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Ultradimensional UFO: James Gilliland and ECETI Censorship

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posted on Aug, 24 2010 @ 02:57 AM

Originally posted by torsion
reply to post by Komodo

Maybe I misunderstood you post but the implication seemed to be that you need a "lot of batteries" and that it is "odd" that you do so.

From that I inferred that your batteries were draining abnormally which is an often-used UFO encounter cliche.

Can you explain what you meant when you stated you need a lot of batteries and why that would be odd?

well, during our 2 day investigation, ALL digital devices had no batteries in them to ensure that the batteries were fresh when we were ready to use them. 20 mins after arriving, and putting fresh batteries, (out of the packages) in both camera's .. the batteries went completely dead.

2nd day, batteries in the flash lights went dead and one 2-way radio battery went dead as well, having to recharge the radio in the van.

45 mins after arriving, one digital camera wouldn't NOT turn on for 10 mins. it was 2 months old, and up to that time had ALWAYS operated at 100%. After 10 mins, it came on normally and never had a issue with it the entire time.

the first night there, we were at the observation area and got to talking to some people there and they all said.. "'s standard thing up here that batteries go dead the first day but, after the 2nd day or so, seems to go away."

I know Josh Gates's team of Destination Truth has had this happen as well.. but can't find the video.. i think it was the one at Chernobyl

posted on Aug, 24 2010 @ 02:42 PM

Originally posted by Komodo
the first night there, we were at the observation area and got to talking to some people there and they all said.. "'s standard thing up here that batteries go dead the first day but, after the 2nd day or so, seems to go away."

I know Josh Gates's team of Destination Truth has had this happen as well.. but can't find the video.. i think it was the one at Chernobyl

Also did you know when they were filming James' documentary "Contact Has Begun" the film crew had a really high end camera and equipment, with a battery fully charged with around 24-hour battery life and while filming the first interviews that day the battery went completely dead within a few hours.. they didn't bring any chargers expecting to be filming for only the weekend. So they got really frustrated with that, but I guess that there was something miraculous that happened because after a meditation, the batteries charged right up on their own!

[edit on 24-8-2010 by orazio]

posted on Aug, 25 2010 @ 05:01 AM
reply to post by orazio


after a meditation, the batteries charged right up on their own!


That's what always happens to me!

Maybe...maybe not

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 08:14 AM
From personal experience I believe that this James character is confused, at best. The orb shots are embarrassing and that video in the op's post is a bug. I grew up in the area, have climbed Mt. Adams and Mt. Hood and spent most of my adult life in the area, though I no longer live there.

What you have are generally city slickers coming out to his ranch who haven't spent much time outdoors, nor have they spent much time looking through night vision, so everything looks INCREDIBLE! It is incredible, mostly dust, pollen, insects and debris floating around on the wind.

There are a number of Air Force bases and used to see jets and other aircraft, very very low, flying over on a regular basis.

That doesn't mean I believe that there may not be some truth to the footage taken around Mt. Adams, but I think 99% of it is explainable, from everything that I have seen. What happens is that people like James adopt a New Age spiritual explanation to mundane things. That's fine. Whatever floats your boat.

I don't feel there is any censorship because the footage itself is absurd.

I know people that have gone to his ranch and taken "orb" photos, and blurry light pictures and are convinced that these are spiritual beings that are communicating with them. Ok. People see and believe what they want in the absence of evidence.

edit on 9-9-2010 by mthood because: spelling

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 10:54 AM
reply to post by orazio

Then explain why pretty much every single photograph taken by Kan; the Feline lady, the 'Mother Mary' the ball of light etc etc, are blurry?

There is not one shred of viable (or buyable) evidence in that video you posted, whatsoever Orazio. Now I'm not a 'disinfo' agent, I'm not a 'non-believer' in fact quite the opposite and I'd personally love to believe that there are really pretty half-feline looking alien beings out there (not in a pervy anime/hentai kind of way either!) But those 'photos' just do not cut the mustard, my friend.

Surely you can understand that when the 'artists rendition' of such a being is perfectly clear, but the filming of the 'photo' isn't, people are going to raise an eyebrow, scoff or laugh at it... And you getting utterly defensive and (not entirely accurately but still) "putting people down" or calling them 'dead wrong' because they can find no truth in a blurry image doesn't do you nor does it do the Ranch's credibility any favours.

Show me a copy of this photograph (any one of them), allow me to show it to a completely unbiased and indifferent image analysis expert, have him tell me it's not been messed with in ANY way, shape or form... Then there might be something to discuss on the matter.

edit on 9-9-2010 by Red3ye because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 04:35 PM
I agree that ATS didnt let us in on everything that went on that weekend although they covered the" lights on the mountain" very well.

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 04:37 PM
I went to ECETI this week. He is for real.

And yes, the other UFO people are very scared of him, because most other UFO people are into making money and getting glory.

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 04:48 PM

Originally posted by 19872012
I went to ECETI this week. He is for real.
And yes, the other UFO people are very scared of him, because most other UFO people are into making money and getting glory.


He is for real.

I would be very interested to know why you say "he is for real".

Kind regards
Maybe...maybe not

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 04:53 PM
I have a feeling the flapping wings and bird-like trajectory are clues to this mystery...

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 08:05 PM
Hm well feel free to say and believe what you will.. im not here to convince you or do your homework for you. I've just tried to share a few small pieces of my personal experience, and I dont see where I've been condescending to others so maybe there is a misinterpretation of my words if you feel so. I'm not trying to build or defend a credibility and I have no interest in playing games of the ego.. I just want to share from an honest place with respect and passion. Obviously there are some things you have to get out and experience for yourself, or else you're not going to get very far in understanding the matter at hand. This being a subject that goes for that, until people start looking into and pursuing for themselves the spiritual (not religious) nature of reality, the greater picture of the world, these subjects are going to be seen through a very distorted lens. Because the nature of NATURE itself is spiritual, and we being humans, and intimately a part of nature.. we ARE spiritual too, we are consciousness, and the reality is that true spirituality, not dogma or doctrine, is a science of consciousness.

The photos of ultradimensional beings, such as the Mother Mary images, and the 'feline/sirian' beings, you must understand that these are not physical dense bodies that posed for a camera. These beings can 'step down' vibrationally to manifest materially, however that manifestation is not necessarily completely dense as our bodies are vibrationally.. It is possible for such beings to appear in the physical, I suspect that it takes a lot of energy and it is also not practical unless there was a specific purpose.. You must try to understand that in their perspective they are 'out of time', out of the box of linear space/time we are so accustomed to here.. They are mostly omnipresent beings, who are capable of traveling via consciousness (they are not using rocketships to get to earth I'll tell you that!) They are out of the spectrum of visible light, but even we have aspects of our bodies that are such.. For instance, our auras, our electromagnetic field around our bodies, expand way beyond the cells of our bodies. Because we don't see something -under specific circumstance- does it mean it is not real? Then what is 'real' to you?
We are very much capable of sensing or expanding our senses to pick up frequencies 'normally' out of range. And there are instances where a camera or some device can capture of pick up frequencies 'normally' invisible to our eyes.
The crisper of the two Mary photos, I personally took part in that event (included a clearing, meditation, and divination to contact/connect with guides, higher self, and our cosmic family of humanity which includes a vast diversity of life forms in our universe mostly in other dimensions we don't see with our eyes currently). They do exist, there are entire cultures, communities, that exist in other planes we currently do not see with our eyes. Some communities are existing on our planet, and we are affecting on many levels (our pollution, our participation in the planetary health)- and we can experience and participate with these beings. We have that opportunity before us. The point I was also making was that our future (earth's future) consists of moving into a conscious lifestyle that intimately involves our participation with multidimensional earth, solar system & galaxy, heck our multidimensional selves too!
rather than solely the 3D earth, 3D identity, etc.)

About the orb thing.. yes you can get orbs with dust and insects, etc. Of course, everybody knows this. But there are things that cannot be explained by dust or insects.. Like I have watched orbs through 3rd generation night vision goggles many times, up at the ranch. And I've seen some pretty interesting things on occasion. Like balls of light only visible through the night vision, even if it's still sort of bright out. There is obviously nothing visible out there in front of us, but looking thru the goggles there will be this bright orb, brighter than any star in the sky and big, looking sometimes the size of a baseball or a basketball, bobbing around stopping, going again, changing directions, or disappearing straight into the ground. I don't believe dust or insects can do anything like that. Out of the entire field of vision, just one or a couple big bright balls of light flying around just a hundred feet in front of us.

edit on 9-9-2010 by orazio because: forgot to mention a few things

posted on Sep, 10 2010 @ 12:45 AM
reply to post by orazio

Its refreshing to hear first hand knowledge from someone who's been there
I still haven't been yet. As far as all the power ups are concerned: When I do go, if I see more than 5 power ups in a few hours I'm officially ruling out the satellite explanation provided to me by maybe. Or if I see them stop and change direction, split into two or many other things sats cant do. I like the new vid from the ranch that shows one following the ISS

edit on 9/10/2010 by Overtime because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 10 2010 @ 03:21 AM
The face of a lunatic


posted on Sep, 10 2010 @ 03:41 PM
megaladon do you have a problem? Why dont i post a picture of your face and say 'Here is a face of a troll'
but honestly. you have never met this person, or talked with him, so what do you really know.

"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident." That directly goes for the subjects of ET contact and bilateral communication that is an ongoing occurance in our lives, all of our lives, we just have not realized this in the masses yet. But when it does get to the third stage where things become self evident, the skeptics and those who want to find evidence to believe will sort of realize in some way the evidence was there all along they just weren't looking at it with the right 'reality points of reference'
Like i said in multiple posts here and before, when you pursue to know the truth internally rather than solely externally, using your heart as the guidestone, and your head as a tool, the truth is to be found there all along (the heart is the emperor and the mind is the general... the general does not see the bigger picture and only looks out for his soldiers, while the good emperor truly cares for all people and all the lands). The details of this and that prove to be insignificant in the bigger picture compared to what is really happening to you (the avatar or identity you created) our planet (earth), to our people (humanity), and truly to our dimension (physical universe)

Let me say this once more, the TRUE experience of Contact is occurring within your being, humanity is not alone in this universe, we have family out there, and here on this planet with us in other dimensions & realities. Yet despite being on a different frequency of the vibrational continuum, we are inevitably affecting one another and have opportunities to work together in harmony - we have this concept of what we expect to see to hear to feel, etc. but like I said, the whole universe is happening within and this outward projection is just that, a hologram of consciousness, and we are intimately involved in the dance of universal life. We are not insignificant dust in the great cosmos, we are not just a bag of chemicals and synapses, we are not a random product of mutations and unlikely circumstances, but we ARE here NOW for a purpose, a conscious choice of our god-self-being which we truly are.
Imagine waking up from a Lucid dream, that is what is occurring in a way, on our planet, humanity is waking up from the dream. And like a dreamer 'going Lucid', we are finding that reality and the future is what we make it, we are the artists, the brush is in our hands, the colors and shapes we can guide with our heart - an artist uses her/his heart to paint and create out of a blank canvas, a masterpiece.. please find that space and create harmony in your lives for yourself and those you care about.

edit on 10-9-2010 by orazio because: (no reason given)

edit on 10-9-2010 by orazio because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 10 2010 @ 04:45 PM

So what year did the terms Inter-dimensional and extra-dimensional go out of fashion and got replaced by the cooler more impressive,and most-est real sounding 'Ultra-dimensional'.

Inter-dimensional is a word with meaning, ie more or less moving or possessing a state between dimensions... Ultra-dimensional is a load of bollocks word meaning, id assume 'more than dimensional' (and im sure some person will find a wiki page with the definition of Ultra-Dimensional sometime in the next 10 posts or so to justify its use as a term).

I mean come on, its like those who spout off millions of years when talking about 'their' true alien history of choice simply because the more 0's you throw at some race or civilization the more believable it sounds to the weak of mind.

Whats next... talk and video of Mega-dimensional UFO's?.. Yes but these UFO's have electrolytes! **poses like a show girl on a afternoon game show**

I swear i have less to do with UFO's every damn day, the field is just going beyond ridiculous at the moment.

edit on 10-9-2010 by BigfootNZ because: Brain fart

posted on Sep, 10 2010 @ 05:41 PM

edit on 10-9-2010 by orazio because: Sorry, double post

posted on Sep, 10 2010 @ 05:41 PM
Well with all respect I don't think you should get all huffy about 'terms' they are just words and nothing more. Why does that have to be such a big deal?
Terms are always being interchanged and you know there are many languages and cultures on our planet so terms vary dramatically although meaning is usually very similar.
Extra, Ultra, etc. it is all meaning the same thing - beyond or extreme, so the word Terrestrial means a sentient being. Since we are used to using these terms.. Im sure we can all understand what we're trying to refer to without getting lost in translation.
So when I use Ultra'dimensional' (to me is the same as Extradimensional) for instance, I'm referring to beings who reside in higher dimensions of the universe, some of which are entirely beyond physical forms, as the higher dimensional planes are pure light and sound at least to what I have gathered and experienced.. Also I'm referring to beings who may or may not exist on Earth, just in a different dimension of Earth. So if they exist on Earth we just are not aware of them are they Extra-terrestrial? Are you and I Extra-terrestrial?? See they are just terms, don't get too caught up in it.

edit on 10-9-2010 by orazio because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 10 2010 @ 06:17 PM
link me it does look like a bird, an owl perhaps. I'm pretty sure I've seen wings it must be...

a UFO.

posted on Sep, 10 2010 @ 10:36 PM

Originally posted by BigfootNZ

So what year did the terms Inter-dimensional and extra-dimensional go out of fashion and got replaced by the cooler more impressive,and most-est real sounding 'Ultra-dimensional'.

Depends which charlatan is spinning you the yarn and feeding you the crap.

Gilliland uses inter-dimensional and Greer uses transdimensional.

Both guys make up their own pseudo-science in order to fool enough fools to fund a decent lifestyle and massage their narcissism. Gilliland exploits religious belief too by pretending that Jesus and the Virgin Mary live on the ranch with him.

posted on Sep, 10 2010 @ 11:40 PM

Originally posted by orazio

megaladon do you have a problem? Why dont i post a picture of your face and say 'Here is a face of a troll'
but honestly. you have never met this person, or talked with him, so what do you really know.

Yeah i have a problem, i have a problem with lunatics that make outrageous assumptions that they are being Censored by ATS and the good people with a like minded interest, who gave him the time and investigation. I have a problem with people who knowingly know the difference between a bug, bird, and a UFO then seek publicity. Troll? Hardly all though im blunt and can be quite abrasive in my opinions at least im honest with myself and others. I have grown intolerant of ignorance and the sensationalism being spread by these types. And i believe James Gilliland started out as a legitimate researcher and like many has sunk in to the lunatic fringe of sensationalism. His heart may be in the right place but his mind is in another. So im calling it lunacy yes. Spare me the song and dance how the man is a victim.


edit on 10-9-2010 by theMegaladon because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 10 2010 @ 11:52 PM
Then I suppose there is no further discussion necessary you guys go your way and each to their own. Ultimately we will meet and converge as we are living in the times of great transformation and awakening.

It's just funny that people are so into finding the truth about 'Are We Alone?' when there is so much to explore right in front of their eyes. It's ignorant to ignore the obvious. Yes use discernment, dont take other's words as the tell-all truth but find the truth for yourself that's all you really need to do! Good luck and happy living

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