posted on Jun, 19 2004 @ 03:43 PM
Hey Falco, welcome aboard. There are three main boards in the forum. Abovetopsecret (the best one) (ATS) which is for all things about conspiracy
(with board questions/business lumped in) with a secret forum (ooh mystical huh?) which you must get 3500 points to enter . There are catagorys of
every aspect of conspiracy (alien, science, politics, military, weapons...etc)
There is belowtopsecret (BTS) which has all non-related to conspiracy chitter-chatter, in many catagorys. The mian chit caht forum is here, and also
the RANT forum which you may find useful!
ATSNN is the abovetopsecret news portal. Go here for the latest news and analysis of current events. The sister site of ATSNN is TerrorAnalysis which
foucses on the 'war on terror'.
There is a breif rundown of the forums. Enjoy