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Religion Topics; Muslim, Christianity Debates & You

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posted on Aug, 16 2010 @ 03:32 PM
I think it's about time that the option to "Omit Swine Flu" related threads is replaced with "Omit Religious Madness".

It seems that ATS is being flooded with threads about Muslims lately, and frankly I'm getting a little tired of it, and many people are just as fed up as I am. Every time a new thread on the "Ground Zero Mosque" shows up, I die a little inside. I could be sleeping, and not at the computer, but it will still effect my psyche. This is how torn I am on these so-called "issues".

I don't care that people want to talk about these things, and talk about it they do... but it just irks me that I can "Omit Political Madness", but I'm not able to omit ultra-annoying threads basically all about ignorant simpletons spreading fear on one religion or another.

I know many people would absolutely Love to be able to omit religion in their thread browsing, and I do realize that it's a tall order and not easy to implement. Many ATSers would be forever grateful.

posted on Aug, 16 2010 @ 03:35 PM
The problem is that they crop up all over the place, and aren't confined to just one subforum.

Even an innocent thread will get turned on its head by a gratuitously baiting comment from one side or the other, and then it turns into yet another 20-page atheist vs. religious borefest.

posted on Aug, 16 2010 @ 03:41 PM
Not that easy. This stuff's breaking news and current events. It's not confined to Religious Madness or whatever the equivalent is. And it's not really a religious topic anyway, at least not directly and not to me. Maybe it's more Political Madness. Or Disinformation. Who knows. It'll pass.

Oh, I asked for an Omit Religious Whatever function a while back, and then for the new system, an Omit (Whichever) Thread/Forum from My Sight Forever button because everyone can relate to this on one topic or another.

posted on Aug, 16 2010 @ 03:47 PM
I'm just using the "Ground Zero Mosque" debates as a current example. They are all over the place, and very frequent.

However, when I speak of this in general, I'm talking about All things related to religion, including the Christians vs Atheist debates and the "you should be afraid of Muslims" threads.

It all makes me want to regurgitate my soul. Most of these "debates" wouldn't be too out of place on Yahoo Answers, but it saddens me to see these flooding ATS topics.

posted on Aug, 16 2010 @ 03:50 PM
reply to post by SyphonX

You've gotta do what I do. I get into threads about..... whatever, then I tire of trying to communicate with the unthinking. What do you do? Just don't go into those threads. It's actually just that simple.

posted on Aug, 16 2010 @ 03:58 PM

Originally posted by intrepid
reply to post by SyphonX

You've gotta do what I do. I get into threads about..... whatever, then I tire of trying to communicate with the unthinking. What do you do? Just don't go into those threads. It's actually just that simple.

That is exactly right. I rarely get baited into those kinds of threads simply because I don't feel that I need to defend or support any of the ideas involved. Notice, I said *rarely*. I can get baited sometimes.

Really, just roll your eyes and go to the next topic.

posted on Aug, 16 2010 @ 03:59 PM
The thing that’s really confusing me about these threads is why they don’t get moved to BTS.

posted on Aug, 16 2010 @ 03:59 PM
As aggravating as it sometimes is, it is still better to talk about it rather than kill each other over it as is the case in many parts of the world ... not that one negates the other mind you as some people do both.

To the indifferent/detached observer these days are both a fascinating and unsettling glimpse onto human behavior. It shows that even today, with communication and information at our fingertips, how easily it is to manipulate people once you have conditioned religious belief, or any kind of belief for that matter, onto them. The people themselves make that belief personal and self defining. Thus a threat to their belief is a personal threat. Add a little bit of fear about abstract and fallacious consequences, a couple of borders, the illusion of scarcity, and they will do your bidding for you. Pitting themselves against themselves and dividing themselves forever.

Seeing it play out on ATS gives root to many a valuable lesson that avoiding it, though convenient, would deny us.

posted on Aug, 16 2010 @ 04:03 PM

Originally posted by kevinunknown
The thing that’s really confusing me about these threads is why they don’t get moved to BTS.

Well, that too, but this is the case for many topics on ATS. In all reality, you could cull 75% of the current content on ATS and transfer it to BTS, and it would be 100% appropriate.

It seems to be more about the atmosphere, and I can deal with that.

posted on Aug, 16 2010 @ 04:05 PM
Check this out,

Christianity. A Religion of Convenience, or Polytheism?

Anne Rice renounces Christianity after one too many hateful preacher quotes

Christianity as extension of Buddhism:

Christianity, Control, and Fear

Christianity and its flawed concept of god.

Could parts of Christianity be invaded by satanism?

What was Christianity originally about?

Is Christianity the Biggest Scam in History?

God, Christianity, Control, and Fear

Why Have You Left Christianity?

Video: Alice Bailey's 10 Strategies to Destroy Christianity

The DOMA Collective (Connecting Christianity, Islam, Buddhism and more to Mother Goddess worship)

The Trinity is Judaism, Christianity and Islam?

Doesn't Christianity Contradict The Ten Commandments?

"The Church" is NOT Christianity!

Stephen Baldwin is Raping Christianity

The Links Between Blackwater, CIA, Politics, Hitler and The " New Christianity"

Christianity is a Conspiracy; ALL of you are going to HELL

New Age vs Christianity Conflict Rising?

Christianity, the Murderous Lunatics

Exposing Christianity

NWO hidden agenda to kill Christianity?

A New Kind Of Christianity: 10 Questions That Are Transforming The Faith

New Age philosophy more sophisticated than Christianity?

The Reason I Dislike Christianity More Than Any Other Religion

Two For the Price of One: "Dark History of the Vatican"/ " 20 reasons to abandon christianity"

Does Christianity Keep us Conforming to Society?

Church and Christianity a rant.

Why do liberals seem to HATE conservatives and Christianity?

The Anti Christ is a Gnostic Invention to Counter the Viral Christianity and Messiah Mindset

case for islam vs case for christianity debate video

Aliens...what part did they play in Christianity...The Immaculate Deception

The conspiracy of christianity, continues to stalk children

Judiasim, Islam, "Christianity" and Masonry - cloak and dagger conspiracy

Christianity a conspiracy on so many levels

Christianity, Satans Greatest Deception

Six Myths About Christianity

Yet Another nail in the coffin of christianity,

Why I don't like Radical Christianity. ..

In Christianity, Why is Satan Evil, and God Good? What is Evil?

The desire to destroy Christianity

The Rise of the Religious Left -- Why Christianity Isn't Just for Conservatives

Questions I have about Christianity & Religion

I want to undertand why Jesus was a jew, and yet Christianity is now a different religion from Jewi

Christianity is NOT a monotheistic religion!

Why I think christianity is bad.

Christianity : The Frankenstein Religion?

Britain's War on Christianity: America's Future Fight?

Christianity another stepping stone?

Stop Equalling Christ with "Christianity" please

Christianity is finished in the UK "Well thank god for that!"

Jesus' Christianity - Not Seen Today

These are just a few,

So now because we don't want any topics on Islam we shut her down right?

posted on Aug, 16 2010 @ 04:08 PM
Religion is obviously a hot topic around here. It probably always will be. It is hot, because people want to discuss it.

The best thing to do if you do not like the topic, is simply do not open the thread.

Religion is one of the topics I do not really like to discuss and chose not to read. Having the threads there does not affect my experience here at all. Again, I simply do not open the threads and find a topic I want to read.

posted on Aug, 16 2010 @ 04:27 PM
reply to post by greeneyedleo

Well, congratulations to you, but what's the point of being able to omit Swine Flu & Political Madness if the "best course of action" is to ignore it.

Clearly a different solution was offered with the omission abilities.

I'm just saying.

Religion is the most incendiary topic in the entirety of the internet. It plagues everything, most people would agree.

Originally posted by Stormdancer777
[snip] Christianity rant. [/unsip]

This is basically, exactly what I'm talking about. In my original post, I said I was speaking of All things related to religion. Christianity, Islam or other. I used the Muslim Mosque at Ground Zero as the current nagging event that is chewing up the forums. As an example.

People are even coming into this thread, complaining about religious topics, and spewing their Christian vs. Islam rhetoric. With an epically long posting no less. Have some perspective people.

[edit on 16-8-2010 by SyphonX]

posted on Aug, 16 2010 @ 10:28 PM
reply to post by Stormdancer777

And you have listed threads attacking or being critical of Christianity because? You have stated in the past you are not Christian, yet at every opportunity you leap to defend it? Especially when the opportunity to degrade Islam presents itself...

To the subject at hand.

This thread is fantastic. I agree with the OP wholeheartedly, in that it's about time religious CONVICTION threads took a trip to BTS or somewhere else that isn't in the direct firing line. I'm all for discussing religiously connected CONSPIRACIES, but everything else is just gumpf in my view.

My God this, Allah that, blah blah blah. Unless there is a genuinely new and interesting conspiracy or NEW and evidentially based alternative topic to be discussed - it's not an ATS topic in my view.

Just my tuppence worth.


posted on Aug, 16 2010 @ 10:34 PM
Well I see stuff on ATS everyday that makes me die a little bit inside.

There's no shortage of topics that I dislike or want nothing to do with, but from a logical standpoint, I just don't read them.

I don't open topics that I know will irk me or make me want to say bad things not warranted by the T&C..

" God gave you a neck so you could look the other way."



posted on Aug, 16 2010 @ 10:34 PM
doubled post..

damn garden gnomes..


[edit on 8/16/2010 by tothetenthpower]

posted on Aug, 16 2010 @ 10:40 PM

Originally posted by Parallex
And you have listed threads attacking or being critical of Christianity because? You have stated in the past you are not Christian, yet at every opportunity you leap to defend it? Especially when the opportunity to degrade Islam presents itself...

Not wishing to be an arse, but...

I'm not religious, yet I stick up for Christianity, Islam, Buddhism etc., if I fear that they, or their believers, have been unfairly targeted by people ( especially by those with an intolerant axe to grind ).

People shouldn't assume that just because a person is defending one belief or point of view, that that person actually endorses it.

I think your insinuations that Stormdancer777 is a closet Islam-bashing Christian, are unfair.

Anti-Muslim posts are being cited in the OP, and I believe that Stormdancer is just pointing out that anti-Christian threads have been prevalent on these boards for years.

[edit on 16-8-2010 by Sherlock Holmes]

posted on Aug, 16 2010 @ 10:40 PM
personally i lean towards the religious and political thread.
i'm tired of all these fake ufo threads.
i'd never ask to have them removed.
the span of interests here is what i think makes this board unique.

posted on Aug, 16 2010 @ 11:52 PM
I like the religious threads personally, but I don't even know why I waste my time talking to Christians. They really only want to hear opinions of other Christians and slide around the side implying I'm an antichrist or a minion of Satan.

Ok, whatever, I am an Antichrist and I am recruiting minions. How am I ever going to find minions or spread my master evil if there are no religious threads?

(All I REALLY ever said was LOVE ONE ANOTHER.)

Anyway, there's always a lot of exclusivity (Insert slayer music...join us...join us...join us....)

and basic all around tribal territory protecting in religious threads, I can see why some people want to avoid them.
Sounds good to me. Could still use those minions.

posted on Aug, 17 2010 @ 12:35 PM
When Jesus comes down from the mountian with muhammad and smites all the non-believers there will be no more fighting. That is a fact.

posted on Aug, 17 2010 @ 02:07 PM

Originally posted by Sherlock Holmes
I'm not religious, yet I stick up for Christianity, Islam, Buddhism etc., if I fear that they, or their believers, have been unfairly targeted by people ( especially by those with an intolerant axe to grind ).

I am exactly the same as you.

I like to see equality - which is why I often find myself going up against Christians on here. There are scant few Muslims on here to defend themselves, and more than is comfortable of the Christian variety. Muslims are very often unfairly targeted on ATS, and I don't like it. I'm an atheist - and proud of being free because of it. But I think it's unfair that the more vociferous Christian folks on here don't get pulled down a peg or two when very often their rank hipocrisy is apparent. But then - this conversation has been done, and done, and done, and done.

There are a lot of people on here that dislike / hate Muslims because they've been taught to. As the OP states, this doesn't add VALUE to the community, it parasitically lives from it. This is called IGNORANCE.

Believe it or not, I am good friends with a Baptist preachers daughter who believes a demon infested a snake in the garden of Eden and caused the fall of Adam and Eve. I don't despise her for it, or even think ill of her. It's her belief, and she only talks about it if asked a direct question. She is happy with her beliefs being private, with no need to evangelise or proselytize. I think she's a little koo-koo but hey, we're all unusual!

She is open-minded, kind and warm-hearted, which has absolutely nothing to do with her being a Christian - and a crazy Baptist to boot.

I know when someone is spreading nationalist hate, by pretending to be criticising religion - pick the religion that mostly belongs to the race you hate and bingo - you're not a racist, you're a pretend atheist. Yes, you all know who you are.

Wouldn't it be nice to be able to cut this sort of crap out of ATS and get to the truth? It IS out there you know?!?! Threads based on nothing but religious conviction are poison to the organism that is ATS.


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