posted on Mar, 13 2003 @ 08:47 PM
There is one thing you should know before you read any further, and that is before this "dream" or abduction I had torn the medial meniscus in my
Aproximately two months ago I was asleep in my bed, when I woke up (or at least thought I woke up) and saw something outside my bedroom window, being
the heavy sleeper that I am, I "fell back asleep". When I "woke up" again I was onboard an alien craft and my knee was being cut into. I couldnt
scream or move anything but my eyes (which is why I believe this was sleep paralysis). I blacked out/fell back asleep. When I woke up again I was on
my bedroom floor. Now here comes the strange part, before this night I could hardly move my leg because of my afore mentioned injury, but when I got
up from off my floor I was able to walk, jump, run etc...this is probably just a really strange coincidence, but if anyone has had a similar
experience or has input please post it!