Check this out,
Christianity. A Religion of Convenience, or Polytheism?
Anne Rice renounces Christianity after one too many hateful preacher quotes
Christianity as extension of Buddhism:
Christianity, Control, and Fear
Christianity and its flawed concept of god.
Could parts of Christianity be invaded by satanism?
What was Christianity originally about?
Is Christianity the Biggest Scam in History?
God, Christianity, Control, and Fear
Why Have You Left Christianity?
Video: Alice Bailey's 10 Strategies to Destroy Christianity
The DOMA Collective (Connecting Christianity, Islam, Buddhism and more to Mother Goddess worship)
The Trinity is Judaism, Christianity and Islam?
Doesn't Christianity Contradict The Ten Commandments?
"The Church" is NOT Christianity!
Stephen Baldwin is Raping Christianity
The Links Between Blackwater, CIA, Politics, Hitler and The " New Christianity"
Christianity is a Conspiracy; ALL of you are going to HELL
New Age vs Christianity Conflict Rising?
Christianity, the Murderous Lunatics
Exposing Christianity
NWO hidden agenda to kill Christianity?
A New Kind Of Christianity: 10 Questions That Are Transforming The Faith
New Age philosophy more sophisticated than Christianity?
The Reason I Dislike Christianity More Than Any Other Religion
Two For the Price of One: "Dark History of the Vatican"/ " 20 reasons to abandon christianity"
Does Christianity Keep us Conforming to Society?
Church and Christianity a rant.
Why do liberals seem to HATE conservatives and Christianity?
The Anti Christ is a Gnostic Invention to Counter the Viral Christianity and Messiah Mindset
case for islam vs case for christianity debate video
Aliens...what part did they play in Christianity...The Immaculate Deception
The conspiracy of christianity, continues to stalk children
Judiasim, Islam, "Christianity" and Masonry - cloak and dagger conspiracy
Christianity a conspiracy on so many levels
Christianity, Satans Greatest Deception
Six Myths About Christianity
Yet Another nail in the coffin of christianity,
Why I don't like Radical Christianity. ..
In Christianity, Why is Satan Evil, and God Good? What is Evil?
The desire to destroy Christianity
The Rise of the Religious Left -- Why Christianity Isn't Just for Conservatives
Questions I have about Christianity & Religion
I want to undertand why Jesus was a jew, and yet Christianity is now a different religion from Jewi
Christianity is NOT a monotheistic religion!
Why I think christianity is bad.
Christianity : The Frankenstein Religion?
Britain's War on Christianity: America's Future Fight?
Christianity another stepping stone?
Stop Equalling Christ with "Christianity" please
Christianity is finished in the UK "Well thank god for that!"
Jesus' Christianity - Not Seen Today
These are just a few,
So now because we don't want any topics on Islam we shut her down right?