Hm well feel free to say and believe what you will.. im not here to convince you or do your homework for you. I've just tried to share a few small
pieces of my personal experience, and I dont see where I've been condescending to others so maybe there is a misinterpretation of my words if you feel
so. I'm not trying to build or defend a credibility and I have no interest in playing games of the ego.. I just want to share from an honest place
with respect and passion. Obviously there are some things you have to get out and experience for yourself, or else you're not going to get very far in
understanding the matter at hand. This being a subject that goes for that, until people start looking into and pursuing for themselves the spiritual
(not religious) nature of reality, the greater picture of the world, these subjects are going to be seen through a very distorted lens. Because the
nature of NATURE itself is spiritual, and we being humans, and intimately a part of nature.. we ARE spiritual too, we are consciousness, and the
reality is that true spirituality, not dogma or doctrine, is a science of consciousness.
The photos of ultradimensional beings, such as the Mother Mary images, and the 'feline/sirian' beings, you must understand that these are not physical
dense bodies that posed for a camera. These beings can 'step down' vibrationally to manifest materially, however that manifestation is not necessarily
completely dense as our bodies are vibrationally.. It is possible for such beings to appear in the physical, I suspect that it takes a lot of energy
and it is also not practical unless there was a specific purpose.. You must try to understand that in their perspective they are 'out of time', out of
the box of linear space/time we are so accustomed to here.. They are mostly omnipresent beings, who are capable of traveling via consciousness (they
are not using rocketships to get to earth I'll tell you that!) They are out of the spectrum of visible light, but even we have aspects of our bodies
that are such.. For instance, our auras, our electromagnetic field around our bodies, expand way beyond the cells of our bodies. Because we don't see
something -under specific circumstance- does it mean it is not real? Then what is 'real' to you?
We are very much capable of sensing or expanding our senses to pick up frequencies 'normally' out of range. And there are instances where a camera or
some device can capture of pick up frequencies 'normally' invisible to our eyes.
The crisper of the two Mary photos, I personally took part in that event (included a clearing, meditation, and divination to contact/connect with
guides, higher self, and our cosmic family of humanity which includes a vast diversity of life forms in our universe mostly in other dimensions we
don't see with our eyes currently). They do exist, there are entire cultures, communities, that exist in other planes we currently do not see with our
eyes. Some communities are existing on our planet, and we are affecting on many levels (our pollution, our participation in the planetary health)- and
we can experience and participate with these beings. We have that opportunity before us. The point I was also making was that our future (earth's
future) consists of moving into a conscious lifestyle that intimately involves our participation with multidimensional earth, solar system & galaxy,
heck our multidimensional selves too!
rather than solely the 3D earth, 3D identity, etc.)
About the orb thing.. yes you can get orbs with dust and insects, etc. Of course, everybody knows this. But there are things that cannot be explained
by dust or insects.. Like I have watched orbs through 3rd generation night vision goggles many times, up at the ranch. And I've seen some pretty
interesting things on occasion. Like balls of light only visible through the night vision, even if it's still sort of bright out. There is obviously
nothing visible out there in front of us, but looking thru the goggles there will be this bright orb, brighter than any star in the sky and big,
looking sometimes the size of a baseball or a basketball, bobbing around stopping, going again, changing directions, or disappearing straight into the
ground. I don't believe dust or insects can do anything like that. Out of the entire field of vision, just one or a couple big bright balls of light
flying around just a hundred feet in front of us.
edit on 9-9-2010 by orazio because: forgot to mention a few things