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Why Disclosure May Not (And Probably Will Not) Happen

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posted on Aug, 15 2010 @ 06:27 PM
After I read this article, I think "Non-disclosure" is more realistic than Disclosure. As Grant Cameron says at the end of this article: "Government and control groups are, however, much like people. They will procrastinate until forced to end the present policy. Until they are pressed into a corner they will continue to believe that it will be better to let sleeping dogs lie."

So what do you think?

The article is too long, so I put here only titles of "65 reasons". To read in full, follow the link.

The Reasons Why the Government Might Have Chosen not to Disclose the ET Reality
Written by Grant Cameron
Saturday, 08 August 2009 19:42
65 reasons, in short (to read in full, follow the link above):
"The reason by the forces that control the cover-up might be one (or a combination) of the following points."
1. Complexity.
2. National Security.
3. Don’t Know What To Do.
4. Fear.
5. In-House Secrecy.
6. Alien Cover-up: The aliens are covering up as well.
7. Alien Masters: The aliens are in fact in charge.
8. Government Gridlock.
9. Population Resistance.
10. People Don’t Care.

Source - for the remainder of the 65

[edit on 15-8-2010 by sergejsh]

Added proper external source tags and removed excessive copy/paste.
Please read: Posting work written by others.

[edit on August 15th 2010 by greeneyedleo]

posted on Aug, 15 2010 @ 06:34 PM
reply to post by sergejsh

compound words (third grade stuff)



or is my math wrong?

all the reasons shared for not sharing disclosure is merely excuses to maintain what control tptb think they have.

um, ... #45 says "president as goat".

that one realy grabbed my attention! can't have that!

[edit on 15-8-2010 by Esoteric Teacher]

posted on Aug, 15 2010 @ 06:41 PM
I agree. If there's anything to disclose, it's not going to happen.

It would cause a breakdown of public opinion of the government and would give increased credibility to dozens of other conspiracy theories, since one would become admittedly true.

The US government would never do this.

If the government is hiding something pertaining to aliens, look for it only to be disclosed through an event of "first contact."

I.E, the US government announces we've made "first contact" with aliens, although first contact may have been made decades ago. You'll never see a retroactive admission to alien contact.

That's my 2 cents.

posted on Aug, 15 2010 @ 06:43 PM
I've said this before....the government is not in control of when and where the aliens will disclose themselves. How could they limit the power of something that is more technologically advanced then us? They can't even enforce immigration laws for crying out loud!

posted on Aug, 15 2010 @ 06:51 PM
What would actually be disclosed?

Is it plausible that maybe all the ufo's are just man-made secret craft?

Dont we even have ufo sightings where people even have read markings on them that were of the ENGLISH language?

Perhaps its that simple? Maybe?

posted on Aug, 15 2010 @ 06:53 PM
reply to post by sergejsh

The reason disclosure may not happen is (in my humble opinion) because they will have to admit they lied to the public, that people were murdered to keep the secret, and so on.

The only way disclosure will happen is to give all the people involved a untouchable status. The public promising that noone will be prosecuted.
I can imagine the people involved would want to get the truth out but can't because of the public reprecussions.
Million dollar lawsuits anyone?

posted on Aug, 15 2010 @ 06:55 PM
reply to post by locster

I see your point locster, but think of it this way....after a grand disclosure you really think people will be worried about lawsuits and such??? that would be a huge paradigm shift for the entire world, i would think people would be more concerned about shifting their consciousness and other alien self help tips

posted on Aug, 15 2010 @ 07:01 PM
reply to post by The Endtime Warrior

Well i can imagine a person finding out the goverment murdered their loved one will be looking for "vengeance".
I do agree that a paradigm shift will take place, but would it be enough for a person to forgive murder of a loved one?

posted on Aug, 15 2010 @ 07:26 PM
reply to post by locster

I suppose you're right, didn't think of it that way. Assuming most of the world would be in spiritual/alien rapture from that point on, and those people seeking vengeance would be in the minority, do you think anybody would listen?

posted on Aug, 15 2010 @ 07:38 PM

Originally posted by The Endtime Warrior
reply to post by locster

I suppose you're right, didn't think of it that way. Assuming most of the world would be in spiritual/alien rapture from that point on, and those people seeking vengeance would be in the minority, do you think anybody would listen?

No probably not and i can imagine the goverment would lose all its power, so i have to agree with you there.

Would be most of the world be in spiritual / alien rapture?
I can imagine some religious people will see aliens as the demons.
I wonder how many groups humanity will be divided in once disclosure happens.

I think some groups might not be so glad aliens landed. And they could even be right, considering aliens are probably much more advanced, it would be hard for humans to grasp their motivations and agenda.

posted on Aug, 15 2010 @ 07:42 PM
perhaps disclosure won't happen because there is nothing to disclose?

posted on Aug, 15 2010 @ 07:47 PM

Originally posted by locster
Would be most of the world be in spiritual / alien rapture?
I can imagine some religious people will see aliens as the demons.
I wonder how many groups humanity will be divided in once disclosure happens.

You hit the nail on the head, locster. One man's red is another man's pink. The evidence will be open to interpretation. Show me one thing in the history of humanity that everyone AGREES on....that's right, nothing. I had given my opinion on another thread

Will you lose your faith after 12/21/12?

Take a look, then again, maybe you already did...

posted on Aug, 15 2010 @ 08:05 PM
reply to post by The Endtime Warrior

I did and you are right. Everybody just assumes everyone will be pointing in the same direction.
And if disclosure would happen, that would pose a big problems, since the people won't be distracted by the money long enough.

posted on Aug, 15 2010 @ 08:07 PM
reply to post by locster

We really can learn a lot about our past.....the times may have changed but the human intellect has not

posted on Aug, 15 2010 @ 08:13 PM
We would disclose here on Earth if the President wanted to have control over all the people. He would implement his whole power to override the whole government body to take control as all those who deny Ets even existed would freak out which I think is about 3/4 of the world who are skeptics about ETs. This is the only reason I see us here disclosing.

And as for ETs, the Zetans and the Reptilians will not disclose unless the fate of the earth was set up for probable extinction. This oil spill was a close call. WW3 would not be cause for ETs disclosure as there are species who can disable nukes anytime they please. Look at the reason why you see a number of ufos around nuclear power plants. Not only for energy but they are there to scan progress on the plants as there are such advancements in technology now a days, they like to keep up on current standings.

posted on Aug, 15 2010 @ 08:25 PM
i think the main problem of disclosure, is once disclosed you could never put it back in the box. you cannot take it back. the people would be relentless for detail and to want to touch and feel.

the topic would take over every aspect of the world.

but on the other side? i think just like every thing else, it would eventually lose its appeal and interest and life would eventually go back to normal.

if the government was just to send the original Roswell crash to the Smithsonian for permanent display and tell the people the rest was under national security, the people might find content to just be happy they weren't all nuts.

just think what kinda boost it would give to the scientific community and the private sector in research and development if allowed to investigate?

posted on Aug, 15 2010 @ 11:33 PM

Originally posted by Baloney
Is it plausible that maybe all the ufo's are just man-made secret craft?

Not all UFOs man-made. This can't explain all the cases, forms of UFOs and different entities.

But this is one of the reasons why Disclosure may not happen.

posted on Aug, 15 2010 @ 11:43 PM

Originally posted by raivo
perhaps disclosure won't happen because there is nothing to disclose?

Browse through some websites and decide by yourself. For example:

posted on Aug, 15 2010 @ 11:47 PM
i agree disclosure will not happen, 5 reasons why 0ne;TPTB would lose control of the masses. Two; Technology would be thrown away. Three; people would start smoking again. Four; our money would be wroth less, as in not worth one red cent. Five; everyone would want a space ship ride and would not want to come back.

[edit on 16-8-2010 by bekod]

posted on Aug, 16 2010 @ 12:01 AM
Disclosure will never happen because the government is not in the business of relieving people of their comforting beliefs. Take that as you will.

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