posted on Aug, 15 2010 @ 10:43 PM
Wow, that's a tough one to comprehend, but if I get your question, my view is YES.
There is a phenomenon called the collective unconscious, coined by Carl Jung, that describes an inherent knowledge base that most humans are privy to.
The themes and symbols from this knowledge and experience permeate their way into our thinking, our creative product, our communication and our
comprehension of stories, ideas and experiences. This is, by and large, mostly on a subconscious level and describes why so many people can relate
with the plots and ideas present in a story with a seemingly myopic theme.
This is a concept originated by Jung and further developed by many others including Joseph Campbell. It is not a fact.
But if you believe it to be true, it's not hard to imagine at all that, consciously or not, there are collective themes running through not just
comic books, but all books ... or for that matter, all communication. Subliminal persuasion could also be a method of attempting to connect with the
collective unconscious and to influence you without interacting with your actual consciousness.
I am sure people (whether they are TPTB, NWO, MiB, Madison Av., whatever) utilize these concepts, whether diabolically or not, to embellish or empower
the stories they tell and to reach their audience, not just on a personal level, but on a deeply-entranced sociological level, too.