexuality is determined by the pheromones (as well as other chemicals) a woman smells or encounters before and during pregnancy. I think that's why there are roughly the same number of male and female babies born. Too many male pheromones in the air, a woman will more likely give birth to a female, and vice versa.

It's funny you should say that, because I remember reading somewhere that apparently male sports people are more likely to have girls than boys. I don't know how scientifically true that is. But still, maybe you're on to something?

posted on Aug, 17 2010 @ 08:53 PM
Just what is that connection between the soul and the body? Can that link be reduced to such a thing as gender identity and sexual preference? I think not.
The soul is but a blend of both female and male identities. The end result of you being heterosexual or gay or any of the other number of "preferences" would be a manifestation of your test. You do make your life accordingly to these impulses but indeed it is only but a small portion of the relevance of your being.

[edit on 8/17/2010 by The Endtime Warrior]

posted on Aug, 17 2010 @ 08:56 PM
I know a gay man whose past life is most obviously a straight man so I don't think the soul affects this, just the body.

posted on Aug, 18 2010 @ 05:46 AM
reply to post by zzombie

Thanks for the link! I'll definitely be checking those videos out for sure!

reply to post by mrmrmikee

Originally posted by mrmrmikee
Well I believe in Jesus Christ the son of man but also the son of God. He tells of everlasting life, but implies in many ways that this will continue in the 7 levels of heaven as outlined both in Revelations and I think it was John perhaps. So this place we go, where matter becomes translucent or transparent (heaven is alike that of a sea of glass; revelations) (also conforms to my physics theory based on projective geometry to encompass the true meaning of space and time) is where we will live most of our lives. This low density of space here on earth is just weak being so far from the black hole which gives all life by consuming small particles and making larger ones able to escape it's event horizon- (they have a DeBroglie freq' that allows them to break mach angles of interaction with light, kinetically, as all particles in space use kinetics to interact, not magical photons or superstrings).

Hmm, interesting. I've always been fascinated with Revelations and I still am. I have to say though that I don't believe that the Bible is the whole and infallible Word of God though. The Bible seems too imperfect to be considered the perfect Word of God. Imho, if humans had anything to do with the Bible, which they did, then it can't possibly be perfect if you know what I mean? But still, I do find the Bible fascinating, especially Genesis and Revelations. I really do believe there is some beautiful truth in them, especially when they talk about heaven.

So if I am re-incrarnated, it will be in my same body unless I do something to really piss off God and Jesus, like commit suicide, which is the sin of sins that says to God that you are too weak and too faithless to enter heaven. So if you want to be reincarnated as a worm or a dog or something, just kill yourself. It's just plain stupid that anyone would want such a thing.

I don't know about suicide being the sin of sins tbh. I mean it's pretty bad, but sometimes people hurt so much they just can't find an alternative. Sometimes the pain is just too bad. And I don't think God would deny someone heaven because of how much pain they were in. If anything imho, God would be understanding and helpful I should think.

Why would we grow, why would we fight? For nothing but to be recycled like a can? Stupid.

Are you talking about reincarnation? Like as in why would it exist, just so we can be "recycled like a can?". Well, from what I understand, reincarnation allows you to grow, experience and learn even more that what you'd be able to in one lifetime. I would think that if Heaven and Hell truly did exist as the only options, that reincarnation would make a lot of sense really. I mean if eventually you had to choose to end up at either one, wouldn't you want to make the most informed choice possible? Especially if it's forever. I believe that reincarnation would allow you to do that. You know, like experience what it's like to live in different situations and as different people. Then you make your choice upon the experiences you've had and the things you've learned. Lol, obviously I don't really know how everything works, but it actually makes a lot of sense if you think about it?

posted on Aug, 18 2010 @ 06:18 AM
reply to post by SolarE-Souljah

Originally posted by SolarE-Souljah
Cool thread. I agree with you for the most part, you kinda went off topic couple times, but I really do understand the gist of what you're trying to say.

Hi, thanks! Lol I know I went off topic a few times, I tend to do that. Bad habit I know. But I'm glad that you could understand what I was essentially trying to say though!

To add to that, I think everyone is a little bit homosexual. It's just the ratios that differ between people. Somone can be 80% straight 20% gay, 50% gay, 50% straight, 90%gay, 10% straight; its all over the charts... hahaha. I talked about this with someone and they totally agreed. It make sense to me.

Yeah I know what you mean and I tend to agree. I believe the spectrum of sexuality is different in everyone. I don't think there are always clear-cut sort of categories that people can be put into, like this person is heterosexual, this one is homosexual and that one over there is bisexual. I believe it's so much more complicated and definitely not a black and white issue. There are a lot of shades of grey, as with many things in life lol.

posted on Aug, 18 2010 @ 06:55 AM
The difference between human beings and other Earth animals is that with the human being, the Intellect itself is actively involved in its own generation management. We call it the developing personality. This likely began as a result of the level of intellectual sophistication making that feedback (bio-feedback) loop possible, which created the neural grooves needed to restructure the human brain to become open to that direct access, and was genetically passed along as an evolutionary improvement.

This made humans more open to innovative survival response, and fueled the increase in general intellectual sophistication, as opposed to the simpler animal brain management process which only involves DNA and its instinctive management hierarchy protocol structure. This is why a breed of dog will always respond to training as that breed of dog responds to that training - of course, within normal +/- ranges - as opposed to the breadth of responses possible from a human being, regardless of race or ethnicity. This also made humans less uniform from the neck up, even as large-scale die-offs and the inherent evolutionary challenges involved in a shrinking gene pool caused humanity to become a lot more uniform from the neck down than most other genus groupings.

Sexuality is a base-attribute, and while DNA can be contributive, the procreative imperative would only drive the need to put the jack in another human being's plug. It wouldn't make the determination about which plug or the gender of the human whose plug gets plugged. That would be the determination of the personality, since it's a higher function than raw reproductive urge.

As to what causes one human to be homosexual, as opposed to heterosexual, the reasons are always unique to the individual. This is the impact of having two distinct intellect management efforts that battle for control at all times. The DNA of the Homo Sapien versus the personality of the human being, and a unique person emerging as a result.

Frankly, with what we already understand about the formation of a whole person, the notion of Reincarnation seems too incompatible - on the whole - to be an accurate assessment of what people have experienced when recounting these past lives. There is a much more plausible explanation for the well documented indications of Reincarnation, but I don't have the time or inclination to expound on it here.

I will say this, sexuality is much more complicated than something that can be attributed to any one driver. It's uniquely balanced between the DNA and the personality, since sex and love are the two drives that fuel it and each of these is driven by one and the other respectively.

[edit on 18-8-2010 by NorEaster]

posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 06:34 PM
I don't entirely agree with your point of view. Doctor Elizabeth Dale conducted a scientific experiment, which concluding in her belief that homosexuality is a natural trait that results when a female is reincarnated as a male or visa versa. I honestly believe this, and believe that this is also the reason for bisexuals. Perhaps when a male is reincarnated as a female over a course of time she becomes a bisexual and then at a much later date becomes heterosexual. Although this does not entirely explain why some people who are heterosexual become homosexual later in life. Now I will willingly admit that I am a homophobe, but still the idea of it all is rather intriguing.

Here is a link to the site:

posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 06:41 PM

Originally posted by NorEaster
The difference between human beings and other Earth animals is that with the human being, the Intellect itself is actively involved in its own generation management. We call it the developing personality. This likely began as a result of the level of intellectual sophistication making that feedback (bio-feedback) loop possible, which created the neural grooves needed to restructure the human brain to become open to that direct access, and was genetically passed along as an evolutionary improvement.

This made humans more open to innovative survival response, and fueled the increase in general intellectual sophistication, as opposed to the simpler animal brain management process which only involves DNA and its instinctive management hierarchy protocol structure. This is why a breed of dog will always respond to training as that breed of dog responds to that training - of course, within normal +/- ranges - as opposed to the breadth of responses possible from a human being, regardless of race or ethnicity. This also made humans less uniform from the neck up, even as large-scale die-offs and the inherent evolutionary challenges involved in a shrinking gene pool caused humanity to become a lot more uniform from the neck down than most other genus groupings.

Sexuality is a base-attribute, and while DNA can be contributive, the procreative imperative would only drive the need to put the jack in another human being's plug. It wouldn't make the determination about which plug or the gender of the human whose plug gets plugged. That would be the determination of the personality, since it's a higher function than raw reproductive urge.

As to what causes one human to be homosexual, as opposed to heterosexual, the reasons are always unique to the individual. This is the impact of having two distinct intellect management efforts that battle for control at all times. The DNA of the Homo Sapien versus the personality of the human being, and a unique person emerging as a result.

Frankly, with what we already understand about the formation of a whole person, the notion of Reincarnation seems too incompatible - on the whole - to be an accurate assessment of what people have experienced when recounting these past lives. There is a much more plausible explanation for the well documented indications of Reincarnation, but I don't have the time or inclination to expound on it here.

I will say this, sexuality is much more complicated than something that can be attributed to any one driver. It's uniquely balanced between the DNA and the personality, since sex and love are the two drives that fuel it and each of these is driven by one and the other respectively.

[edit on 18-8-2010 by NorEaster]

I cannot entirely agree with you on that. From the way you are explaining it, you make it sound as if homosexuality is a choice. Which it most certainly is not. I have a friend who was considerably straight during her adolescence and became homosexual during her adulthood. She was not entirely thrilled with the change and fought against it for the longest time. She is still fighting desperately against it. And when I proposed my theory to her, it actually made her feel somewhat better. And yes homosexuality is in the animal kingdom, but it can also be controlled in said kingdom. Scientists have made fruit flies homosexual and then heterosexual again. I believe that the same can be done for humans, if enough humans wanted that.

posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 07:08 PM
reply to post by Sparkly_Eyed777

Sparkly_Eyed777 ... your name suits your refreshing innocence and desire to ask questions ... lovely OP.

Don't ever let anyone make you feel it's wrong to ask questions ... if anyone ever wrongly determines your innocence for naivety don't take offence ... these are the people who may already know and understand the answer to your questions ... but instead of helping you to grow / understand / develop, they'd rather state the obvious in an effort to make you feel silly for asking in the first place.

It's sad really because although these people 'know' the answers ... they have not learned any lessons

You have a refreshing ability to ask a basic question and it shows you have more integrity and intelligence than those who think they need to keep the things they have read / experienced /or ironically been told by others to themselves and make those new and curious to the subjects feel silly for asking.

Your question about gender and reincarnation has several potential answers depending on the outlook ... but overall I believe (because of my own experiences and those of the people that I've regressed over the last 16+yrs) that our soul chooses the gender they wish to return as and the experiences they wish to have during that lifetime (good / bad / and indifferent) ... all lifetimes add to the richness of the soul and to become whole and eventually ascend it needs to have experienced all things and all genders.

However, if a soul has experienced a particularly strong character during a lifetime and the gender was a main factor the residue of those gender effects could linger ... or indeed need to be carried over so as to complete a chosen lesson ... the effects of a previous gender could also have a part to play in a present lifetime if the previous incarnation was ended abruptly and the chosen lessons were not completed (eg; murdered or died in a traumatic accident).

In short there are many possibilitiea and these are just a couple of examples to give you an idea ... but yes previous gender can effect present life factors occasionally.

On a slightly different note you mentioned in your OP that you are interested in lots of things including the bigger picture ... if this is the case you might be interested in some of the information and articles on my websites (links in my signature at the bottom of this post).

Woody (nice to meet you)

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