The Morse encoding uses a total of 382 base-3 numbers to represent 129 characters (including the spaces). The weight in bits is then 382 x log23 =
605.4, or 4.69 bits/character. Besides being more practical than a base-27 encoding, Morse Code is cheaper in bits per character. This is because
Morse Code takes advantage of the differences in relative frequency of characters in an English text
Wow, there are sooooo many different options... We have tried about everything... But, this sounds like a good lead. I am all thought out.
I am a dog now... Throw me a bone and I will go chase after it.
Good find zsandmann, seems like weve been on this one forever and every lead we get leads nowhere . We should look into this one and see what we
can find. Maybe there is still some hope yet.....
we have a lot of information but i don't know that we are interpreting it correctly
we still don't understand:
the "c o d e'
33212 etc
the number and location of the empty box
the two unsolved original clues if they are still relevant
all the references to blindness
and so much more
JC i think you mean it uses 012 and we have (mainly) 123. I totally agree it seems like a close match, but to make it work we would have to adapt it
somehow.....such as breaking the code at the 0s and changing the 3's to 0's...but ive tried that and it doesnt work.
I have moced the letters numbers etc, through the lists backwards and forwards, in the minddle, and overlapped and nothing has worked. I wonder what
Cerberus is doing these days? Maybe too busy chasing after -5- to help us out.... He did not notice anything in the apartment too much, so I guess
the note does not help us anymore with this Binary, Morse, ot counting cipher or thing or something or or or